#!/usr/bin/perl -w # NAME: test00.pl # AIM: Used to develop lib_cmakeread.pl # 02/05/2012 - Looking quite smooth ;=)) use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; # split path ($name,$dir,$ext) = fileparse($file [, qr/\.[^.]*/] ) use Cwd; my $os = $^O; my $perl_dir = '/home/geoff/bin'; my $PATH_SEP = '/'; my $temp_dir = '/tmp'; if ($os =~ /win/i) { $perl_dir = 'C:\GTools\perl'; $temp_dir = $perl_dir; $PATH_SEP = "\\"; } unshift(@INC, $perl_dir); require 'lib_utils.pl' or die "Unable to load 'lib_utils.pl' Check paths in \@INC...\n"; require 'lib_cmakeread.pl' or die "Unable to load 'lib_cmakeread.pl' Check paths in \@INC...\n"; # log file stuff our ($LF); my $pgmname = $0; if ($pgmname =~ /(\\|\/)/) { my @tmpsp = split(/(\\|\/)/,$pgmname); $pgmname = $tmpsp[-1]; } my $outfile = $temp_dir.$PATH_SEP."temp.$pgmname.txt"; open_log($outfile); # user variables my $VERS = "0.0.1 2012-04-28"; my $load_log = 0; # 1=notepad(np), 2=editplus(ep) my $load_cmake_inst = 1; my $test_curr_file = 0; my $tmp_cmake = $temp_dir.$PATH_SEP."temp.cmake.txt"; my $dump_cmake_file = 0; # DUMP cleaned lines to a debug file dump_cmake() my $load_dump_file = 1; # load text in editor after writin file # options for dump output # ------------------------- my $add_line_nums = 1; my $add_if_depth = 1; my $add_uctag = 1; my $add_skipped_lines = 0; my $add_foreach_depth = 1; my $add_macro_depth = 1; my $add_tag_action = 0; # duplicate the file line '$tag($act'\)' # ------------------------- my $set_rh_debug = 0; # set ALL debug flags ON my $set_if_debug = 0; my $set_set_debug = 0; my $set_list_debug = 0; my $set_list_debug2 = 0; my $add_foreach_debug = 0; # DEBUG FOREACH - but problem found my $set_per_line_debug = 0; my $show_set_items = 0; my $show_list_items = 0; my $write_directive_list = 0; my $show_macro_items = 0; my $show_function_items = 0; my $show_if_items = 0; # specific lines my $test_cmake_line1 = 0; my $test_cmake_line2 = 0; my $test_cmake_line3 = 0; my $test_cmake_line4 = 0; my $debug_level_load = 0; my $debug_level_proc = 0x100 | 0x200 | 0x400; my $input_file = ''; my @in_files = (); my $def_file1 = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\AddFileDependencies.cmake'; my $def_file2 = 'C:\FGCVS\flightgear\source\CMakeLists.txt'; my $def_file3 = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\FindHDF5.cmake'; my $def_file4 = 'C:\FGCVS\flightgear\source\CMakeModules\FlightGearComponent.cmake'; my $def_file5 = 'C:\FGCVS\flightgear\source\CMakeModules\FindSimGear.cmake'; my $def_file6 = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\FindBoost.cmake'; my $def_file7 = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\CMakeDetermineCXXCompiler.cmake'; my $def_file8 = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\CMakeVerifyManifest.cmake'; #my $in_file = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\FindCUDA\run_nvcc.cmake'; #my $in_file = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\CPack.cmake'; #my $in_file = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\FindCUDA\run_nvcc.cmake'; #my $in_file = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\FindFLTK.cmake'; #my $in_file = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\Platform\Windows-cl.cmake'; my @test_files = ( "$def_file1", "$def_file2", "$def_file3" ); if ($test_curr_file) { $input_file = $def_file3; #push(@in_files,$def_file4); #push(@in_files,$def_file5); #push(@in_files,$def_file2); } my $chk_line1 = 'STRING(REGEX REPLACE "\\\\\\\\" "/" FLTK_DIR_SEARCH1 "$ENV{PATH}")'; my $chk_line2 = 'string(REPLACE "\\"" "\\\\\\"" arg ${arg})'; my $chk_line3 = 'string(REPLACE "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"" "\\"\\\\\"" "\\"\\\\\\\\\\\\\"" arg ${arg})'; my $chk_line4 = 'string(REPLACE "\\"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"" "\\"" arg ${arg})'; ###my $in_file = ''; my $verbosity = 0; my $debug_on = 0; my $def_file = 'def_file'; my $out_xml = ''; ### program variables my @warnings = (); my $cwd = cwd(); my ($ref_hash); sub get_curr_ref_hash() { return $ref_hash; } sub VERB1() { return $verbosity >= 1; } sub VERB2() { return $verbosity >= 2; } sub VERB5() { return $verbosity >= 5; } sub VERB9() { return $verbosity >= 9; } sub show_warnings($) { my ($val) = @_; if (@warnings) { my %dupes = (); my $cnt = scalar @warnings; prt( "\nShowing, up to $cnt WARNINGS...\n" ); $cnt = 0; foreach my $itm (@warnings) { if (!defined $dupes{$itm}) { $dupes{$itm} = 1; prt("$itm\n"); $cnt++; } } prt("Shown $cnt WARNINGS...\n"); } else { prt( "\nNo warnings issued.\n\n" ) if (VERB9()); } } sub close_dump() { my $rh = get_curr_ref_hash(); if (!defined ${$rh}{'CURR_DUMP_HANDLE'}) { return; } my $fh = ${$rh}{'CURR_DUMP_HANDLE'}; my $df = ${$rh}{'CURR_DUMP_NAME'}; print $fh "# End of DUMP $df\n"; close $fh; prt("Written DUMP to [$df]\n"); system($df) if ($load_dump_file); } # if ($dump_cmake_file) - dump cleaned lines to a debug file sub dump_cmake($) { my $rh = shift; my ($fh); if (!defined ${$rh}{'CURR_DUMP_HANDLE'}) { if ( !open($fh,">$tmp_cmake") ) { pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: Unable to OPEN dump [$tmp_cmake]\n"); } ${$rh}{'CURR_DUMP_HANDLE'} = $fh; ${$rh}{'CURR_DUMP_NAME'} = $tmp_cmake; } $fh = ${$rh}{'CURR_DUMP_HANDLE'}; my $rclines = ${$rh}{"CLEAN_LINES"}; my $cnt = scalar @{$rclines}; my $bfile = ${$rh}{'BASE_FILE'}; my ($rcln,$line,$clnn,$tag,$tdep); $line = "Contents of [$bfile] $cnt lines"; print $fh "$line\n"; $rcln = ${$rclines}[-1]; my $lnn = ${$rcln}[3]; my $frm = sprintf("%d",length($lnn)); $frm = '%'.$frm.'d'; my $idep = 0; my $ind = ''; my $isif = 0; my $pdep = 0; my $plnn = 1; my $endln = 0; my $fedep = 0; my $isfe = 0; my $pfedep = 0; my $comm = ''; my $cind = "\t"; my $mcdep = 0; my $pmcdep = 0; my $ismac = 0; my $act = ''; my $msg = ''; foreach $rcln (@{$rclines}) { # 0 1 2 3 4 #push(@{$rclines},[$line,$ucdir,$action,$bgnln,$endln]); $line = ${$rcln}[0]; $tag = ${$rcln}[1]; $act = ${$rcln}[2]; $lnn = ${$rcln}[3]; $endln = ${$rcln}[4]; $ind = ''; $isif = 0; if ($add_uctag) { $comm = " # $tag $lnn:$endln"; } if ($add_if_depth) { if ($tag eq 'IF') { $pdep = $idep; $idep++; $isif = 1; } elsif ($tag eq 'ENDIF') { $idep-- if ($idep > 0); $pdep = $idep; $isif = 1; } elsif ($tag eq 'ELSE') { $isif = 2; } elsif ($tag eq 'ELSEIF') { $isif = 3; } #if ($isif) { # $ind = ' ' x $pdep; #} else { # $ind = ' ' x $idep; #} } $isfe = 0; if ($add_foreach_depth) { if ($tag eq 'FOREACH') { $isfe = 1; $pfedep = $fedep; $fedep++; } elsif ($tag eq 'ENDFOREACH') { $isfe = 1; $fedep-- if ($fedep); $pfedep = $fedep; } } # $add_macro_depth $ismac = 0; if ($add_macro_depth) { if ($tag eq 'MACRO') { $ismac = 1; $pmcdep = $mcdep; $mcdep++; } elsif ($tag eq 'ENDMACRO') { $ismac = 1; $mcdep-- if ($mcdep); $pmcdep = $mcdep; } } if ($add_if_depth || $add_foreach_depth || $add_macro_depth) { $tdep = 0; if ($isif) { $tdep += $pdep; } else { $tdep += $idep; } if ($isfe) { $tdep += $pfedep; } else { $tdep += $fedep; } if ($ismac) { $tdep += $pmcdep; } else { $tdep += $mcdep; } $ind = $cind x $tdep; } # collect the INFORMATION $msg = ''; if ($add_skipped_lines) { while ($plnn < $lnn) { if ($add_line_nums) { $clnn = sprintf($frm,$plnn); $msg .= "$clnn: # skipped\n"; } else { $msg .= "# skipped\n"; } $plnn++; } } if ($add_line_nums) { $clnn = sprintf($frm,$lnn); $msg .= "$clnn: $ind$line$comm\n"; if ($add_tag_action) { $msg .= "$clnn: $ind$tag$act\n"; } } else { $msg .= "$ind$line$comm\n"; if ($add_tag_action) { $msg .= "$ind$tag$act\n"; } } if ($add_skipped_lines) { while ($lnn < $endln) { $lnn++; if ($add_line_nums) { $clnn = sprintf($frm,$lnn); $msg .= "$clnn:\n"; } else { $msg .= "\n"; } } } # output of the INFORMATION # ============================================ print $fh $msg; # ============================================ $plnn = $lnn + 1; # update line number } $line = "# eof"; print $fh "$line\n"; } sub pgm_exit($$) { my ($val,$msg) = @_; if (length($msg)) { $msg .= "\n" if (!($msg =~ /\n$/)); prt($msg); } show_warnings($val); close_dump(); close_log($outfile,$load_log); exit($val); } sub prtw($) { my ($tx) = shift; $tx =~ s/\n$//; prt("$tx\n"); push(@warnings,$tx); } # ================================================= # enventual LIBRARY functions # ================================================= sub local_cmake_fix_directory($) { my $rd = shift; if (!(${$rd} =~ /(\\|\/)$/)) { ${$rd} .= $PATH_SEP; } } sub get_cmake_install_paths_ra() { my $envstg = $ENV{"PATH"}; my ($path,$up,@arr,$ver,$tmp,$cnt); my @paths = (); #prt("ENV(PATH) = $envstg\n"); @arr = split(";",$envstg); $cnt = scalar @arr; #prt("Got $cnt paths to test...\n"); foreach $path (@arr) { #prt("Testing [$path]\n"); next if (length($path) == 0); if ($path =~ /CMake/i) { $path =~ s/(\\|\/)bin$//i; $ver = ''; if (-d $path) { #$up = path_d2u($path); $up = path_u2d($path); prt("Adding path [$up]\n"); @arr = split(/(\/|\\)+/,$up); foreach $tmp (@arr) { if ($tmp =~ /cmake/i) { $ver = $tmp; last; } } push(@paths,[$up,$ver]); } else { prtw("WARNING: Not a valid DIRECTORY! [$path]\n"); } } else { # prt("Not 'CMake' related!\n"); } } return \@paths; } sub scan_cmake_path($$); sub scan_cmake_path($$) { my ($path,$rh) = @_; # my @installed_files = (); # ${$rh}{'CMAKE_INSTALLED_FILES'} = \@installed_files; my $rif = ${$rh}{'CMAKE_INSTALLED_FILES'}; my @dirs = (); if (opendir(DIR,$path)) { my @files = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); my ($file,$ff); cmake_fix_directory(\$path); foreach $file (@files) { next if (($file eq '.')||($file eq '..')); $ff = $path.$file; if (-l $ff) { # ignore links } elsif (-d $ff) { push(@dirs,$ff); } elsif (-f $ff) { if ($file =~ /\.cmake$/i) { #prt("adding file [$ff]\n"); push(@{$rif},$ff); } } else { prtw("WARNING: Unable to find file [$ff]!