to HTML.

index -|- end

Generated: Tue Feb 2 17:54:57 2010 from 2005/11/23 16.3 KB.

## geoffair _at_ hotmail _dot_ com
## just looking for a way to clean up 'complicated' HTML files, and build
## a 'simpler' version. Naturally, some of the 'look and feel' MAY BE lost,
## but the information is ALL there ... plus some ...
use HTML::Parser ();
use Data::Dump ();
### use URI::URL;
### use APR::URI ();
my $program = "stripms5"; ### 2005.05.11 - 2005.07.25 clean up mainly ...
## user feature variables ##
my $dodebug = 1;
my $bf = "C:/Documents and Settings/Geoff McLane.PRO-1/My Documents/";
my $definp = "$bf/Uwe/Uwe-13cg.htm";
my $defout = "$bf/Uwe/temphtm3.htm";
# $definp = "$bf/Louis/lou-031-bps01.htm";
# $defout = "temphtm3.htm";
##my $definp = "C:/Documents and Settings/Geoff McLane.PRO-1/My Documents/Russel/Russ-29-sc01.htm";
##my $defout = "C:/Documents and Settings/Geoff McLane.PRO-1/My Documents/Russel/temphtm2.htm";
###my $definp = "C:/Documents and Settings/Geoff McLane.PRO-1/My Documents/Wednesday.htm";
###my $defout = "C:/Documents and Settings/Geoff McLane.PRO-1/My Documents/temphtml.htm";
###my $definp = "C:/Documents and Settings/Geoff McLane.PRO-1/My Documents/My Webs/moon-01.htm";
###my $definp = "C:/Documents and Settings/Geoff McLane.PRO-1/My Documents/Russel/Russ-04.htm";
###my $defout = "C:/Documents and Settings/Geoff McLane.PRO-1/My Documents/Russel/temphtml.htm";
##my $definp = "C:/HOMEPAGE/P26/compgr.htm";
##my $defout = "C:/HOMEPAGE/P26/temphtml.htm";
my $deflog = "temphtml.txt"; # output log file ... more if $dodebug = 1!
my $defskip = "tempskip.txt"; # view what has been REJECTED, DELETED, CHOPPED 
my $WEBVERS = "P26.2005.07.25";
my $addcode = "<!-- $WEBVERS - - -->";
my $clearhtml = 1; # clear HTML attributes
## paragraph handling
my $clearop = 1; # clear MS o:p paragraph thingy 
my $clearpatts = 0; # clear P paragraph attributes
my $clearplang = 1; # modify P lang attribute
my $defnorm1 = 'MsoNormal';
my $defnorm2 = 'MsoPlainText';
my $postpara = 1; # handle paragraphs post </p>, to allow delete of &nbsp; only para
my @paraarr = ();
my $innsep = 0; # got C '<!', [ ], in not support empty paras = '<![if !supportEmptyParas]>'
my $nsepif = '<![if !supportEmptyParas]>';
my $delpara = 0; 
my $clearhstyl = 1; # no SYTLE statment in head - include through file, if required ... *TBD*
my $cleartdsty = 0; # clear TD attributes
my $fiximg = 1; # modify the IMG tag
my $clearhlink = 1; # clear a LINK REL statement
my $clearspan = 1; # remove all SPAN tags
my $cleardiv = 1; # remove all DIV tags
my $clearmeta = 1; # remove META (head) tag
## BODY actions
my $clearbsyle = 0; # no BODY attributes
my $fixblstyle = 1; # modify body language, if given
my $deflang = 'en-au'; # use English (Austrlian)
my $delayclose = 1; # close after PARSE is DONE ie no E body, or html ...
