to HTML.

index -|- end

Generated: Tue Feb 2 17:54:53 2010 from 2007/07/31 62.2 KB.

# AIM: Convert PHP file sources to colour coded HTML
# - 2006.09.13
# 31/07/2007 - add some more WARNINGS to output
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::stat; # to get the file date
use File::Copy; # to copy from an existing background file - see $jpg_file
require '' or die "Unable to load ...\n";
# log file stuff
my ($LF);
my $outfile = 'temp.'.$0.'.txt';
prt( "$0 ... Hello, World ...\n" );
my $in_folder = 'C:\GTools\php';
my $out_folder = 'temp2';
my $indexhtm = 'index.htm';
# other USER variables
my $skipexisting = 1;   # skip writing file, if it EXISTS already, and source OLDER
my $debug_on = 0;   # set to do only 1
my $tab_space = '   '; # note tabs to 3 spaces - change if desired
my @dirfiles = ();   # set of directory files and folders
my @php_list = ();   # just the PHP files offset 0=name 1=date 2=size
my @ind_files = (); # push(@ind_files, [$nf, $in_date, $in_size, $in_file]); 
my $wrap = 5; # table wrap
# Load of HTM tags and PHP reserved words and built-in
my $html_stx = 'C:/Program Files/EditPlus 2/html.stx';
my $php_stx = 'C:/Program Files/EditPlus 2/php.stx';
# if in HTML (default)
#if ($kw == 1) {
my @stxHTM = ();
#} elsif ($kw == 2) {
my @stxATT = ();
#} elsif ($kw == 3) {
my @stxSPL = ();
#else in PHP
#if ($kw == 1) {
my @stxRW = ();
#} elsif ($kw == 2) {
my @stxBI = (); # like @BuiltIns;
#} elsif ($kw == 3) {
my @stxVA = ();
my %HFuncsFnd = ();   # set of FOUND builtin functions
my %HResWdFnd = (); # reserved words used
my @AFileNames = (); # for each output file, with hash of functions
my @AFileHashs = (); # for each output file, with hash of functions
my %HOldbifs = ();   # old BIF, from previous index, if any
my $m_doctype = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"'."\n".
my @existing = ();
my $tot_files = 0;
my $tot_dirs = 0;
my $out_total = 0;
my $doc_total = 0;
# a back ground file
my $jpg_file = 'cldsphp.jpg';
# background SOURCE and DESTINATION of background file
my $jpg_src = "c:/HOMEPAGE/P26/php/$jpg_file";
my $jpg_des = "$out_folder/$jpg_file";
# validation file
my $v401_file = 'valid-html401.gif';
# validation SOURCE and DESTINATION of validation file
my $v401_src = "c:/HOMEPAGE/P26/mperl/$v401_file";
my $v401_des = "$out_folder/$v401_file";
my $latest = 0;
my $earliest = time();
my $in_index = "$out_folder/$indexhtm";   # = something line 'index.htm';
my $skipped = 0; # older or same
my $newercnt = 0;   # source is NEWER - re-write file
my $newcnt = 0;   # does NOT previously exist
# debug output only
my $dbg1 = 0;
my $dbg2 = 0;
my $dbg3 = 0;
my $dbg4 = 0;
my $dbg5 = 0;   # show line bits
my $dbg6 = 0;   # convert to HTML
my $dbg7 = 0;   # convert spaces
my $dbg8 = 0;   # parse PHP quote
my $dbg9 = 0;   # get_following
my $dbg10 = 0;   # out each line
my $dbg11 = 0;   # out each new line
my $dbg12 = 0;   # out PHP enter/exit nline
my $dbg13 = 0;   # out COM enter/exit line
my $dbg14 = 0;   # out full PHP lines
my $dbg15 = 0;   # add metas to handle
my $dbg16 = 1;   # get outfile line count, by re-reading what was WRITTEN already
my $verb3 = 0;   # debug the compare
my $verb4 = 0;   # debug the dateindex table
# these are really just DEBUG counters
my ($a_cnt, $b_cnt, $c_cnt, $d_cnt, $e_cnt, $f_cnt, $o_cnt, $v_cnt, $q_cnt);
my $add_table = 0;
my $add_chart = 0;
my $add_pre = 1;
my $conv_space = 0;
my $in_size = 0;
my $in_date = 0;
my $in_file = '';
my $in_php = 0;
my $in_com = 0;
my $got_gt = 0;
my $php = '';
my $com = '';
my $htm = '';
my $bit = '';
my $ist = 0;
my @lnbits = ();
my $len = 0;
my $alen = 0;
my $blen = 0;
my @nlines = ();
my $ii = 0;
my $ch = '';
my $nline = '';
my $g_lc = 0;
my $g_olc = 0;
my $g_line = '';
my $htmtag = '';
# set the CLASS and COLOUR strings
my $a_class = 'a'; # built-in function (red)
my $b_class = 'b'; # comments (#006666)
my $c_class = 'c'; # reserved words (blue)
my $d_class = 'd'; # inside qw(...)
my $e_class = 'e'; # $scalar (#9400d3)
my $f_class = 'f'; # in <<EOF...EOF block (#666666)
my $o_class = 'o'; # @array  (#008b8b - was #FFA500)
my $v_class = 'v'; # %hash (#a52a2a - was #808000)
my $t_class = 't'; # quoted - single and double (#006600)
my $a_color = 'red';
my $b_color = '#006666';
my $c_color = 'blue';
my $d_color = '#a52a2a';
my $e_color = '#9400d3';
my $f_color = '#666666';
my $o_color = '#008b8b';
my $v_color = '#a52a2a';
my $t_color = '#006600';
######## keep the OLD index
### this is needed IF files have been DELETED ...
my $oi_tblcnt = 0;
my $tbl_num = 1;
my $tbl_num3 = 3;
my @tbl_arr = ();
my @tbl_arr3 = ();
my @tbl_set = ();
my @tbl_set3 = ();
my $no_index = 0;
my $dbg20 = 0; # get_table_array()
my $dbg21 = 0;
my $dbg22 = 0; # href found in old index.htm
my $dbg23 = 0;
my $dbg24 = 0;
my $oi_tacnt = 0;
my $oi_tacnt3 = 0;
my @oi_larr = ();
my @oi_larr2 = ();
my @oi_hrefs = ();
# search the @stxBI array for an entry
sub is_built_in($) {
   my ($t) = shift;
   foreach my $rw (@stxBI) {
      if ($t eq $rw) {
         return 1;
   return 0;
sub transfer_old_table3() {
   $oi_tacnt3 = scalar @tbl_set3;
   if ($oi_tacnt3 > 0) {
      prt( "Collected $oi_tacnt3 in \@tbl_set3 ... need to intialise built-in hash ...\n" );
      ## load into my %HOldbifs = ();
      my $elimcnt = 0;
      my $elimcnt2 = 0;
      for (my $i = 0; $i < $oi_tacnt3; $i++) {
         my $bif = $tbl_set3[$i][0];
         my $fss = $tbl_set3[$i][1];
         if (is_built_in($bif)) {
            # each new htm file written is kept in -
            # push(@AFileNames, $ind_file   );
            # and for each of these a new hash of built ins has been kept
            # push(@AFileHashs, \%th); # store the functions used ...
            # so these files can be (safely) eliminated, since they will be added later
            foreach my $nhf (@AFileNames) {
               if ($fss =~ /$nhf/i) {
                  $fss =~ s/$nhf//;
            $fss = trim_line($fss);
            if (length($fss)) {
               if (exists $HOldbifs{$bif}) {
                  prt("\nWARNING: [$bif] appears DUPLICATED ...\n had=[".$HOldbifs{$bif}."\nadding [$fss]\n\n");
                  $HOldbifs{$bif} .= $fss;
               } else {
                  $HOldbifs{$bif} = $fss;
            } else {
         } else {
            prt("WARNING: DISCARDING [$bif] - NOT BUILT-IN!\n");
      my $nwcnt = scalar keys %HOldbifs;
      if ($elimcnt > 0) {
         prt( "Elimated old files $elimcnt times, avoiding $elimcnt2 bifs being added...\n" );
      prt( "Done $oi_tacnt3 in \@tbl_set3 ... now $nwcnt in \%HOldbifs ...\n" );
sub mark_old_index($) {
   my ($f) = shift;
   my $tsc = scalar @tbl_set;
   for (my $i = 0; $i < $tsc; $i++ ) {
      if ($tbl_set[$i][0] eq $f) {
         $tbl_set[$i][7] = 1;
sub get_table_array {
   my $fnd = 0;
   my $lncnt = scalar @oi_larr2;
   for (my $i = 0; $i < $lncnt ; $i++) {
      my $ln = $oi_larr2[$i]; # extract a line
      chomp $ln; # remove LF (\n)
      $ln =~ s/\r$//; # and remove CR, if present
      if ($ln =~ /<table.*>/i) {
         prt( "FOUND TABLE: [$ln] ...\n" ) if ($dbg20);
         $oi_tblcnt++; # bump table counter
         if ($oi_tblcnt == $tbl_num) {
            prt( "Is my TABLE [$oi_tblcnt] ...\n" ) if ($dbg20);
            if ( !($ln =~ /<\/table>/i) ) {
               $i++; # move to next line
               for ( ; $i < $lncnt; $i++) {
                  $ln = $oi_larr2[$i]; # extract a line
                  chomp $ln; # remove LF (\n)
                  $ln =~ s/\r$//; # and remove CR, if present
                  if ( $ln =~ /<\/table>/i ) {
                     prt( "END TABLE $tbl_num: [$ln] ...\n" ) if ($dbg20);
         } elsif ($oi_tblcnt == $tbl_num3) {
            prt( "Is my TABLE [$oi_tblcnt] ...\n" ) if ($dbg20);
            if ( !($ln =~ /<\/table>/i) ) {
               $i++; # move to next line
               for ( ; $i < $lncnt; $i++) {
                  $ln = $oi_larr2[$i]; # extract a line
                  chomp $ln; # remove LF (\n)
                  $ln =~ s/\r$//; # and remove CR, if present
                  if ( $ln =~ /<\/table>/i ) {
                     prt( "END TABLE $tbl_num3: [$ln] ...\n" ) if ($dbg20);
   return $fnd;
sub process_tbl_arr() {
   my $cc = 0;
   for (my $i = 0; $i < $oi_tacnt ; $i++) {
      my $ln = $tbl_arr[$i]; # extract a line
      if ($ln =~ /<td.*>/i) {
         while ( !($ln =~ /<\/td>/i) ) {
            if ($i < $oi_tacnt) {
               $ln .= ' '.$tbl_arr[$i]; # extract a line
            } else {
         # got begin and end of <td>...</td> block
         if ($ln =~ /(<td.*?>)(.*)(<\/td>)/i) {
            my $tds = $1;
            my $inb = $2;
            my $tde = $3;