\n"); } } foreach $path (@dirs) { scan_cmake_path($path,$rh); } } else { prtw("WARNING: Unable to open directory [$path]!\n"); } } my $common_cmake_directory = ''; sub get_cmake_common_directory($) { my $fil1 = shift; my $fil2 = $common_cmake_directory; my $len1 = length($fil1); my $len2 = length($fil2); if ($len2) { my $comm = ''; my ($i,$ch1,$ch2); for ($i = 0; (($i < $len1) && ($i < $len2)); $i++) { $ch1 = substr($fil1,$i,1); $ch2 = substr($fil2,$i,1); last if ($ch1 ne $ch2); $comm .= $ch1; } $common_cmake_directory = $comm; } else { $common_cmake_directory = $fil1 if ($len1); } } sub scan_cmake_install_paths($) { my $rh = shift; if (!defined ${$rh}{'CMAKE_INSTALLED_FILES'}) { pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: Ref has passed does not define 'CMAKE_INSTALLED_FILES'!\n"); } my ($i,$path,$ver); my $rval = 0; my $rp = get_cmake_install_paths_ra(); my $cnt = scalar @{$rp}; if ($cnt) { for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { $path = ${$rp}[$i][0]; scan_cmake_path($path,$rh); } my $rif = ${$rh}{'CMAKE_INSTALLED_FILES'}; foreach $path (@{$rif}) { get_cmake_common_directory($path); } ${$rh}{'CMAKE_INSTALLED_PATH'} = $common_cmake_directory; } else { prtw("WARNING: Found NO Cmake install paths!\n"); $rval = 1; } return $rval; } # ================================================= sub is_loaded_macro($$) { my ($tag,$rh) = @_; my $dbg_flag = get_cmake_dbg_flag($rh); my $iret = 0; my $rmh = ${$rh}{'CMAKE_MACROS'}; # if (defined ${$rma}{$mac}) { # 0 1 # ${$rma}{$mac} = [$args,$macro]; my $min = 0; my $max = 32; my ($mac,$len,$rma,$args,$macro); my @arr = sort keys(%{$rmh}); my $cnt = scalar @arr; # prt("\nDisplay of $cnt MACROS collected...\n"); foreach $mac (@arr) { $rma = ${$rmh}{$mac}; $args = ${$rma}[0]; $macro = ${$rma}[1]; #prt("$mac $args [$macro}\n"); if (uc($mac) eq $tag) { $iret = 1; last; } } if ($iret) { prt("[d100] Running MACRO [$mac $args $macro] not yet coded.\n") if (($dbg_flag & 0x100) && ${$rh}{'show_macro_dbg'}); } return $iret; } sub clean_cmake_action($) { my $act = shift; $act =~ s/^\(//; $act =~ s/\)$//; #$act = trim_all($act); return $act; } sub process_cmake_script($) { my $rh = shift; if (!defined ${$rh}{'BASE_FILE'}) { pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: Ref hash does NOT define 'BASE_FILE'!\n"); } my $bfile = ${$rh}{'BASE_FILE'}; if (!defined ${$rh}{"CLEAN_LINES"}) { prtw("WARNING: No 'CLEAN_LINES' in ref hash. No [$bfile] processing!\n"); return 1; } my $rclines = ${$rh}{"CLEAN_LINES"}; my $csrc = ${$rh}{'CURR_LINE_SOURCE'}; my $cnt = scalar @{$rclines}; my $dbg_flag = 0; if (defined ${$rh}{'CURR_DBG_FLAG'}) { $dbg_flag = ${$rh}{'CURR_DBG_FLAG'}; } else { ${$rh}{'CURR_DBG_FLAG'} = $debug_level_proc; } my $src = $bfile; if ($csrc eq $bfile) { my $rflh = ${$rh}{'CMAKE_FILES_LOADED'}; # = \%cmake_files_loaded; if (defined ${$rflh}{$bfile}) { # already loaded - silently forget it return; } } else { # prt("\n") if ($dbg_flag & 0x100);; $src = $csrc; } prt("[d100] Processing $cnt lines, from [$src]...