## A tag HREF hyperlink
my $keeplinks = 1; # store links found
my @links; # store of links
my $actlink = "";
my $act1 = "";
## program variables ##
my $WHITE_PATTERN2 = "^[ \t\n\r]*\$"; # spacey if ($var =~ /$WHITE_PATTERN2/o ) { ...}
my ($FH, $HH, $CH); # run log, html and strip log ...
my $doout = 1; # do the OUTPUT, but can be off'ed ...
my $inpfil = "";
my $subok = 0;
my $msg = ""; # used to build a message, for multiple output
my $inhtml = 0; # in document
my $inpara = 0; # in paragraph tag
my $inhead = 0; # processing header
my $inbody = 0; # body processing
my $instyle = 0; # style processing
my $start_time = time();
open $HH, ">$defout"  or die "No HTML output file ... [$defout]!\n";
open $FH, ">$deflog"  or die "No OUT LOG file ...\n";
open $CH, ">$defskip" or die "No SKIP file ...\n";
# create the parser
my $p = HTML::Parser->new(api_version => 3);
# set the default function handler
$p->handler(default => \&hand, "event, line, column, text, tagname, attr");
# $p->parse_file(@ARGV ? shift : die "No input given ....\n");
# if we did NOT get an INPUT file, what to DO ...
if ( !length($inpfil) ) {
   if ($dodebug) {
      $inpfil = $definp;
   } else {
      die "No input file given ...\n";
$msg = "$program: Started on " . localtime($start_time) ; ### . " in $cwdir ...\n" if $shwtm;
print "$msg\n";
print $FH "$msg\n";
$p->parse_file($inpfil); # do the ACTION
my $cnt = @links;
if ($cnt > 0) {
   my %links1 = ();
   $msg = "Found $cnt hyperlinks ...";
   prt2 ("$msg\n");
   $i = 0;
   foreach $actlink (@links) {
      $msg = "$i [$actlink]";
      prt2 ( "$msg\n" );
      local $lnk = $actlink;
      $lnk =~ s,^http://,,i; # remove HTTP:// start, if any
      $msg = "$i [$lnk]";
      prt2 ("$msg\n");
      ## split URL from HREF of A tag
      local @ar = split(/\?/, $lnk);
      local $param = $ar[1]; # parameter, if any
      local @ar1 = split(/\//, $ar[0]);
      local $ar1cnt = @ar1; # get count of items
      $act1 = uc($ar1[0]); # always a first
      local $page = $ar1[1]; # if more pages ...
      chomp $page;
      if (length($page)) {
         local $i2 = 0;
         for ($i2 = 2; $i2 < $ar1cnt; $i2++) {
            chomp $ar1[$i2];
            if (length($ar1[$i2])) {
               $page .= "/$ar1[$i2]";
      ## combine the value
      $msg = "$page";
      if (length($param)) {
         $msg .= "?$param";
      if ( exists $links1{$act1} ) {
         local $val2 = $links1{$act1};
         chomp $val2;
         if ( length($val2) ) {
            if ( $val2 =~ "/$msg/" ) {
               ## already exists in message == a REPEAT param
               prt2 ("Avoided adding $msg\n");
            } else {
               $links1{$act1} .= " " . $msg; ### ADD "$page?$param"; ## $ar[1];
         } else {
            $links1{$act1} = $msg; ### ADD "$page?$param"; ## $ar[1];
      } else {
         $links1{$act1} = $msg; ### "$page?$param"; ## $ar[1];
      ### log message
      $msg = "$i ";
      if ($act1 eq $actlink) {
         $msg .= ' same';
      } else {
         $msg .= " site[$act1]";
      prt2( "$msg\n");
   $msg = "lISTED $cnt hyperlinks ...";
   prt2 ( "$msg\n");
   my @urlkeys = %links1; # get the key list
   $cnt = @urlkeys / 2; # pairs key,value
   $msg = "Found $cnt DOMAINS ...";
   prt2 ( "$msg\n" );
   print $HH "<p>$msg<br>\n";
   $i = 0;
   for my $url ( sort keys %links1 ) {
      $msg = "url[$url]";
      if ( length( $links1{$url} ) ) {
         $msg .= "/$links1{$url}";
      print $HH "Link $i: <A HREF=\"http://$url\"><b>$url</b></A><br>\n";
   print $HH "Listed $i DOMAINS</p>\n";
} ### end of if ($cnt)
print $HH "</body>\n";
print $HH "</html>\n";
if ($cnt > 0) {