            # like Line [<td><a href="adjrt01.htm">adjrt01.htm</a> <br>2006/05/23 <br>10,213</td>] = 
            # [<td>][<a href="adjrt01.htm">adjrt01.htm</a> <br>2006/05/23 <br>10,213][</td>] ...
            prt( "Line [$ln] = \nBlocks [$tds][$inb][$tde] ...\n" ) if ($dbg21);
            ###if ($inb =~ /<a\s*href=\"(.*)\">(.*)<\/a>/) {
            ##if ($inb =~ /<a\s*href=\"(.*)\">(.*)<\/a>\s*<br>(\d{4}\S*)\s*<br>/i) {
            #if ($inb =~ /<a\s*href=\"(.*)\">(.*)<\/a>\s*<br>(\d{4}\S*)\s*<br>(\d{1}\S*)/i) {
            if ($inb =~ /<a\s*href=\"(.*)\">(.*)<\/a>\s*<br>(\d{4}\S*)\s*<br>(\d{1}\S*)\s*/i) {
               my $hrf = $1;
               my $fil = $2;
               my $dt = $3;
               my $sz = $4;
               my ($yr, $mt, $dy) = split(/\//,$dt);
               ###$sz =~ s/,//g;
               #               0     1     2    3    4    5    6    7
               push(@tbl_set, [$hrf, $fil, $dt, $sz, $yr, $mt, $dy, 0]);
               prt("href=[$hrf], file=[$fil], date=[$dt][$yr][$mt][$dy], size=[$sz]...\n") if ($dbg22);
            } else {
               prt("HREF not found - CHECK!\n") if ($dbg22);
sub process_tbl_arr3() {
   my $cc = 0;
   my $ff = 0; # since just two columns - flip flop
   my $bif = '';
   my $fil = '';
   for (my $i = 0; $i < $oi_tacnt3 ; $i++) {
      my $ln = $tbl_arr3[$i]; # extract a line
      if ($ln =~ /<td.*>/i) {
         $cc = length($ln);
         prt( "$i - Line [$ln] $cc...\n" ) if ($dbg24);
         while ( !($ln =~ /<\/td>/i) ) {
            if ($i < $oi_tacnt3) {
               $ln .= ' '.$tbl_arr3[$i]; # extract a line
            } else {
         if ($cc != length($ln)) {
            $cc = length($ln);
            prt( "$i - Line [$ln] $cc...\n" ) if ($dbg24);
         # got begin and end of <td>...</td> block
         # 2006.09.11 '?' added to STOP greedy parsing
         if ($ln =~ /(<td.*?>)(.*)(<\/td>)/i) {
            my $tds = $1;
            my $inb = $2;
            my $tde = $3;
            prt( "$i - td[$tds] in[$inb] te[$tde]...\n" ) if ($dbg24);
            if ($ff > 0) {
               $fil = collectoi_hrefs($inb, 1); # remove HREF
               $fil = trim_line($fil);
               if (is_built_in($bif)) {
                  push(@tbl_set3, [$bif, $fil, 0]);
                  prt( " push(\@tbl_set3, [$bif, $fil, 0]); ...\n" ) if ($dbg23);
               } else {
                  if (($bif =~ /unused/i)||($bif =~ /missed/i)) {
                     prt( " Advice: Skipping [$bif] ...\n" ) if ($dbg23);
                  } else {
                     prt( " Advice: Skipping [$bif] - NOT BUILT IN FUNCTION!\n" );
               $ff = 0;
            } else {
               $bif = $inb;
               $bif =~ s/\[//;
               $bif =~ s/\]//;
               $bif = trim_line($bif);
               if ($bif =~ /<.*?>(.*?)<\/.*?>/) {
                  $bif = trim_line($1);
               $ff = 1;
         } else {
            prt( "CHECK ME: Missed <td> ... </td> \n");
sub get_old_index($) {
   my ($ind) = shift;
   $oi_tacnt = 0;
   $oi_tacnt3 = 0;
   my $ln = '';
   my $lncnt = 0;
   if (open IF, "<$ind") {
      @oi_larr = <IF>; # slurp it all in ...
      $lncnt = scalar @oi_larr;
      prt( "Got $lncnt lines to process ... from [$ind]\n" );
      ###write2file( join('',@oi_larr), 'tempout.txt');
      $ln = tag2newline( join('',@oi_larr), 'td' );
      ###$ln = tag2newline( $ln, 'br' );
      @oi_larr2 = split(/\n/, $ln);
      ###write2file( join("\n",@oi_larr2), 'tempout3.txt');
      if (get_table_array()) {
         $oi_tacnt = scalar @tbl_arr;
         $oi_tacnt3 = scalar @tbl_arr3;
         prt( "Got $oi_tacnt and $oi_tacnt3 lines to process ... from [$ind]...\n" );
      } else {
         prt( "Failed to find table $tbl_num or $tbl_num3 ... in [$ind]...\n" );
   } else {
      prt( "Warning: Failed to open $ind ...\n" );
      $no_index = 1;
   if ($oi_tacnt > 0) {
   } else {
      prt( "Warning: Failed to load table $tbl_num ...\n" );
   if ($oi_tacnt3 > 0) {
   } else {
      prt( "Warning: Failed to load table $tbl_num3 ...\n" );
# COPIED OUT OF, since I do NOT want to include it, just now ...
sub tag2newline { # ($txt2,'td');
   my ($txt, $tag) = @_;
   my $len = length($txt);
   my $ntxt = '';
   my $i;
   my $ch = '';
   my $ft = '';
   my $lcnt = 0;
   for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) {
      $ch = substr($txt,$i,1);
      if ($lcnt && ($ch eq '<')) {
         $ft = $ch;
         for ( ; $i < $len; $i++ ) {
            $ch = substr($txt,$i,1);
            $ft .= $ch;
            if ($ch eq '>') {
               if ($ft =~ /^<$tag/i) {
                  $ft = "\n".$ft;
         $ntxt .= $ft;
      } else {
         $ntxt .= $ch;
         if ($ch eq "\n") {
            $lcnt = 0;
         } else {
   return $ntxt;
sub collectoi_hrefs {
   my ($txt,$del) = @_;
   my $ntxt = '';
   my $len = length($txt);
   my $ch = '';
   my $hrf = '';
   my $i;
   for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
      $ch = substr($txt,$i,1);
      if ($ch eq '<') {
         $hrf = $ch;
         for ( ; $i < $len; $i++) {
            $ch = substr($txt,$i,1);
            $hrf .= $ch;
            if ($ch eq '>') {
         if ($hrf =~ /^<a\s/i) {
            if ($del == 0) {
               $ntxt .= $hrf;
            ### prt("Got [$hrf] ...\n");
            if ($hrf =~ /href=["'](\S+)["']./i) {
               $hrf = $1;
               ### prt("Got [$hrf] ...\n");
         } elsif ($hrf =~ /^<\/a>$/i) {
            if ($del == 0) {
               $ntxt .= $hrf;
         } else {
            $ntxt .= $hrf;
      } else {
         $ntxt .= $ch;
   return $ntxt;
### subs
# built-in functions
# my $a_class = 'a'; # built-in function (red)
sub add_red {
   my ($t) = shift;
   return ('<span class="'.$a_class.'">'.$t.'</span>');
# comments
#my $b_class = 'b'; # comments (#006666)
sub add_class_b {
   my ($t) = shift;
   return ('<span class="'.$b_class.'">'.$t.'</span>');
# reserved words
#my $c_class = 'c'; # reserved words (blue)
sub add_blue {
   my ($t) = shift;
   return ('<span class="'.$c_class.'">'.$t.'</span>');
# perl qw set
#my $d_class = 'd'; # inside qw(...)
