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Generated: Tue Feb 2 17:54:40 2010 from 2006/06/14 4.3 KB.

#   --------
#   This will retrieve all IP Addresses that are bound
#   to network devices on a specified machine. This includes IPs that are
#   bound to any NIC (network card, RAS dail up, etc).
#   If a particular NIC specifies (typically to indicate that the
#   NIC will request an IP via DHCP, PPP, etc) it will be ignored.
#   ALL IPs are discovered even on cards that are disabled.
#   Syntax:
#       perl [Machine Name]
#   Examples:
#       perl
#       perl \\server
#   1999.03.09  roth
#   Permission is granted to redistribute and modify this code as long as 
#   the below copyright is included.
#   Copyright © 1999 by Dave Roth
#   Courtesty of Roth Consulting
use Win32::Registry;
%KeyName = (
    serviceroot         =>  'System\CurrentControlSet\Services',
    tcplink             =>  'Tcpip\Linkage',
    tcplink_disabled    =>  'Tcpip\Linkage\Disabled',
    tcpparam            =>  'Tcpip\Parameters',
    deviceparam_tcp     =>  'Parameters\Tcpip',
if( $Machine = $ARGV[0] )
    $HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->Connect( $Machine, $Root ) || die "Could not connect to the registry on '$Machine'\n";
if( $Root->Open( $KeyName{serviceroot}, $ServiceRoot ) )
    # Get the device names of the cards tcp is bound to...
    if( $ServiceRoot->Open( $KeyName{tcplink}, $Links ) )
        my( $Data );
        if( $Links->QueryValueEx( "Bind", $DataType, $Data ) )
            $Data =~ s/\n/ /gs;
            $Data =~ s/\\Device\\//gis;
            $Data =~ s/^\s+(.*)\s+$/$1/gs;
            push( @Devices, ( split( /\c@/, $Data ) ) );
   print "So far got ".scalar @Devices . " using $KeyName{tcplink} ...\n";
    # Get the device names of cards that tcp is bound to but disabled...
    if( $ServiceRoot->Open( $KeyName{tcplink_disabled}, $Links ) )
        my( $Data );
        if( $Links->QueryValueEx( "Bind", $DataType, $Data ) )
            $Data =~ s/\s+//gs;
            $Data =~ s/\\Device\\//gis;
            push( @Devices, ( split( /\c@/, $Data ) ) );
   print "So far got ".scalar @Devices . " using $KeyName{tcplink_disabled} ...\n";
    foreach $DeviceName ( @Devices )
        my( $DeviceTCPKey );
        if( $ServiceRoot->Open( "$DeviceName\\$KeyName{deviceparam_tcp}", $DeviceTCPKey ) )
            my( @CardIPs, @CardSubNets );
            my( $Data, $iCount, $IPAddress );
            # Get the IP addresses...
            if( $DeviceTCPKey->QueryValueEx( "IPAddress", $DataType, $Data ) )
                $Data =~ s/\s+//gm;
                push( @CardIPs, ( split( /\c@/, $Data ) ) );
            # Get the Subnet masks...
            if( $DeviceTCPKey->QueryValueEx( "SubnetMask", $DataType, $Data ) )
                $Data =~ s/\s+//gm;
                push( @CardSubNets, ( split( /\c@/, $Data ) ) );
         print "On $DeviceName\\$KeyName{deviceparam_tcp} -\n";
         print "got " . scalar @CardIPs . " CardIPs ...\n";
         print "and " . scalar @CardSubNets . " CardSubNets ...\n";
            # Push our new found data onto the stack...
            $iCount = 0;
                my( %Hash );
                # We don't want since it means the IP will be procured via DHCP or something...
                if ($_ eq '') {
               print "Discarding blank ...\n";
                # next if( $_ eq '' );
                $Hash{ip} = $_;
                $Hash{subnet} = $CardSubNets[$iCount];
                push( @IP, \%Hash );
            } ( @CardIPs );
        } else {
         print "Unable to open $DeviceName\\$KeyName{deviceparam_tcp} ...\n";
    print "This machine $Machine has the following ". scalar @IP . " IP addresses:\n";
    foreach $IPStruct ( @IP )
        print "\t$IPStruct->{ip} \t(subnet: $IPStruct->{subnet})\n";
### eof -

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