   # print @urlkeys;
   $msg = "List of $cnt DOMAINS ...";
   prt2( "$msg\n" );
$msg = "$program: Ending on " . localtime(time());
prt2( "$msg\n" );
close $FH; # log file output
close $HH; # ouput HTML file
close $CH; # log of discarded items
my $bakname = getback($inpfil); # get back up name
# print "\fFrom [$inpfil] got [$bakname] ... \n";
system $defout; # run the HTML file
if ($subok) {
   open $HH, "<$defout"  or die "No new HTML input file ... [$defout]!\n";
   ##my $bakname = getback($inpfil); # get back up name
   open $FH, "<$inpfil" or die "No re-open of the source ... [$inpfil]!\n";
   my @infil = <$HH>; # slurp the file, from the disk
   my @outfil = <$FH>; # slurp the original source
   close $FH; # log file output
   close $HH; # ouput HTML file
   open $HH, ">$defout"  or die "No HTML input file ... [$defout]!\n";
   open $FH, ">$inpfil" or die "No re-open of the source ... [$inpfil]!\n";
   print $HH @outfil;
   print $FH @infil;
   close $FH; # log file output
   close $HH; # ouput HTML file
## Event table
##  ["S",  $tag, $attr, $attrseq, $text]
##  ["E",  $tag, $text]
##  ["T",  $text, $is_data]
##  ["C",  $text]
##  ["D",  $text]
##  ["PI", $token0, $text]
sub hand {
    my($event, $line, $column, $text, $tagname, $attr) = @_;
   my $typ = uc(substr($event,0,1)); ## get TYPE
    my @d =  "$typ L$line C$column";
    #substr($text, 40) = "..." if length($text) > 40;
    push(@d, $text);
    push(@d, $tagname) if defined $tagname;
   push(@d, $attr) if $attr;
   my $otxt = Data::Dump::dump(@d);
   #print $FH Data::Dump::dump(@d), "\n";
    #print Data::Dump::dump(@d), "\n";
   print "$otxt\n";
   # now process the data ...
   my $locout = 1; # one time only output flag
   my $i;
   my $tag = '*NO_TAG*';
   if (defined $tagname) {
      $tag = uc($tagname);
   # Event table
   if ($typ eq 'S') { # START OF TAG, and possible ATTRIBUTES
      ##  ["S",  $tag, $attr, $attrseq, $text]
      if ($tag eq 'HTML') {
         $inhtml = 1;
         if ($clearhtml) {
            $text = '<html>';
         if (defined $addcode) { ## = "<!-- $WEBVERS - - -->";
            $text .= "\n";
            $text .= "$addcode";
      } elsif ($tag eq 'A') { # a hyperlink - collect, at least ...
         if ($keeplinks) {
            my %att = %$attr; # copy the HASH, to do modifications
            $i = 0;
            prt( "Checking A attribs ...\n" );
            foreach $key (keys %att) {
               prt ( "Checking A attrib $key ...\n" );
               if ($key eq 'href') {
                  prt ( "Found and saving $key=$att{$key} ...\n" );
                  push(@links, $att{$key});
      } elsif ($tag eq 'P') {
         $inpara = 1;
         @paraarr = (); # clear paragraph accumulator
         if ($clearpatts) {
            print $FH "Paragraph from $text to <$tagname> ...\n";
            $text = "<$tagname>";
         } elsif ($clearplang) { # modify P lang= attribute
            # use my $deflang = 'EN-AU'; # use English (Austrlian)
            my %att = %$attr; # copy the HASH, to do modifications
            $i = 0;
            prt( "Checking P attrib ...\n" );
            foreach $key (keys %att) {
               prt ( "Checking attrib $key ...\n" );
               if ($key eq 'lang') {
                  prt ( "Found $key=$att{$key} ...\n" );
                  if ($att{$key} ne $deflang) {
                     prt ( "Modifying $key=$att{$key} to [$deflang] ...\n" );
                     $att{$key} = $deflang;
               } elsif ($key eq 'class') {
                  ##my $defnorm1 = 'MsoNormal';
                  ##my $defnorm2 = 'MsoPlainText';
                  prt ( "Found $key=[" . $att{$key} . "]\n" );