sub add_class_d {
   my ($t) = shift;
   return ('<span class="'.$d_class.'">'.$t.'</span>');
#my $e_class = 'e'; # $scalar (#9400d3)
sub add_class_e {
   my ($t) = shift;
   return ('<span class="'.$e_class.'">'.$t.'</span>');
#my $f_class = 'f'; # in <<EOF...EOF block (#666666)
sub add_class_f {
   my ($t) = shift;
   return ('<span class="'.$f_class.'">'.$t.'</span>');
#my $o_class = 'o'; # @array  (#008b8b - was #FFA500)
sub add_class_o {
   my ($t) = shift;
   return ('<span class="'.$o_class.'">'.$t.'</span>');
#my $v_class = 'v'; # %hash (#a52a2a - was #808000)
sub add_class_v {
   my ($t) = shift;
   return ('<span class="'.$v_class.'">'.$t.'</span>');
#my $t_class = 't'; # quoted - single and double (#006600)
sub add_quote {
   my ($t) = shift;
   return ('<span class="'.$t_class.'">'.$t.'</span>');
sub reset_count {
   # done at start of each file
   # these are really just DEBUG counters
   $a_cnt = 0;
   $b_cnt = 0;
   $c_cnt = 0;
   $d_cnt = 0;
   $e_cnt = 0;
   $f_cnt = 0;
   $o_cnt = 0;
   $v_cnt = 0;
   $q_cnt = 0;
   %HResWdFnd = (); # clear reserve words found
   %HFuncsFnd = (); # clear builtin functions found
my $phpcss = <<"PEOF";
/* Style Definitions - updated 2007.07.31, 2006.08.28, 2006.07.13 */
body {
   margin: 0cm 1cm 0cm 1cm;
   text-align : justify; }
hr {
   margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
   border-style: none;
   padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; }
h1 {
 border-style: solid solid solid solid;
 padding:2px 2px 2px 2px;
} {
   margin: 0; 
   border-style: none; 
   padding: 0; 
   text-align: center; }
p.nom {
color: red;
p.code {
   margin: 0cm 0.5cm 0cm 0.5cm;
   font-family:"Courier New";
.bld { font-weight: bold; }
.cn { font-family:"Courier New"; }
.ctr { text-align: center; }
.bldcn { font-family : "Courier New"; font-weight : bold; } 
.just { text-align : justify; } 
.nob { margin : 0 0 0 0; border-style : none; padding : 0 0 0 0; } 
.sz4redb  { font-size: 18pt; color: #FF0000; font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold }
.redb  { color: #FF0000; font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold } { 
margin : 0;
border-style : none;
padding : 0;
width : 20%;
text-align : center;
.a { color:red; }
.b { color:#006666; }
.c { color:blue; }
.d { color:#a52a2a; }
.e { color:#9400d3; }
.f { color:#666666; }
.o { color:#008b8b; }
.v { color:#a52a2a; }
.t { color:#006600; }
.cd {
  /* top, right, bottom, left */
  padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px;
  margin: 1px 10px 1px 10px;
  background: #f0f8ff;
  border-width: 1px;
  border-style: solid solid solid solid;
  border-color: #cccccc;
  width: 90%;
  font-family:"Courier New";
.out, .dos {
  /* top, right, bottom, left */
  padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px;
  margin: 1px 10px 1px 10px;
  background: #2f2f2f;
  color: #ffffff;
  border-width: 1px;
  border-style: solid solid solid solid;
  border-color: #cccccc;
  width: 90%;
  font-family:"Courier New";
/* eof - php.css */
sub in_existing($) {
   my ($cf) = shift;
   my $ef = '';
   foreach $ef (@existing) {
      if ($ef eq $cf) {
         return 1;
   return 0;
sub get_existing_files($) {
   my ($dir) = shift;
   my $df = '';
   prt( "Getting list of EXISTING files in out folder [$dir] ...\n" );
   opendir( THEDIR, $dir ) or mydie( "ERROR: Unable to open folder [$dir] ...\n" );
   my @dfiles = readdir(THEDIR); # slurp in ALL directories, and files, (and . & ..!)
   my $fndcss = 0;
   my $fndjpg = 0;
   my $fndval = 0;
   my $fcnt = scalar @dfiles;
   foreach my $dfile (@dfiles) {
      $df = $dir . '/' . $dfile; # get full name
      if ($dir eq '.') {
         $df = $dfile;
      if ( -d $df ) { # is directory?
         # if ($dfile eq '.' || $dfile eq '..') or
         if ($dfile =~ '^\.$' || $dfile =~ '^\.\.$') {
            # do nothing with DOT and DOUBLE DOT
         } else {
            ####push(@dir_list, $df); # save local DIRECTORY LIST
      } else { # it is a FILE
         push(@existing, $dfile);
         if ($dfile =~ /^php\.css$/i) {
            prt( "NOTE: [$df] already exists ...\n" );
            $fndcss = 1;
         } elsif ($dfile =~ /^$jpg_file$/i) {
            prt( "NOTE: [$df] already exists ...\n" );
            $fndjpg = 1;
         } elsif ($dfile =~ /^$v401_file$/i) {
            prt( "NOTE: [$df] already exists ...\n" );
            $fndval = 1;
   if (!$fndcss) {
      $df = $dir.'/php.css';
      prt( "NOTE: Creating [$df] ...\n" );
      write2file( $phpcss, $df );
   if (!$fndjpg) {
      prt( "NOTE: Copying [$jpg_src] to [$jpg_des] ...\n" );
      copy( $jpg_src, $jpg_des ) or mydie("ERROR: Failed to COPY [$jpg_src]!\n");
   if (!$fndval) {
      prt( "NOTE: Copying [$v401_src] to [$v401_des] ...\n" );
      copy( $v401_src, $v401_des ) or mydie("ERROR: Failed to COPY [$v401_src]!\n");
sub write_chart($) {
   my ($oh) = shift;
    # mainly only for DEBUG
   print $oh <<"EOF";
Chart of Colours Used<br>
<table border="1" summary="Table of colours, and count of times used">
<td><span class="$a_class">class='$a_class'</span></td>
<td><span class="$a_class">$a_color RED</span></td>
<td><span class="$a_class">Built-in Functions</span></td>
<td><span class="$a_class">$a_cnt</span></td>
<td><span class="$b_class">class='$b_class'</span></td>
<td><span class="$b_class">$b_color BLUEGREEN</span></td>
<td><span class="$a_class">Comments (following #)</span></td>
<td><span class="$b_class">$b_cnt</span></td>
<td><span class="$c_class">class='$c_class'</span></td>
<td><span class="$c_class">$c_color BLUE</span></td>
<td><span class="$a_class">Reserved Words</span></td>
<td><span class="$c_class">$c_cnt</span></td>
<td><span class="$d_class">class='$d_class'</span></td>
<td><span class="$d_class">$d_color BROWN</span></td>
<td><span class="$a_class">Inside qw(...)</span></td>
<td><span class="$d_class">$d_cnt</span></td>
<td><span class="$e_class">class='$e_class'</span></td>
<td><span class="$e_class">$e_color DARKBLUE</span></td>
<td><span class="$a_class">Scalar Variables</span></td>
<td><span class="$e_class">$e_cnt</span></td>
<td><span class="$f_class">class='$f_class'</span></td>
<td><span class="$f_class">$f_color GREY</span></td>
<td><span class="$a_class">Inside <<EOF thingy</span></td>
<td><span class="$f_class">$f_cnt</span></td>
<td><span class="$o_class">class='$o_class'</span></td>
<td><span class="$o_class">$o_color ORANGE</span></td>
<td><span class="$a_class">Array Variables</span></td>
<td><span class="$o_class">$o_cnt</span></td>
<td><span class="$v_class">class='$v_class'</span></td>
<td><span class="$v_class">$v_color OLIVE</span></td>
<td><span class="$a_class">Hash Variables</span></td>
<td><span class="$v_class">$v_cnt</span></td>
<td><span class="$t_class">class='$t_class'</span></td>
<td><span class="$t_class">$t_color GREEN</span></td>
<td><span class="$a_class">Single and Double Quotes</span></td>
<td><span class="$t_class">$q_cnt</span></td>
<br>End of chart<br>
   my $tot = ($a_cnt+$b_cnt+$c_cnt+$d_cnt+$e_cnt+$f_cnt+$o_cnt+$v_cnt+$q_cnt);
    my $diff = $out_total - $doc_total;
    print $oh "This use of $tot colour span sequences added $diff bytes. In=$doc_total Out=$out_total<br>\n";
sub add_metas($$) {
   my ($oh, $ad) = @_;
   my $m = '';
   my $m2 = '';
   prt( "Add metas to handle ...\n" ) if ($dbg15);
   $m = '<meta name="author" content="geoff mclane">'."\n";
   $m .= '<meta name="keywords" content="geoff, mclane, geoffmclane, computer, consultant, programmer,'."\n";
   $m2 = 'php, scripts, samples, examples';
   if ($ad) {
      foreach my $k (keys %HFuncsFnd) {
         if (length($m2) > 76) {
            $m2 .= ",\n";
            $m .= $m2;
            $m2 = $k;
         } else {
            $m2 .= ', '.$k;
   } else {
      my $bcnt = scalar @AFileHashs; # collection of HASHES from each file
      my $nkys = ' ';
      my $ky = '';
      my @kys = ();
      for (my $ih = 0; $ih < $bcnt; $ih++) { # for each HASH
         @kys = keys %{$AFileHashs[$ih]}; # get built-ins used for this file
         foreach $ky (@kys) {   # go through the keys
            if ( !($nkys =~ / $ky /) ) { # if NOT already in the list
               $nkys .= $ky.' '; # add it
      @kys = split(/ /, $nkys); # split the list into an array
      foreach $ky (@kys) {   # and add each from the array
         if (length($ky)) {
            if (length($m2) > 76) {
               $m2 .= ",\n";
               $m .= $m2;
               $m2 = $ky;
            } else {
               $m2 .= ', '.$ky;
   $m .= $m2;
   $m .= ', free">'."\n";
   $m .= '<meta name="description" content="page of a computer programmer, with sample php scripts">'."\n";
   print $oh $m;
   prt("$m") if ($dbg15);