\n") if (($dbg_flag & 0x100) && ${$rh}{'show_process_dbg'}); # 0 1 2 3 4 # push(@{$rclines},[$line,$tag,$action,$bln,$eln]); my ($i,$line,$tag,$action,$func,$bln,$eln,$act,@arr,$tmp); ${$rh}{"ACT_LCNT"} = $cnt; # lines to process for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { $line = ${$rclines}[$i][0]; next if ($line =~ /^\@/); # skip these for now '@something@ $tag = ${$rclines}[$i][1]; $action = ${$rclines}[$i][2]; $bln = ${$rclines}[$i][3]; $eln = ${$rclines}[$i][4]; $act = clean_cmake_action($action); @arr = space_split($act); ${$rh}{"ACT_TAG"} = $tag; ${$rh}{"ACT_ACT"} = $act; ${$rh}{"ACT_RA"} = \@arr; ${$rh}{"ACT_LNN"} = $bln; ${$rh}{"ACT_LNN"} .= ":$eln" if ($bln != $eln); ${$rh}{"ACT_LINE"} = $line; ${$rh}{"ACT_CNT"} = scalar @arr; ${$rh}{'ACT_I'} = $i; # current line position prt("[d80] $bln:$eln: $line\n") if (${$rh}{'per_line_dbg'}); if (is_loaded_macro($tag,$rh)) { } elsif (is_a_known_directive($tag)) { $tmp = join(" ",@arr); #if ($tag eq 'LIST') { # prt("[d200] Processing DIRECTIVE [$tag] $i of $cnt ($action) ($tmp) $bln:$eln [$src]\n") if ($dbg_flag & 0x200); #} $func = get_directive_function($tag); $func->($rh); $i = ${$rh}{'ACT_I'}; # potentially updated line position ###prt("[d400] Done DIRECTIVE [$tag] $i of $cnt\n") if ($dbg_flag & 0x400); } else { prtw("WARNING: [$tag] is NOT a known directive, nor loaded MACRO act [$action] [$bfile]$bln:$eln\n"); } } } sub process_cmake_file($) { my $rh = shift; my $dbg_flag = get_cmake_dbg_flag($rh); my $ff = ${$rh}{'BASE_FILE'}; # $test_file; my $rflh = ${$rh}{'CMAKE_FILES_LOADED'}; # = \%cmake_files_loaded; if (defined ${$rflh}{$ff}) { # already loaded - silently forget it return; } if (load_cmake_script_file($rh)) { prtw("WARNING: process_cmake_file: Failed to load [$ff]\n"); } else { my $rclines = ${$rh}{"CLEAN_LINES"}; my $rcnt = ${$rh}{"ACT_LCNT"}; my $cnt = scalar @{$rclines}; ### prt("process_cmake_file: [$ff] ok, $cnt of $rcnt lines\n") if (${$rh}{'show_process_dbg'}); if ($cnt) { dump_cmake($rh) if ($dump_cmake_file); ${$rh}{'CURR_DBG_FLAG'} = $debug_level_proc; process_cmake_script($rh); } ### prt("process_cmake_file: done [$ff]\n") if (${$rh}{'show_process_dbg'}); } } sub process_in_file($$) { my ($ff,$rh) = @_; ${$rh}{'BASE_FILE'} = $ff; # $test_file; ${$rh}{'CURR_LINE_SOURCE'} = $ff; # set FILE source ${$rh}{'CURR_DBG_FLAG'} = -1 if (!defined ${$rh}{'CURR_DBG_FLAG'}); process_cmake_file($rh); } sub process_test_file($$) { my ($ff,$rh) = @_; ${$rh}{'BASE_FILE'} = $ff; ${$rh}{'CURR_LINE_SOURCE'} = $ff; # set FILE source ${$rh}{'CURR_DBG_FLAG'} = -1 if (!defined ${$rh}{'CURR_DBG_FLAG'}); process_cmake_file($rh); } sub test_load_installed_cmake($) { my $rh = shift; my @a = (); my %new_directives = (); my $svdebug = 0; $svdebug = ${$rh}{'CURR_DBG_FLAG'} if (defined ${$rh}{'CURR_DBG_FLAG'}); # set the DEBUG for the INSTALL LOAD my $dbg_flag = -1; $dbg_flag &= ~(0x8000); $dbg_flag = 0; $dbg_flag |= 0x100; ${$rh}{'CMAKE_INSTALLED_FILES'} = \@a; ${$rh}{'CMAKE_DIRECTIVES_FOUND'} = \%new_directives; ${$rh}{'CURR_DBG_FLAG'} = $dbg_flag; scan_cmake_install_paths($rh); my $rif = ${$rh}{'CMAKE_INSTALLED_FILES'}; my $cnt = scalar @{$rif}; prt("Got $cnt files to load...