                  if (($att{$key} eq $defnorm1)||($att{$key} eq $defnorm2) ) {
                     prtd ( "Deleting $key=$att{$key} ...\n" );
                     #$att{$key} = $deflang;
                     delete $att{$key}; # remove this MS reference
            if ($i) { # ok, change output, re-run to build new HTML
               $text = "<$tagname"; # start tag again
               while (($key,$value) = each %att) {
                  $text .= " $key=$value";
               $text .= '>'; # close tag
      } elsif ($tag eq 'HEAD') {
         $inhead = 1;
      } elsif ($tag eq 'BODY') {
         $inbody = 1;
         if ($clearbsyle) { # no BODY attributes
            $text = '<body>';
         } elsif ($fixblstyle) { # modify body language, if given
            # use my $deflang = 'EN-AU'; # use English (Austrlian)
            my %att = %$attr; # copy the HASH, to do modifications
            $i = 0;
            prt( "Checking BODY attrib ...\n" );
            foreach $key (keys %att) {
               prt ( "Checking attrib $key ...\n" );
               if ($key eq 'lang') {
                  prt ( "Found lang=$key ...\n" );
                  if ($att{$key} ne $deflang) {
                     prt ( "Modifying 'lang=$att{$key} to [$deflang] ...\n" );
                     $att{$key} = $deflang;
            if ($i) { # ok, change output, re-run to build new HTML
               $text = "<$tag"; # start tag again
               while (($key,$value) = each %att) {
                  $text .= " $key=$value";
               $text .= '>'; # close tag
      } elsif ($tag eq 'STYLE') {
         $instyle =1;
         if ($clearhstyl) {
            # in head - close out S style to E sytle
            if ($inhead) {
               $doout = 0; # CLOSE output
      } elsif ($tag eq 'SPAN') {
         if ($clearspan) { # remove all SPAN tags
            $locout = 0;
      } elsif ($tag eq 'O:P') {
         if ($clearop) { # clear MS o:p paragraph thingy 
            $locout = 0;
      } elsif ($tag eq 'LINK') {
         if ($clearhlink) {
            $locout = 0;
      } elsif ($tag eq 'DIV') {
         if ($cleardiv) {
            $locout = 0;
      } elsif ($tag eq 'TD') {
         if ($cleartdsty) {
            $text = '<td>';
      } elsif ($tag eq 'IMG') {
         if ($fiximg) { # modify the IMG tag
            my %att = %$attr; # copy the HASH, to do modifications
            $i = 0;
            foreach $key (keys %att) {
               if ($key eq 'v:shapes') {
                  prtd ( "Deleting attrib $key ...\n" );
                  delete $att{$key}; # remove this MS reference
            if ($i) {
               $text = '<IMG'; # start IMG tag again
               while (($key,$value) = each %att) {
                  $text .= " $key=$value";
               $text .= '>'; # close IMG tag
      } elsif ($tag eq 'META') {
         if ($clearmeta) { # remove META (head) tag
            $locout = 0;
   } elsif ($typ eq 'E') {
      ##  ["E",  $tag, $text]
      if ($tag eq 'HTML') {
         if ($delayclose) { # close after PARSE is DONE ie no E body, or html ...
            $locout = 0;
         } else {
            $inhtml = 0;
      } elsif ($tag eq 'P') {
         $inpara = 0;
         if ($postpara) {
            $locout = 0; # clear any output reqd
            push(@paraarr,$text); # do it all here
            $i = @paraarr; # count item count
            if ($delpara) { # if a DUMMY thing
               prtd ("Para components $i [ @paraarr ]\n");
               prtd ("This NON-BLAMK-SPACE dummy paragraph has been deleted ...\n");
            } else { # send em out, line by line ...