# The main file OUTPUT - that is the HTML file.
# It establishes the HTML header, which includes the CSS style
# information. then outputs each of the 'converted' lines ...
# this is what it is all about - to generate a HTML document
sub write_out_file {
   my ($outf) = shift;
   my ($OTF);
   open $OTF, ">$outf" or mydie( "ERROR: Unable to create $outf ... aborting ...\n" );
   print $OTF "$m_doctype\n";
   print $OTF <<"EOF";
<title>$in_file to HTML</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-gb">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
   add_metas($OTF, 1);
   print $OTF <<"EOF";
<link rel=stylesheet href="php.css" type="text/css">
   print $OTF "<h1>$in_file to HTML</h1>\n";
   print $OTF '<p class="top"><a href="'.$indexhtm.'">index</a></p>'."\n";
   print $OTF '<p align="center" class="sz4redb">USE AT OWN RISK</p>'."\n";
   print $OTF '<p>Generated: ' . localtime(time()) . " from $in_file ";
   print $OTF YYYYMMDD($in_date).' '.b2KMG($in_size)." bytes.</p>\n";
   if ($add_table) {
      print $OTF '<table width="100%" border="1" summary="Simple HTML of $in_file"><tr><td>'."\n";
   } elsif ($add_pre) {
      print $OTF '<pre class="cd">'."\n";
   # actual output of generated lines
   foreach my $line (@nlines) {
      $out_total += length($line);
      print $OTF $line;
   if ($add_table) {
      print $OTF '</td></tr></table>'."\n";
   } elsif ($add_pre) {
      print $OTF '</pre>'."\n";
   if ($add_chart) {
   print $OTF '<p class="top"><a href="'.$indexhtm.'">index</a></p>'."\n";
   # add 4.01 validation ...
   print $OTF <<"EOF";
<a href="">
<img src="valid-html401.gif" alt="Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional" width="88" height="31">
   print $OTF "</body>\n";
   print $OTF "</html>\n";
   if ($dbg16) {   # show the WRITTEN line count ...
      if (open TTF, "<$outf") {
         my @tmparr = <TTF>;
         prt( "Written ".(scalar @tmparr)." lines to [$outf]...\n" );
# Converting SPACES to '&nbsp;'
# Of course this could be done just using perl's
# powerful search and replace, but this handles
# any number of spaces, only converting the number
# minus 1 to &nbsp; ... not sure how to have
# this level of control with regex replacement
sub conv_spaces {
   my $t = shift;
   my ($c, $i, $nt, $ln, $sc, $sp);
   $nt = ''; # accumulate new line here
   $ln = length($t);
   for ($i = 0; $i < $ln; $i++) {
      $c = substr($t,$i,1);
      if ($c eq ' ') {
         $i++; # bump to next 
         $sc = 0;
         $sp = '';
         for ( ; $i < $ln; $i++) {
            $c = substr($t,$i,1);
            if ($c ne ' ') {
               last; # exit
            $sp .= $c;
         if ($sc) {
            $sp =~ s/ /&nbsp;/g;
            $nt .= $sp;
         $i--; # back up one
         $c = ' '; # add back the 1 space
      $nt .= $c;
   prt( "conv_space: from [$t] to [$nt] ...\n" ) if $dbg7;
   return $nt;
# This converts the 'text' into HTML text, but only does a partial job!
# 1. Convert '&' to '&amp;' to avoid interpreting as replacement
# 2. Convert '<' to '&lt;' to avoid interpreting as HTML
# 3. Convert '"' to '&quot;'
# 4. Convert '\t' to SPACES
# 5. Finally, if there are double or more SPACES, convert to '&nbsp;'
sub html_line {
   my $t = shift;
   my $ot = $t;
   $t =~ s/&/&amp;/g; # all '&' become '&amp;'
   $t =~ s/</&lt;/g; # make sure all '<' is/are swapped out
   $t =~ s/\"/&quot;/g; # and all quotes become &quot;
   $t =~ s/\t/$tab_space/g; # tabs to spaces
   if (($conv_space > 0) && ($t =~ /\s\s/)) { # if any two consecutive white space
      return conv_spaces($t);
   prt( "html_line: from [$ot] to [$t] ...\n" ) if $dbg6;
   return $t;
sub remove_html_encode($) {
   my $t = shift;
   my $ot = $t;
   $t =~ s/&amp;/&/gm; # all '&' become '&amp;'
   $t =~ s/&lt;/</gm; # make sure all '<' is/are swapped out
   $t =~ s/&quot;/\"/gm; # and all quotes become &quot;
   $t =~ s/&nbsp;/ /gm;
   prt( "html_line: from [$ot] to [$t] ...\n" ) if $dbg6;
   return $t;
sub get_dir_files($) {
   my ($dir) = shift;
   prt( "Getting list of EXISTING files in out folder [$dir] ...\n" );
   opendir( THEDIR, $dir ) or mydie( "ERROR: Unable to open folder [$dir] ...\n" );
   @dirfiles = readdir(THEDIR); # slurp in ALL directories, and files, (and . & ..!)
   my $dcnt = scalar @dirfiles;
   prt( "Processing $dcnt items in directory [$in_folder] ...\n" );
   foreach my $fil (@dirfiles) {
      if (($fil =~ /^\.$/)||($fil =~ /^\.\.$/)) {
         prt("skip dot and double dot - [$fil]\n") if ($dbg1);
      my $ff = $dir . '/' . $fil;
      my $sb = stat($ff);
      my $ext = my_get_ext($ff);
      if ($fil =~ /^temp.*/i) {
         prt( "Got TEMP ext=[$ext] [$fil] ... \n" ) if ($dbg2);
      } elsif ($ext =~ /^php$/i) {
         push(@php_list, [$fil, $sb->mtime, $sb->size]);
         prt( "Got PHP ext=[$ext] [$fil] [".YYYYMMDD($sb->mtime)."] [".$sb->size."]... \n" ) if ($dbg3);
      } else {
         prt( "Got OTHER ext=[$ext] [$fil] ... \n" ) if ($dbg2);
sub get_split_line($) {
   my ($ln) = shift;
   my $len = length($ln);
   my $an = 0;
   my $sp = 0;
   my @ra = (); # return this
   my $bit = '';
   for (my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
      my $ch = substr($ln,$i,1); # get next char
      if ($an) { # building alpha numeric
         if ($ch =~ /\w/) { # still building
            $bit .= $ch;   # accumuate an_
         } else {
            push(@ra, $bit) if (length($bit));
            $bit = $ch; # start with this
            $an = 0; # not an
            if ($ch =~ /\s/) { # if white space
               $sp = 1;   # begin accumuation of space
            } else { # not a space
               if (($ch eq '"')||($ch eq "'")) { # separate
                  push(@ra, $ch); # keep these chars SEPARATE
                  $bit = '';
               $sp = 0;
      } else { # not in an yet
         if ($ch =~ /\w/) {
            # enter an
            push(@ra, $bit) if (length($bit));
            $bit = $ch;
            $an = 1;   # is an
         } else { # not an
            if ($sp) {
               if ( !($ch =~ /\s/) ) { # space ended
                  push(@ra, $bit) if (length($bit)); # add any space
                  $sp = 0;
                  if (($ch eq '"')||($ch eq "'")) { # separate
                     push(@ra, $ch);
                     $bit = '';
                  } else {
                     $bit = $ch; # restart accumulation
            } else { # not in space
               if ($ch =~ /\s/) { # space started
                  push(@ra, $bit) if (length($bit));
                  $bit = $ch;
                  $sp = 1;
               } else {
                  if (($ch eq '"')||($ch eq "'")) { # separate
                     push(@ra, $bit) if (length($bit)); # put in any previous
                     push(@ra, $ch);   # and this char alone
                     $bit = '';
                  } elsif ($ch eq '<') {
                     push(@ra, $bit) if (length($bit)); # put in any previous
                     $bit = $ch;   # always start a bit with this
                  } else {
                     $bit .= $ch; # accumulate
   push(@ra, $bit) if (length($bit));
   return @ra;
sub reset_lines() {
   # set at start of set of lines to process
   $in_php = 0;
   $in_com = 0;
   $got_gt = 0;
   $php = '';
   $com = '';
   $htm = '';
   $bit = '';
   $ist = 0;
   @nlines = ();
   $nline = '';
   $g_lc = 0;
   $g_olc = 0;
sub enter_php() {
   if ($blen >= 2) {
      if (substr($bit,0,2) eq '<?') {
         $in_php = 1;
         $php = $bit;
         prt( "Enter PHP line $g_lc ... [$php][$g_line]\n" ) if ($dbg12);
         return 1;
   return 0;
sub enter_com() {
   if ( !$in_php && ($blen >= 4)) {
      if (substr($bit,0,4) eq '<!--') {
         $in_com = 1;
         $com = $bit;
         prt( "Enter COM line $g_lc ... [$com][$g_line]\n" ) if ($dbg13);
         return 1;
   return 0;
sub add_2_BI($) {
   my ($t) = shift;
   if (exists $HFuncsFnd{$t}) {
      ### prt ( "Bumped Funcs [$t] ...\n" );
      $HFuncsFnd{$t}++; # another count