\n"); my ($ff); my ($dir,$i,$ch); foreach $ff (@{$rif}) { process_in_file($ff,$rh); } my @arr = sort keys(%new_directives); $cnt = scalar @arr; my $rmh = ${$rh}{'CMAKE_MACROS'}; my $mcnt = scalar keys(%{$rmh}); my $rfh = ${$rh}{'CMAKE_FUNCTIONS'}; my $fcnt = scalar keys(%{$rfh}); prt("Done loading $cnt files... $cnt dirs, $mcnt macs, $fcnt funcs\n"); if ($cnt) { prt("# Found $cnt NEW directives...\n"); # prt("my \%new_cmake_directives = (\n"); # $ch = ','; # for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { # $dir = $arr[$i]; # prt(" '$dir' => \\\&hand$ch\n"); # $ch = '' if (($i + 1) == $cnt); # } # prt(");\n"); # prt("# Listed $cnt directives...\n"); } $dir = ${$rh}{'CMAKE_INSTALLED_PATH'}; prt("Common cmake 'install' directory [$dir]\n"); ${$rh}{'CURR_DBG_FLAG'} = $svdebug; } sub do_cmake_subdirectories($) { my $rh = shift; my $dbg_flag = get_cmake_dbg_flag($rh); # ADD_SUBDIRECTORY # my @subdirs = (); # ${$rh}{'CMAKE_SUBDIRS'} = \@subdirs; #my %subs_done = (); # ${$rh}{'CMAKE_SUBSDONE'} = \%subs_done; my $rsh = ${$rh}{'CMAKE_SUBDIRS'}; my $rsd = ${$rh}{'CMAKE_SUBSDONE'}; my $max = scalar keys(%{$rsh}); my $done = scalar keys(%{$rsd}); my ($i,$sd,$todo,$rsa,$key,$ff); while ($max != $done) { $todo = $max - $done; prt("[d100] ADD_SUBDIRECTORIES: Now loading $todo files from subdirectories added...\n") if (($dbg_flag & 0x100) && ${$rh}{'show_addsub_dbg'}); #for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { foreach $key (keys %{$rsh}) { $rsa = ${$rsh}{$key}; # push(@{$rsubs},[$item1,$ff]); #$sd = ${$rsa}[$i][0]; #$ff = ${$rsa}[$i][1]; $sd = ${$rsa}[0]; $ff = ${$rsa}[1]; if (!defined ${$rsd}{$ff}) { ${$rsd}{$ff} = 1; ###process_in_file($ff,$rh); process_test_file($ff,$rh); } } $max = scalar keys(%{$rsh}); $done = scalar keys(%{$rsd}); } } sub test_lines($) { my $rh = shift; #my $chk_line1 = 'STRING(REGEX REPLACE "\\\\" "/" FLTK_DIR_SEARCH1 "$ENV{PATH}")'; #my $chk_line2 = 'string(REPLACE "\"" "\\\"" arg ${arg})'; my @arr = (); ${$rh}{'BASE_FILE'} = "TEST LINES"; ${$rh}{'CURR_DBG_FLAG'} = -1; ${$rh}{"BASE_LINES"} = \@arr; if ($test_cmake_line1) { @arr = (); push(@arr,$chk_line1); ${$rh}{'BASE_FILE'} = "TEST LINE 1"; process_cmake_raw_lines($rh); } if ($test_cmake_line2) { @arr = (); push(@arr,$chk_line2); ${$rh}{'BASE_FILE'} = "TEST LINE 2"; process_cmake_raw_lines($rh); } if ($test_cmake_line3) { @arr = (); push(@arr,$chk_line3); ${$rh}{'BASE_FILE'} = "TEST LINE 3"; process_cmake_raw_lines($rh); } if ($test_cmake_line4) { @arr = (); push(@arr,$chk_line4); ${$rh}{'BASE_FILE'} = "TEST LINE 4"; process_cmake_raw_lines($rh); } } # $rih = ${$rh}{'CMAKE_SETMACROS'}; sub list_set_items($) { my $rh = shift; my $rih = ${$rh}{'CMAKE_SETMACROS'}; my @arr = keys(%{$rih}); my $cnt = scalar @arr; my ($set,$rsi,$val,$min,$len,$max); $min = 0; $max = 32; foreach $set (@arr) { $len = length($set); $min = $len if ($len > $min); last if ($min > $max); } $min = $max if ($min > $max); prt("\nDisplay of $cnt SET items, and their value...\n"); foreach $set (sort @arr) { $rsi = ${$rih}{$set}; $val = join(" ",@{$rsi}); $set .= ' ' while (length($set) < $min); prt("$set = [$val]\n"); } prt("Done display of $cnt SET items, and their value...\n"); } # $rli = ${$rh}{'CMAKE_LISTS'}; sub list_list_items($) { my $rh = shift; my $rih = ${$rh}{'CMAKE_LISTS'}; my @arr = keys(%{$rih}); my $cnt = scalar @arr; my ($set,$rsi,$val,$min,$len,$max); $min = 0; $max = 32; foreach $set (@arr) { $len = length($set); $min = $len if ($len > $min); last if ($min > $max); } prt("\nDisplay of $cnt LIST items, and their value...