to HTML.

index -|- end

Generated: Tue Feb 2 17:54:56 2010 from 2008/02/15 4.4 KB.

#!/perl -w
# AIM: Sort a RESOURCE header file
use strict;
use warnings;
require '' or die "Unable to load ...\n";
# log file stuff
my ($LF);
my $pgmname = $0;
if ($pgmname =~ /\w{1}:\\.*/) {
   my @tmpsp = split(/\\/,$pgmname);
   $pgmname = $tmpsp[-1];
my $outfile = "temp.$pgmname.txt";
prt( "$0 ... Hello, World ...\n" );
my $in_file = "C:\\GTools\\tools\\BglView2\\BvRes.h";
my $out_file = "tempres.h";
#@echo // Commands (ID_* and IDM_*) >> %TEMP1%
#@makehm ID_,HID_,0x10000 IDM_,HIDM_,0x10000 BVRes.h >> %TEMP1%
#@echo. >> %TEMP1%
#@echo // Prompts (IDP_*) >> %TEMP1%
#@makehm IDP_,HIDP_,0x30000 BVRes.h >> %TEMP1%
#@echo. >> %TEMP1%
#@echo // Resources (IDR_*) >> %TEMP1%
#@makehm IDR_,HIDR_,0x20000 BVRes.h >> %TEMP1%
#@echo. >> %TEMP1%
#@echo // Dialogs (IDD_*) >> %TEMP1%
#@makehm IDD_,HIDD_,0x20000 BVRes.h >> %TEMP1%
#@echo. >> %TEMP1%
#@echo // Frame Controls (IDW_*) >> %TEMP1%
#@makehm IDW_,HIDW_,0x50000 BVRes.h >> %TEMP1%
my @resitems = ();
my @resitemss = ();
my @valitems = ();
my @newitems = ();
my @newlines = ();
my $lncnt = 0;
my $rescnt = 0;
if (open INF, "<$in_file") {
   my @lines = <INF>;
   close INF;
   my ($fline, $line, $type, $num, $itm, $vitm, $item, $nxtnum);
   my ($i, $j, $ii, $done);
   my ($ind, $pt1, $pt2, $off);
   $lncnt = scalar @lines;
   prt( "Processing $in_file, $lncnt lines ...\n" );
   foreach $fline (@lines) {
      chomp $fline;
      $line = trim_all($fline);
      $type = 0;
      $num = 0;
      $itm = '';
      if ($line =~ /\s*#define\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s*$/) {
         $itm = $1;
         $num = $2;
         if ($itm =~ /^_APS_NEXT_(\w+)/) {
            $vitm = $1;
            push(@valitems, [$itm, $vitm, $num]);
            prt( "spl: [$itm][$num] - $line\n" );
            $type = 1;
         } else {
            push(@resitems, $itm);
            prt( "[$itm][$num] - $line\n" );
            if ($itm =~ /^IDD_/) {
               $type = 2;
            } elsif ($itm =~ /^IDS_/) {
               $type = 3;
            } elsif ($itm =~ /^IDC_/) {   # use 2000++
               $type = 4;
            } elsif ($itm =~ /^IDI_/) {
               $type = 5;
            } elsif ($itm =~ /^IDB_/) {
               $type = 6;
            } elsif ($itm =~ /^IDR_/) {
               $type = 7;
            } elsif ($itm =~ /^IDM_/) {
               $type = 8;
            } else {
               $type = 9;
               prt( "CHECK ABOVE ITEM\n" );
      push(@newitems, [$fline, $num, $type, 0, $itm]);
   $nxtnum = 1000;
   @resitemss = sort spl_sort @resitems;
   $rescnt = scalar @resitemss;
   prt( "Got $rescnt items to sort ...\n" );
   $j = 0;
   for ($i = 0; $i < $lncnt; $i++) {
      $fline = $newitems[$i][0];
      $num   = $newitems[$i][1];
      $type  = $newitems[$i][2];
      $done  = $newitems[$i][3];
      if ($type > 1) {
      push(@newlines, $fline);
      $newitems[$i][3] = 1;
   ### done up to first
   for( $j = 0; $j < $rescnt; $j++ ) {
      $item = $resitemss[$j];   # get sorted
      $ii = get_offset( $item );
      if ($ii == -1) {
         mydir( "ERROR: Item $item NOT FOUND ...\n" );
      $fline = $newitems[$ii][0];
      $num   = $newitems[$ii][1];
      $type  = $newitems[$ii][2];
      $done  = $newitems[$ii][3];
      ###$fline =~ s/$num/$nxtnum/;   # FAILS if number is part of 'item' ...
      $ind = index($fline, $item);
      mydie( "ERROR: Failed to get index [$item] in [$fline] ...\n" ) if ($ind == -1);
      $off = $ind + length($item);
      $pt1 = substr($fline, 0, $off);
      $pt2 = substr($fline, $off + 1);
      $pt2 =~ s/$num/$nxtnum/;   # change number ...
      $fline = $pt1 . $pt2;
      push(@newlines, $fline);
      $newitems[$ii][3] = 1;
   for (; $i < $lncnt; $i++) {
      $fline = $newitems[$i][0];
      $num   = $newitems[$i][1];
      $type  = $newitems[$i][2];
      $done  = $newitems[$i][3];
      if (!$done) {
         push(@newlines, $fline);
         $newitems[$i][3] = 1;
   write2file( join("\n",@newlines), 'tempres.h' );
} else {
   prt( "ERROR: Unable to open $in_file ... $! ...\n" );
sub spl_sort {
   my ($ha, $na, $hb, $nb);
   $ha = $a;
   $na = -1;
   $hb = $b;
   $nb = -1;
   if ($a =~ /^([A-Z_]+)(\d+)$/) {
      $ha = $1;
      $na = $2;
   if ($b =~ /^([A-Z_]+)(\d+)$/) {
      $hb = $1;
      $nb = $2;
   if (($ha eq $hb)&&($na != -1)&&($nb != -1)) {
      ###prt( "Comparing $a with $b, $na vs $nb ..\n" );
      return ($na <=> $nb);
   return ($a cmp $b);
sub get_offset {
   my ($itm) = shift;
   for (my $k = 0; $k < $lncnt; $k++) {
      my $it = $newitems[$k][4];
      my $dn = $newitems[$k][3];
      if ( !$dn && ($itm eq $it)) {
         return $k;
   return -1;
# eof

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