   } else {
      ### prt ( "Created Funcs [$t] ...\n" );
      $HFuncsFnd{$t} = 1; # start count
sub add_2_RW($) {
   my ($t) = shift;
   if (exists $HResWdFnd{$t}) {
      ### prt ( "Bumped Funcs [$t] ...\n" );
      $HResWdFnd{$t}++; # another count
   } else {
      ### prt ( "Created Funcs [$t] ...\n" );
      $HResWdFnd{$t} = 1; # start count
#if ($kw == 1) {
#my @stxRW = ();
# add_red
sub in_stx_RW($) {
   my ($t) = shift;
   foreach my $rw (@stxRW) {
      if ($t eq $rw) {
         return 1;
   return 0;
#} elsif ($kw == 2) {
#my @stxBI = ();
# add_blue
sub in_stx_BI($) {
   my ($t) = shift;
   foreach my $rw (@stxBI) {
      if ($t eq $rw) {
         return 1;
   return 0;
my @php_la = ();
my @php_aol = ();
my $php_bi = '';
my $php_ct = 0;
my $php_pi = 0;
my $php_bl = 0;
my $php_c = '';
my $php_d = '';
my $php_p2 = 0;
my $php_lc = 0;
my $php_i = 0;
sub process_php_quote() {
   my ($tx, $tx2);
   my $php_qe = 0;
   $php_d = '';
   $tx2 = '';
   prt( "$php_pi: Start quote [$php_c] ... [$php_bi] \n" ) if ($dbg8);
   $tx = $php_c;
   for ($php_p2 = 1; $php_p2 < $php_bl; $php_p2++) {
      $php_d = substr($php_bi,$php_p2,1);
      $tx .= $php_d;
      if ($php_c eq $php_d) {
         prt( "$php_pi: End 1 quote [$php_d] ... [$php_bi]tx=[$tx] \n" ) if ($dbg8);
         $php_qe = 1;
   if ($php_c ne $php_d) {
      $php_pi++; # move to next bit
      for ( ; $php_pi < $php_ct; $php_pi++) {
         $php_bi = $php_aol[$php_pi];
         $php_bl = length($php_bi);
         prt( "$php_pi: Finding End quote [$php_c] ... [$php_bi]tx=[$tx] \n" ) if ($dbg8);
         for ($php_p2 = 0; $php_p2 < $php_bl; $php_p2++) {
            $php_d = substr($php_bi,$php_p2,1);
            $tx .= $php_d;
            if ($php_c eq $php_d) {
               prt( "$php_pi: End 2 quote [$php_d] ... [$php_bi]tx=[$tx] \n" ) if ($dbg8);
               if ($php_p2 < $php_bl) {
                  $tx2 = substr($php_bi,$php_p2); # get balance
                  prt( "Got balance ... [$php_bi]tx2=[$tx2] \n" ) if ($dbg8);
               $php_qe = 1;
         last if ($php_qe); # exit bit loop
   # assume we got to the end of the quoted text
   prt( "$php_pi: Assumed end quote [$php_c] ... [$php_bi]tx=[$tx] \n" ) if ($dbg8);
   $nline .= add_quote(html_line($tx));
   $nline .= html_line($tx2) if (length($tx2));
sub process_php_comment() {
   # is a // comment to end of line
   my $txc = '';
   for ( ; $php_pi < $php_ct; $php_pi++) {
      $txc .= $php_aol[$php_pi];
   $nline .= add_class_f(html_line($txc));
sub parse_php() {
   @php_la = split("\n",$php);
   $php_lc = scalar @php_la;
   for ($php_i = 0; $php_i < $php_lc; $php_i++) {
      my $pl = $php_la[$php_i];
      chomp $pl;
      $pl =~ s/\r$//;
      @php_aol = get_split_line($pl);
      $php_ct = scalar @php_aol;
      for ($php_pi = 0; $php_pi < $php_ct; $php_pi++) {
         $php_bi = $php_aol[$php_pi];
         $php_bl = length($php_bi);
         $php_c = substr($php_bi,0,1);
         if (($php_c eq '"')||($php_c eq "'")) {
         } elsif (($php_bl >= 2)&&(substr($php_bi,0,2) eq '<?')) {
            $nline .= add_class_e(html_line($php_bi));
         } elsif (($php_bl >= 2)&&(substr($php_bi,0,2) eq '?>')) {
            $nline .= add_class_e(html_line($php_bi));
         } elsif (in_stx_RW($php_bi)) {
            $nline .= add_blue(html_line($php_bi));
         } elsif (in_stx_BI($php_bi)) {
            $nline .= add_red(html_line($php_bi));
         } elsif (($php_bl >= 2)&&(substr($php_bi,0,2) eq '//')) {
         } else {
            $nline .= html_line($php_bi);
      } # for each of the line bits
      if ($php_lc > 1) {
         $nline .= "\n";
   } # for each line
   $php = ''; # kill the PHP accumulation
sub process_php() {
   for ( ; $ii < $alen; $ii++) {
      $bit = $lnbits[$ii];
      $blen = length($bit);
      $ch = substr($bit,0,1);
      $php .= $bit;
      if ($blen >= 2) {
         if (substr($bit,0,2) eq '?>') {
            prt( "Exit PHP line $g_lc ... [$php][$g_line]\n" ) if ($dbg14);
            prt( "Exit PHP line $g_lc ... [$g_line]\n" ) if ($dbg12);
            $in_php = 0;
            return 1;   # potentially before EOL
   $php .= "\n";
   return 0; # reached EOL
sub parse_com() {
   my @la = split("\n",$com);
   prt( "Exit COM new $g_lc: ...\n" ) if ($dbg13);
   foreach my $cl (@la) {
      chomp $cl;
      $cl =~ s/\r$//;
      $com = add_class_b(html_line($cl));
      prt( "[$com]\n" ) if ($dbg13);
      $nline .= $com."\n";
sub process_com() {
   for ( ; $ii < $alen; $ii++) {
      $bit = $lnbits[$ii];
      $blen = length($bit);
      $ch = substr($bit,0,1);
      $com .= $bit;
      if ($blen >= 3) {
         if (substr($bit,0,3) eq '-->') {
            $in_com = 0;
            prt( "Exit COM line $g_lc ... [$com][$g_line]\n" ) if ($dbg13);
            ##$nline .= $com;
            $com = '';
            return 1; # potentially before EOL
   $com .= "\n";
   return 0; # reached EOL
sub get_following($) {   # substr($h, $hi);
   my ($tx) = shift;
   my $rt = '';
   my $ln = length($tx);
   my $il = 0;
   my $c = '';
   my $d = '';
   if ($il < $ln) {
      $d = substr($tx,$il,1);
   prt( "Get following from [$tx] ...\n" ) if ($dbg9);
   if (($d eq '"')||($d eq "'")) {
      $rt = $d;
      for ($il = 1; $il < $ln; $il++) {
         $c = substr($tx,$il,1);
         $rt .= $c;
         if ($d eq $c) {
   } elsif ($d =~ /\w/) {
      $rt = $d;
      for ($il = 1; $il < $ln; $il++) {
         $c = substr($tx,$il,1);
         if ( !($c =~ /\w/) ) {
         $rt .= $c;
   prt( "Get following returning [$rt] ...\n" ) if ($dbg9);
   return $rt;
sub parse_htm($) {
   my ($h) = shift;
   my $retl = '';
   my ($c, $hi, $hl, $ht, $ha, $hn, $issp, $isan, $d, $flen);
   $hl = length($h);
   $ha = '';
   $issp = 0;
   $h = remove_html_encode($h);
   prt( "parse_htm on [$h]\n" ) if ($dbg9);
   $hl = length($h);
   for ($hi = 0; $hi < $hl; $hi++) {
      $c = substr($h,$hi,1);
      if ($c eq '<') { # start of tag
         $ht = '';
         $hn = '';
         $retl .= html_line($ha) if (length($ha));
         $ha = '';
         for ( ; $hi < $hl; $hi++) {
            $c = substr($h,$hi,1);
            if ($c =~ /\w/) {
               $ht .= $c;
            } elsif ($c eq '/') {
               $hn = $c;
            } else {
         $retl .= html_line('<');
         $retl .= $hn;
         if (is_htm_tag($ht)) {
            $retl .= add_blue(html_line($ht));
         } else {
            $retl .= html_line($ht);
         $retl .= $c;
         if ($c ne '>') {
            $ht = '';
            $hn = '';
            # establish next is an_ or not
            # and space or not
            $isan = 0;
            $issp = 0;
            if ($c =~ /\w/) {
               $isan = 1;
            } elsif ($c =~ /\s/) {
               $issp = 1;
            while ($hi < $hl) {
               $d = '';
               for ( ; $hi < $hl; $hi++) {
                  $c = substr($h,$hi,1);
                  if ($c eq '>') {
                     $ht .= $c;
                  # switching in and out of an_
                  if ($isan) {
                     if ($c =~ /\w/) {
                        $ht .= $c; # cont. an_ accumulation
                     } elsif ($c eq '=') {
                        if (length($ht)) {
                           if( is_htm_att($ht) ) {
                              $retl .= add_red(html_line($ht));
                           } else {
                              $retl .= html_line($ht);
                        $ht = $c;
                        $isan = 0; # now not
                     } else {
                        if (length($ht)) {
                           $retl .= html_line($ht);
                        $ht = $c;
                        $isan = 0; # now not
                  } else { # not in an_
                     if ($c =~ /\w/) {
                        $retl .= html_line($ht) if (length($ht));
                        if (($d eq '=')&&(($hi + 1) < $hl)) {
                           $hn = get_following(substr($h, $hi));