\n"); foreach $set (sort @arr) { $rsi = ${$rih}{$set}; $val = join(" ",@{$rsi}); $set .= ' ' while (length($set) < $min); prt("$set = [$val]\n"); } prt("Done display of $cnt LIST items, and their value...\n"); } sub get_body() { my $txt = <; close INF; foreach $line (@lines) { if ($line =~ /^sub\s+fn_(\w+)\W/) { $tmp = $1; $subs_found{$tmp} = 1; } } } @arr = keys(%subs_found); $cnt = scalar @arr; prt("Found $cnt existing directive subs...\n"); $msg = ''; @arr = keys(%{$rdirh}); $cnt = scalar @arr; prt("Collected $cnt directives...\n"); foreach $dir (sort @arr) { if (!defined $subs_found{$dir}) { $msg .= "sub fn_$dir {\n$body\n}\n"; } } $msg .="\nmy \%directive_hash = ("; foreach $dir (sort @arr) { $line = " '$dir' "; $line .= " " while (length($line) < $min); $tmp = "fn_$dir"; $msg .= "\n $line=> \\\&$tmp,"; } $msg =~ s/,$//g; $msg .= "\n);\n"; write2file($msg,$outdirs); prt("Written directives hash to [$outdirs]\n"); } sub list_macro_items($) { # if ($show_macro_items); my $rh = shift; my $rmh = ${$rh}{'CMAKE_MACROS'}; # if (defined ${$rma}{$mac}) { # 0 1 # ${$rma}{$mac} = [$args,$macro]; my $min = 0; my $max = 32; my ($mac,$len,$rma,$args,$macro); my @arr = sort keys(%{$rmh}); my $cnt = scalar @arr; prt("\nDisplay of $cnt MACROS collected...\n"); foreach $mac (@arr) { $rma = ${$rmh}{$mac}; $args = ${$rma}[0]; $macro = ${$rma}[1]; prt("$mac $args [$macro}\n"); } prt("\nDone display of $cnt MACROS collected...\n"); } sub list_function_items($) { # if ($show_function_items); my $rh = shift; } sub do_test($$$) { my ($act,$exp,$rh) = @_; my ($res); $res = cmake_if_parsing($act,$rh,0); if ($res == $exp) { prt("Result of if($act) [$res] ok\n"); } else { prtw("WARNING: Result of if($act) [$res] exp [$exp] FAILED!\n"); } } sub check_file_for_q_object($) { my $file = shift; if (!open INF, "<$file") { return 1; # can NOT open so assume YES } my @lines = ; close INF; my ($line); foreach $line (@lines) { return 1 if ($line =~ /\bQ_OBJECT\b/); } return 0; } sub do_if_test($) { my ($rh) = shift; my $file = 'C:\Projects\fgx\src/xobjects/xsettings.h'; my $res = check_file_for_q_object($file); prt("$res\n"); } sub do_if_test2($) { my ($rh) = shift; ${$rh}{'BASE_FILE'} = "test"; my ($act); $act = '(WIN32)'; do_test($act,1,$rh); $act = 'UNIX'; do_test($act,0,$rh); $act = 'NOT (UNIX OR APPLE)'; do_test($act,1,$rh); # IF(WIN32 OR APPLE) (=3) [C:\FGCVS\cmake\Source\CMakeLists.txt]362 $act = 'WIN32 OR APPLE'; do_test($act,1,$rh); # YACC_EXECUTABLE MATCHES "bison" my $rdh = ${$rh}{'CMAKE_DEFINES'}; ${$rdh}{'YACC_EXECUTABLE'} = "bison"; $act = "YACC_EXECUTABLE MATCHES \"bison\""; do_test($act,1,$rh); $act = "NOT YACC_EXECUTABLE MATCHES \"bison\""; do_test($act,0,$rh); $act = "NOT YACC_EXECUTABLE MATCHES \"intel\""; do_test($act,1,$rh); $act = '"${compilerVersion}" LESS 1300'; do_test($act,1,$rh); ${$rdh}{'compilerVersion'} = 1600; $act = '"${compilerVersion}" LESS 1300'; do_test($act,0,$rh); $act = '"${CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY}" MATCHES "^1\\.