               $i = 0;
               foreach $msg (@paraarr) {
                  prt ( "$msg\n" );
                  print $HH "$msg\n"; # out to HTML file
         $delpara = 0; ####### E = clear DELETE OF PARAGRAPH #######
      } elsif ($tag eq 'HEAD') {
         $inhead = 0;
      } elsif ($tag eq 'BODY') {
         if ($delayclose) { # close after PARSE is DONE ie no E body, or html ...
            $locout = 0;
         } else {
            $inbody = 0;
      } elsif ($tag eq 'STYLE') {
         $instyle = 0;
         if ($clearhstyl) {
            # in head - close out S style to E sytle
            if ($inhead) {
               $doout = 1; # OPEN output
               $locout = 0; # but NOT for this style one
      } elsif ($tag eq 'SPAN') {
         if ($clearspan) { # remove all SPAN tags
            $locout = 0;
      } elsif ($tag eq 'O:P') {
         if ($clearop) { # clear MS o:p paragraph thingy 
            $locout = 0;
      } elsif ($tag eq 'LINK') {
         if ($clearhlink) {
            $locout = 0;
      } elsif ($tag eq 'DIV') {
         if ($cleardiv) {
            $locout = 0;
   } elsif ($typ eq 'T') {
      ##  ["T",  $text, $is_data]
      if ($text eq '&nbsp;') {
         if ($innsep) {
            $delpara = 1;
            prt ("Should DELETE this 'dummy' paragraph...\n");
   } elsif ($typ eq 'C') {
      ##  ["C",  $text]
      $locout = 0; # toss all CODE
      if ($text eq $nsepif ) {  #'<![if !supportEmptyParas]>'
         $innsep = 1; # got C '<!', [ ], in not support empty paras
      } else {
         $innsep = 0;
   } elsif ($typ eq 'D') {
      ##  ["D",  $text]
   } elsif ($typ eq 'P') {
      ##  ["PI", $token0, $text]
   ### end event table ###########################################################
   if ($text =~ /$WHITE_PATTERN2/o) {
      print $CH "ws[$otxt]\n";
      print $CH "ws[$text]\n";
   } else {
      if ($doout && $locout) {
         if ($postpara && $inpara) {
            push(@paraarr, $text); # store paragraph components
         } else {
            print $FH "$otxt\n";
            print $HH "$text\n";
      } else {
         print $CH "$otxt\n";
         print $CH "$text\n";
sub parse_args {
   my (@av) = @_; # get stack
   while (@av) {
      my $arg = uc($av[0]);
      if ($arg =~ /^-/) {
         if ($arg eq '-V') {
            print "Version: 0.0.2 - July 2005\n";
         } elsif (($arg eq '-H') || ($arg eq '-?')) {
            die "stripms infile [options]\n";
         } else {
            die "ERROR: Unknown option [$arg]\n";
      } else {
         if (length($inpfil)) {
            die "ERROR: Can not handle two input files ...\n";
         $inpfil = $arg;
         if ( !(-f $inpfil) ) {
            die "ERROR: Can NOT locate file [$inpfil] ...\n";
      shift @av;
sub prt {
   if ($dodebug) {
      print $FH @_;
sub prt2 {
   if ($dodebug) {
      print @_;
sub prtd {
   if ($dodebug) {
      print $CH @_;
sub getback {
   local ($ff) = @_;
   $ff =~ s/\\/\//g; # sub/ensure *nix path separators ie c:\usr becomes c:/usr ...
   local $nf = getfn($ff);
   $nf .= '.bak';
   return $nf;
sub dirname { # passed a path, './dir1/dir2/' returns './dir1/dir2/
local ($file) = @_;
local ($sub);
($sub = $file) =~ s,/+[^/]+$,,g;
$sub = '.' if $sub eq $file;
return $sub;
sub getfn {
local ($ff) = @_;
local $dn = dirname($ff); # get the directory/path name ...
local $nf;
($nf = $ff) =~ s,^$dn,,;
$nf =~ s,^/,,;
return $nf;

index -|- top

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