                           $flen = length($hn);
                           if ($flen) {
                              $retl .= add_quote(html_line($hn));
                              $hi += ($flen - 1);
                              $ht = '';
                           } else {
                              $ht = $c;
                        } else {
                           $ht = $c; # start an_
                        $isan = 1;
                     } else {
                        # here with next char potentially after '='
                        if (($d eq '=')&&(($hi + 1) < $hl)) {
                           $hn = get_following(substr($h, $hi));
                           $flen = length($hn);
                           if ($flen) {
                              $retl .= html_line($ht) if (length($ht));
                              $retl .= add_quote(html_line($hn));
                              $hi += ($flen - 1);
                              $ht = '';
                           } else {
                              $ht .= $c;
                        } else {
                           $ht .= $c; # accumulate nots
                  prt( "Got EQUAL... isan=[$isan] [".substr($h,$hi)."]\n" ) if ($dbg9 && ($c eq '='));
                  $d = $c; # keep previous
               if ($c eq '>') {
            $retl .= html_line($ht) if (length($ht));
      } else {
         if ($c eq "\n") {
            $retl .= html_line($ha) if (length($ha));
            $ha = '';
            $retl .= $c;
         } else {
            $ha .= $c;
   return $retl;
sub process_htm() {
   for ( ; $ii < $alen; $ii++) {
      $bit = $lnbits[$ii];
      $blen = length($bit);
      $ch = substr($bit,0,1);
      if ($ch eq '<') {
         if (enter_php() || enter_com()) {
            $nline .= parse_htm($htm);
            $htm = '';
            return 1;
      # processing HTML
      $htm .= $bit;
   $htm .= "\n";   # reached EOL
   return 0;
sub show_line_bits() {
   prt( " $g_lc:" );
   for ($ii = 0; $ii < $alen; $ii++) {
      $bit = $lnbits[$ii];
      $blen = length($bit);
      $ch = substr($bit,0,1);
      prt( "$blen" );
      prt( "[$bit]" );
   prt("$len $alen p=$in_php c=$in_com\n");
sub process_line() {
   ##prt( "LINE $g_lc: [$g_line] p=$in_php c=$in_com...\n" ) if ($dbg4);
   prt( "LINE $g_lc: [$g_line] p=$in_php c=$in_com...\n" ) if ($dbg10);
   my $len = length($g_line);
   @lnbits = get_split_line($g_line);
   $alen = scalar @lnbits;
   show_line_bits() if ($dbg5);
   if ($alen) {
      for ($ii = 0; $ii < $alen; $ii++) {
         if ($in_php) {
         } else { # in HTML
            if ($in_com) {
            } else {
      } # for the array of line bits
   } else {
      if ($in_php) {
      } elsif ($in_com) {
      } else {
         process_htm(); # add a blank
   $nline .= parse_htm($htm);
   $htm = '';
   if ((length($nline) == 0) && !$in_com && !$in_php) {
      $nline .= "\n";
   push(@nlines, "$nline");
   my @nlns = split("\n", $nline);
   foreach my $nln (@nlns) {
      prt( "NEW $g_olc: [$nln]\n" ) if ($dbg11);
   $nline = '';
sub process_file($$) {
   my ($ff, $fil) = @_;
   if (open IF, "<$ff") {
      my @lines = <IF>;
      close IF;
      my $sb = stat($ff);
      my $lc = scalar @lines;
      prt( "\nProcessing $lc lines in [$fil], ". YYYYMMDD($sb->mtime).", of ".b2KMG($sb->size)." bytes.\n" );
      foreach my $ln (@lines) {
         $g_line = $ln;
         chomp $g_line;
         $g_line =~ s/\r$//;
      } # for each LINE
      my $nf = my_get_filetitle($fil).'.htm';
      my $nfo = $out_folder."\\".$nf;
      prt("Done $g_lc lines of [$fil] ... $g_olc (".scalar @nlines.") lines out to [$nfo] ...\n");
      my %th = %HFuncsFnd;
      my @tar = keys %th;
      prt("Pushing HASH with ".scalar @tar." keys ...\n");
      push(@AFileNames, $nf );
      push(@AFileHashs, \%th); # store the functions used ...
      # could check if already exists, and the date written, like
      if ( -f $nfo) {
         my $sb2 = stat($nfo);
         if ($sb->mtime < $sb2->mtime) {
            if ($skipexisting) {
               prt( "Skipping [$nfo] since it already exists ...\n" );
               $nfo = ''; # kill the new output
            $skipped++; # older or same
         } else {
      } else {
      write_out_file($nfo) if length($nfo);   # create, and WRITE the HTML out file to this new file name
      push(@ind_files, [$nf, $in_date, $in_size, $in_file]);
      return 1;
   } else {
      prt( "WARNING: Failed to open [$ff] ...\n" );
   return 0;
sub process_files($) {
   my ($dir) = shift;
   my $cnt = scalar @php_list;
   prt( "Processing $cnt files from folder [$dir] ...\n" );
   for (my $i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
      my $fil = $php_list[$i][0];
      $in_date = $php_list[$i][1];
      $in_size = $php_list[$i][2];
      $in_file = $fil;
      my $ff = $dir.'/'.$fil;
      if ($in_date > $latest) { $latest = $in_date; }
      if ($in_date < $earliest) { $earliest = $in_date; }
      process_file($ff, $fil);
   } # for $i to $cnt
sub my_get_path($) {
   my ($d) = shift;
   $d =~ s/\\/\//g;
   if ($d =~ /\/$/) { # if it ends in a path
      return $d; # return it ALL
   my @arr = split('/',$d);
   pop @arr;
   return (join('/',@arr));
sub my_get_filename($) {
   my ($p) = shift;
   my $d = my_get_path($p);
   my $f = $p;
   $f = substr($p, length($d) + 1)   if (length($d));
   return $f;
sub my_get_ext($) {
   my ($p) = shift;
   my $f = my_get_filename($p);
   my @a = split(/\./, $f);
   my $c = scalar @a;
   ### prt("IN=[$p] d=[$d] f=[$f] $c ...\n");
   if ($c > 1) {
      return $a[-1]; # get last 'ext' entry
   } elsif (substr($f,0,1) eq '.') {
      return $f;
   return '';
sub my_get_filetitle($) {
   my ($p) = shift;
   my $f = my_get_filename($p);
   my @a = split(/\./, $f);
   my $cnt = scalar @a;
   if ($cnt > 1) {
      pop @a; # drop last 'ext' entry
      return join( '.', @a);
   return $f;
# My particular time 'translation'
   my ($tm) = shift;
   #    0    1    2     3     4    5     6     7     8
    my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($tm);
   $year += 1900;
   $mon += 1;
   my $ymd = "$year/";
   if ($mon < 10) {
      $ymd .= '0'.$mon.'/';
   } else {
      $ymd .= "$mon/";
   if ($mday < 10) {
      $ymd .= '0'.$mday;
   } else {
      $ymd .= "$mday";
   return $ymd;
# My particular bytes to K, M, G
sub b2KMG($) {
   my ($d) = shift;
   if ($d < 1000) {
      return $d;
   my $oss;
   my $kss;
   my $lg = 0;
   my $ks = ($d / 1024); #// get Ks
   my $div = 1;
    if( $ks < 1000 ) {
      $div = 1;
      $oss = "KB";
    } elsif ( $ks < 1000000 ) {
     $div = 1000;
      $oss = "MB";
    } elsif ( $ks < 1000000000 ) {
      $div = 1000000;
      $oss = "GB";
    } else {
      $div = 1000000000;
      $oss = "TB";
    $kss = $ks / $div;
    $kss += 0.05;
    $kss *= 10;
    $lg = int($kss);
    return( ($lg / 10) . " " . $oss );
   ###return( ($lg / 10) . $oss );
# My particular 'nice number'
sub get_nn { # perl nice number nicenum add commas
   my ($n) = shift;
   if (length($n) > 3) {
      my $mod = length($n) % 3;
      my $ret = (($mod > 0) ? substr( $n, 0, $mod ) : '');
      my $mx = int( length($n) / 3 );
      for (my $i = 0; $i < $mx; $i++ ) {
         if (($mod == 0) && ($i == 0)) {
            $ret .= substr( $n, ($mod+(3*$i)), ($mod+(3*$i)+3) );
         } else {
            $ret .= ',' . substr( $n, ($mod+(3*$i)), ($mod+(3*$i)+3) );
      return $ret;
   return $n;
# Reducing a line to bare bones
# Used when loading
# the EditPlus 2 stx files.
sub trim_line($) {
   my ($l) = shift;
   chomp $l; # remove LF
   $l =~ s/\r$//; # and remove CR, if present
   $l =~ s/\t/ /g; # tabs to a space
   $l =~ s/\s\s/ /g while ($l =~ /\s\s/); # duplicate space to single
   $l = substr($l,1) while ($l =~ /^\s/); # each off leading space
   $l = substr($l,0,length($l)-1) while (($l =~ /\s$/)&&(length($l))); # and trailing space
   return $l;
#Loading HTML stx [C:/Program Files/EditPlus 2/html.stx] ...
#Got KEYWORD [HTML Tags] ...
#Got KEYWORD [HTML Attributes] ...
#Got KEYWORD [Special characters] ...
sub load_html_stx($) {
   my ($fil) = shift;
   my $kw = 0;
   my $nl = '';
   prt("Loading HTML stx [$fil] ...\n");
   open IF, "<$fil" or mydie( "ERROR: Unable to open [$fil] ...\n" );
   my @la = <IF>;
   close IF;
   foreach my $ln (@la) {
      chomp $ln;
      $ln =~ s/\r$//;
      if ($ln =~ /^#/) {
         if ($ln =~ /^#KEYWORD=(.*)/) {
            prt( "Got KEYWORD [$1] ...\n" );
            if ($1 eq 'HTML Tags') {
               $kw = 1;
            } elsif ($1 eq 'HTML Attributes') {
               $kw = 2;
            } elsif ($1 eq 'Special characters') {
               $kw = 3;
         $kw = 0;
      if ($kw == 1) {
         $nl = trim_line($ln);
         push(@stxHTM, $nl) if (length($ln));
      } elsif ($kw == 2) {
         $nl = trim_line($ln);
         push(@stxATT, $nl) if (length($ln));
      } elsif ($kw == 3) {
         $nl = trim_line($ln);
         push(@stxSPL, $nl) if (length($ln));
sub is_htm_tag($) {
   my ($tg) = shift;
   foreach my $t (@stxHTM) {
      if (uc($t) eq uc($tg)) {
         return 1;
   return 0;
sub is_htm_att($) {
   my ($tg) = shift;
   foreach my $t (@stxATT) {
      if (uc($t) eq uc($tg)) {
         return 1;
   return 0;
sub is_in_htm($) {
   my ($tg) = shift;
   ##prt( "Testing [$tg] ");
   $tg =~ s/^\///;   # remove any leading '/'
   ##prt( "now 1 [$tg] " );
   if ($tg =~ /\/$/) { # if there is a trailing '/'
      $tg =~ s/\/$//; # remove that
      $tg = trim_line($tg); # and trim
      ##prt( "now 2 [$tg] " );
   my @a = split(/ /,$tg); # split the tag away for any attributes
   if (scalar @a > 1) {
      $tg = $a[0]; # just get the first
   ##prt( "now 3 [$tg]\n" );
   return is_htm_tag($tg);
#Loading PHP stx [C:/Program Files/EditPlus 2/php.stx] ...
#Got KEYWORD [Reserved words] ...
#Got KEYWORD [Built-in functions] ...
#Got KEYWORD [Variables] ...
sub load_php_stx($) {
   my ($fil) = shift;
   my $kw = 0;
   my $nl = '';
   prt("Loading PHP stx [$fil] ...\n");
   open IF, "<$fil" or mydie( "ERROR: Unable to open [$fil] ...\n" );
   my @la = <IF>;
   close IF;
   foreach my $ln (@la) {
      chomp $ln;
      $ln =~ s/\r$//;
      if ($ln =~ /^#/) {
         if ($ln =~ /^#KEYWORD=(.*)/) {
            prt( "Got KEYWORD [$1] ...\n" );
            if ($1 eq 'Reserved words') {
               $kw = 1;
            } elsif ($1 eq 'Built-in functions') {
               $kw = 2;
            } elsif ($1 eq 'Variables') {
               $kw = 3;
         $kw = 0;
      } elsif ($ln =~ /^;/) { # skip these 'comments'
      if ($kw == 1) {
         $nl = trim_line($ln);
         push(@stxRW, $nl) if (length($ln));
      } elsif ($kw == 2) {
         $nl = trim_line($ln);
         push(@stxBI, $nl) if (length($ln));
      } elsif ($kw == 3) {
         $nl = trim_line($ln);
         push(@stxVA, $nl) if (length($ln));
sub do_stx_load() {
   load_html_stx( $html_stx );
   prt( "Loaded ".scalar @stxHTM." HTM, ".scalar @stxATT." ATT, and ".scalar @stxSPL." spls\n" );
   load_php_stx( $php_stx );
   prt( "Loaded ".scalar @stxRW." RW, ".scalar @stxBI." BI, and ".scalar @stxVA." vars\n" );
sub out_link_line($$) {
   my ($oh, $num) = @_;
   print $oh '<p class="ctr">';
   print $oh ' [ <a href="#top">top</a> ] '."\n" if ($num != 1);
   print $oh ' [ <a href="#alphabetic">alphabetic table</a> ] '."\n" if ($num != 2);
   print $oh ' [ <a href="#dateindex">date table</a> ] '."\n" if ($num != 3);
   print $oh ' [ <a href="#jumptable">jump table</a> ] '."\n" if ($num != 4);
   print $oh ' [ <a href="../index.htm">PHP Index</a> ] '."\n";
   print $oh "</p>\n";
sub mycmp_decend2 {
   my $off = 1;
   if (${$a}[$off] < ${$b}[$off]) {
      prt( "+[".${$a}[$off]."] < [".${$b}[$off]."]\n" ) if $verb3;
      return 1;
   if (${$a}[$off] > ${$b}[$off]) {
      prt( "-[".${$a}[$off]."] < [".${$b}[$off]."]\n" ) if $verb3;
      return -1;
   prt( "=[".${$a}[$off]."] == [".${$b}[$off]."]\n" ) if $verb3;
   return 0;
# push(@AFileNames, $ind_file); store the file
# push(@AFileHashs, \%hr); # and store the functions used ...
sub add_jump_table($) {
   my ($oh) = shift;
   my $acnt = scalar @AFileNames;
   my $bcnt = scalar @AFileHashs;
   my ($itm, $bi, $b3, $msg);
   my %nh = ();
   my @b2 = ();
   %nh = %HOldbifs; # get any OLD, from the OLD index
   @b2 = keys %nh;
   $b3 = scalar @b2;
   if ($acnt != $bcnt) {
      prt("\nWARNING: THESE TWO COUNTS SHOULD BE THE SAME!!! $acnt vs $bcnt ???\n");
   prt("Adding jump table for $acnt ($bcnt) new hashes ... plus $b3 from OLD index ...\n");
   for ($itm = 0; $itm < $acnt; $itm++) {
      my $fl = $AFileNames[$itm];
      my $hr = $AFileHashs[$itm];
      my $nfl = '';
      prt("Processing file [$fl] ...\n") if ($verb4);
      ###my @kys = keys %{$hr}; # get built-ins for this file
      my @kys = keys %{$AFileHashs[$itm]}; # get built-ins for this file
      if (@kys) {
         foreach my $ky (@kys) {
            $nfl = '';
            if (exists $nh{$ky} ) {
               $nfl = $nh{$ky};
            if ( $nfl =~ /$fl/i ) {
               prt("$ky - File [$fl] aready in [$nfl] ...\n") if ($verb4);
            } else {
               if (length($nfl) && !($nfl =~ /\s$/) ) {
                  $nfl .= ' '; # add space
               prt("$ky - Adding [$fl] to [$nfl] ...\n") if ($verb4);
               $nfl .= $fl; # add file with this built-in
               $nh{$ky} = $nfl; # store or create built-in with this, these files
      } else {
         prt("Failed ... NO KEYS for file [$fl] ... check ...\n");
   # done generation of a set of built in, with each file that contains that built-in
   @b2 = sort keys %nh;
   $b3 = scalar @b2;
   if ( @b2 && ($b3 > 0)) {
      my $allbi = ' '.join(' ', @stxBI).' '; # ensure begin and end with space
      prt("Adding 3rd table with $b3 built-ins ...\n");
      out_link_line($oh, 4); # avoid jumptable
      $msg = "<a name=\"jumptable\"></a>\n";
      $msg .= "<p>This is a link/jump table for built-in functions. ";
      $msg .= "The link is to file(s) using that function. Enjoy ;=))</p>\n";
      print $oh $msg;
      print $oh '<table width="100%" border="1" summary="jump index to samples">'."\n";
      print $oh '<caption>Jump index to samples</caption>'."\n";
      print $oh '<tr><th>Built-In</th><th>Jump file(s)</th></tr>'."\n";
      foreach $bi (@b2) {
         my $v = $nh{$bi};
         $msg = "<tr>\n";
         $allbi =~ s/\s+$bi\s+/ /; # delete this entry
         $msg .= '<td>'.add_red($bi)."</td>\n";
         ###$msg .= '<td>'.$v."</td>\n";
         my @tmpa = split(/\s/,$v);
         $msg .= "<td>\n";
         ###foreach my $tmpf (@tmpa) {
         foreach my $tmpf (sort @tmpa) { # put jumps in alphabetic order
            $msg .= " <a href=\"$tmpf\">$tmpf</a>\n";
         $msg .= "</td>\n";
         $msg .= "</tr>\n";
         print $oh $msg;
      $allbi = trim_line($allbi);
      if (length($allbi)) {
         $msg = "<tr>\n";
         $msg .= "<td><b>unused<b></td>\n";
         $msg .= "<td>".add_red($allbi)."</td>\n";
         $msg .= "</tr>\n";
         print $oh $msg;
      print $oh "</table>\n";
   } else {
      prt( "Failed ... no keys in %nh ... NO JUMP TABLE DONE!\n" );
sub add_new_table($) {
   my ($oh) = shift;
   my @ind_sort = sort mycmp_decend2 @ind_files;
   my $icnt = scalar @ind_sort;
   my $cnt = 0;
   my $i = 0;
   my $line = '';
   my $date = '';
   my $sz = 0;
   my $msg = '';
   my $inf = '';
   prt("Adding 2nd table ...\n");
   out_link_line($oh, 3); # avoid dateindex
   $msg = "<a name=\"dateindex\"></a>\n";
   $msg .= "<p>This is a repeated table in date order, with the latest, most recent listed first.";
   $msg .= " Enjoy ;=))</p>\n";
   print $oh $msg;
   print $oh '<table width="100%" border="1" summary="Date index to PHP samples">'."\n";
   print $oh '<caption>Date index to PHP samples</caption>'."\n";
   # actual output of SORTED generated lines
   $cnt = 0;
   for ($i = 0; $i < $icnt; $i++) {
      $line = $ind_sort[$i][0];
      $date = YYYYMMDD($ind_sort[$i][1]);
      $sz = get_nn($ind_sort[$i][2]);
      $inf = $ind_sort[$i][3];
      $msg = '';
      if ($cnt == 0) {
         $msg = "<tr>\n";
      $msg .= "<td align=\"center\">$date<br><a href=\"$line\">$line</a><br>$sz</td>\n";
      ###$msg .= "<td align=\"center\">$date<br><a href=\"$line\">$inf</a><br>$sz</td>\n";
      if ($cnt == $wrap) {
         $msg .= "</tr>\n";
         $cnt = 0;
      print $oh $msg;
   if ($cnt) {
      $msg = '';
      while ($cnt < $wrap) {
         $msg .= "<td>&nbsp; </td>";
      $msg .= "\n</tr>\n";
      print $oh $msg;
   print $oh "</table>\n";
sub generate_index { # output @ind_files - array of files to index.htm
   my $icnt = scalar @ind_files;
   my $cnt = 0;
   my $msg = '';
   my $i = 0;
   my $dcnt = 0;
   my $ocnt = 0;
   my $acnt = 0; # added to index.htm
   my ($OF, $line, $date, $sz, $tsc);
   my $inf = '';
   if ($icnt == 0) {
      prt( "No index.htm generated - no files to list ...\n" );
   my $slatest = YYYYMMDD($latest);
   my $searly = YYYYMMDD($earliest);
   my $of = $in_index; ## "$out_folder/$indexhtm";   # = something line 'index.htm';
   $tsc = 0;
   open $OF, ">$of" or mydie("ERROR: Unable to generate index file ...aborting ...\n");
   prt( "\nWriting [$of] HTML with $icnt files ...\n" );
   print $OF "$m_doctype\n";
   print $OF <<"EOF";
<title>Index to PHP Samples</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-gb">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
   add_metas($OF, 0);
   print $OF <<"EOF";
<link rel=stylesheet href="php.css" type="text/css">
   print $OF "<h1>Index to PHP Samples</h1>\n";
   out_link_line($OF, 1); # avoid adding top
   print $OF <<"EOF";
<a name="top" id="top"></a>
<p align="center" class="sz4redb">USE AT OWN RISK</p>
<p>This is a rather random sample of the PHP scripts I have generated over the 
last few years ($searly - $slatest). Some represent complete PHP applications, aimed at a particular 
purpose, while others are just samples, sometimes not functional! And some, are only 
'include' files. A small amount of script has been scraped 
from various web site, to test some suggested functionality, but most are largely 
my own fun and games with PHP.</p>
<p>When there is a series numbered 01, 02, 03, etc, this usually means the latest is the largest 
number, but sometimes they are different samples. However, the date following each file name 
link is a further indication of the age of the sample. And the original file size, in bytes, follows 
<p>Each of these HTML files are generated from the PHP script,, with colour coding added, 
and, as can be read in the preamble to another 'converter', 
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>, 
this means sometimes a simple 
copy and paste will fail, due mainly to a 'translation' of certain characters. 
But most of the time it should be ok, or only require minor fixes.</p>
<p>As always, <font size="2" color="red"><b>*** USE AT OWN RISK ***</b></font>. These are in the 
'public domain' thus there is no 'licence' to worry about. Of course you MUST have a PHP runtime
installed, and in some special cases, additional PHP 'libraries' installed/enabled, to run those 
particular files locally, or on a host.</p>
<a name="alphabetic"></a>
<p>The table is repeated. The first should be more or less in file alphabetic order, 
the second is in <a href="#dateindex"><b>date order</b></a> table, with the latest listed first. Then 
there is a <a href="#jumptable"><b>'jump'</b></a> table, where each PHP built-in function is list, 
with links to the file(s) that use that built-in. Enjoy ;=))</p>
   out_link_line($OF, 2); # avoid adding alphabetc
   print $OF '<table width="100%" border="0" summary="Alphabetic index to PHP samples">'."\n";
   print $OF '<caption>Alphabetic index to PHP samples</caption>'."\n";
   # actual output of generated lines
   $cnt = 0; # for $wrap
   #foreach $line (@ind_files) {
   for ($i = 0; $i < $icnt; $i++) {
      $line = $ind_files[$i][0];
      $date = YYYYMMDD($ind_files[$i][1]);
      $sz = get_nn($ind_files[$i][2]);
      $inf = $ind_files[$i][3];
      $msg = '';
      if ($cnt == 0) {
         $msg = "<tr>\n";
      $msg .= "<td><a href=\"$line\">$line</a><br>$date<br>$sz</td>\n";
      ###$msg .= "<td><a href=\"$line\">$inf</a><br>$date<br>$sz</td>\n";
      if ($cnt == $wrap) {
         $msg .= "</tr>\n";
         $cnt = 0;
      print $OF $msg;
      $acnt++; # bump added
   my $tsc2 = scalar @tbl_set;
   $ocnt = 0;
   for ($i = 0; $i < $tsc2; $i++ ) {
      if ($tbl_set[$i][7] == 0) {
   prt("Checked $tsc files from old index, and found $ocnt NOT MARKED ...\n");
#   #                 0     1     2    3    4    5    6    7
#   # push(@tbl_set, [$hrf, $fil, $dt, $sz, $yr, $mt, $dy, 0]);
   for ($i = 0; $i < $tsc; $i++ ) {
      if ($tbl_set[$i][7] == 0) {
         $line = $tbl_set[$i][0];
         if (in_existing($line)) {
            $date = $tbl_set[$i][2];
            $sz   = $tbl_set[$i][3];
            $msg = '';
            if ($cnt == 0) {
               $msg = "<tr>\n";
#            ###mark_old_index($line);
            $tbl_set[$i][7] = 2;
            $msg .= "<td><a href=\"$line\">$line</a><br>$date<br>$sz</td>\n";
            if ($cnt == $wrap) {
               $msg .= "</tr>\n";
               $cnt = 0;
            print $OF $msg;
            prt( "NOTE ADDED [$line][$date][$sz] from OLD index ...\n" );
         } else {
            prt( "WARNING: File [$line] is NO LONGER IN FOLDER! Now dumped!!\n" );
   if ($cnt) {
      $msg = '';
      while ($cnt < $wrap) {
         $msg .= "<td>&nbsp; </td>\n";
      $msg .= "</tr>\n";
      print $OF $msg;
   print $OF "</table>\n";
   prt( "Done primary table ".($acnt + $dcnt)." ... now to do date sorted table ...\n" );
   add_new_table($OF); # add new table sorted by time
   add_jump_table($OF); # put a jump table of build-in function
   out_link_line($OF, 0); # avoid none
   # add 4.01 validation ...
   print $OF <<"EOF";
<a href="">
<img src="valid-html401.gif" alt="Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional" width="88" height="31">
   print $OF "</body>\n";
   $msg = "<!-- P26.".YYYYMMDD(time())." generated by $0 for -->\n";
   print $OF $msg;
   print $OF "</html>\n";
   prt( "Done file [$of] with $icnt files, plus $dcnt of $tsc from previous ...\n" );
# Main program.
my $tlo = '';
if ($debug_on) {
   $tlo = $out_folder.'\imgs10.htm';
   my $testfile = 'imgs10.php';
   my $tli = $in_folder.'\imgs10.php';
   my $sbt = stat($tli);
   push(@php_list, [$testfile, $sbt->mtime, $sbt->size]);
} else {
   $tlo = $out_folder.'\index.htm';
   get_dir_files( $in_folder );
do_stx_load();   # load the built-in, reserved words, etc arrays and hashes
get_old_index( $in_index );      # load the OLD index.htm 
get_existing_files( $out_folder ); # get file names already in out folder
process_files( $in_folder );   # MAIN FILE PROCESSING
# $skipped - older or same
# $newercnt - source is NEWER - re-write file
# $newcnt - does NOT previously exist
generate_index(); # output @ind_files - array of files to index.htm
prt( "Written ".($newcnt + $newercnt).", $newcnt NEW, $newercnt newer, skipped $skipped older.\n" );
system( $tlo );
# eof -

index -|- top

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