[0-6]$"'; ${$rdh}{'CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY'} = "1.5"; do_test($act,1,$rh); $act = '${MSVC_VERSION} EQUAL 1300'; do_test($act,0,$rh); $act = '"${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES GNU OR "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES Intel'; do_test($act,1,$rh); $act = '"$ENV{CFLAGS} $ENV{CXXFLAGS} $ENV{LDFLAGS}" MATCHES "-([no]32|64)"'; $ENV{'LDFLAGS'} = "-64"; do_test($act,1,$rh); #return; $act = '"${CMAKE_TEST_GENERATOR}" MATCHES "WMake" OR "${CMAKE_TEST_GENERATOR}" MATCHES "Borland"'; ${$rdh}{'CMAKE_TEST_GENERATOR'} = "Borland"; do_test($act,1,$rh); # IF("${_help}" MATCHES "--path" AND "${_help}" MATCHES "--nonet") (=7) [C:\FGCVS\cmake\Utilities\CMakeLists.txt]144 # IF("${_help}" MATCHES "GNU ld .* 2\\.1[1-6]") (=3) [C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\Platform\Windows-GNU.cmake]56 $act = '"1.48.0" "1.48" "1.47.0" "1.47" "1.46.1" "1.46.0" "1.46" "1.45.0" "1.45" "1.44.0" "1.44" "1.43.0" "1.43" "1.42.0" "1.42" "1.41.0" "1.41" "1.40.0" "1.40" "1.39.0" "1.39" "1.38.0" "1.38" "1.37.0" "1.37" "1.36.1" "1.36.0" "1.36" "1.35.1" "1.35.0" "1.35" "1.34.1" "1.34.0" "1.34" "1.33.1" "1.33.0" "1.33.99" VERSION_EQUAL "${_Boost_FIND_VERSION_SHORT}.99"'; ${$rdh}{'_Boost_FIND_VERSION_SHORT'} = "1.33"; do_test($act,1,$rh); # IF("1.48.0" "1.48" "1.47.0" "1.47" "1.46.1" "1.46.0" "1.46" "1.45.0" "1.45" "1.44.0" "1.44" "1.43.0" \ # "1.43" "1.42.0" "1.42" "1.41.0" "1.41" "1.40.0" "1.40" "1.39.0" "1.39" "1.38.0" "1.38" "1.37.0" "1.37" \ # "1.36.1" "1.36.0" "1.36" "1.35.1" "1.35.0" "1.35" "1.34.1" "1.34.0" "1.34" "1.33.1" "1.33.0" \ # "1.33.99" VERSION_EQUAL "${_Boost_FIND_VERSION_SHORT}.99") (=39) [C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\FindBoost.cmake]465 # IF(NOT "1.48.0" "1.48" "1.47.0" "1.47" "1.46.1" "1.46.0" "1.46" "1.45.0" "1.45" "1.44.0" "1.44" "1.43.0" \ # "1.43" "1.42.0" "1.42" "1.41.0" "1.41" "1.40.0" "1.40" "1.39.0" "1.39" "1.38.0" "1.38" "1.37.0" "1.37" \ # "1.36.1" "1.36.0" "1.36" "1.35.1" "1.35.0" "1.35" "1.34.1" "1.34.0" "1.34" "1.33.1" "1.33.0" \ # "1.33" VERSION_LESS "${Boost_FIND_VERSION}") (=40) [C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\FindBoost.cmake]462 # IF(${Boost_MAJOR_VERSION}.${Boost_MINOR_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 1.34) (=5) [C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\FindBoost.cmake]772 # IF(${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION}.${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION} GREATER 2.4) (=5) [C:\FGCVS\cmake\Source\QtDialog\CMakeLists.txt]74 # IF(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER 2.8.4) (=7) [C:\FGCVS\flightgear\source\CMakeLists.txt]13 # IF(Boost_FIND_VERSION_PATCH AND Boost_SUBMINOR_VERSION LESS "${Boost_FIND_VERSION_PATCH}") (=5) [C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\FindBoost.cmake]1056 } do_if_test(get_cmake_ref_hash()); pgm_exit(0,""); ######################################### ### MAIN ### parse_args(@ARGV); $ref_hash = get_cmake_ref_hash(); ${$ref_hash}{'CURR_DBG_FLAG'} = $debug_level_load; set_rh_debug_flags($ref_hash,1) if ($set_rh_debug); set_foreach_debug_flags($ref_hash,1) if ($add_foreach_debug); ${$ref_hash}{'show_if_diags'} = 1 if ($set_if_debug); ${$ref_hash}{'show_list_dbg'} = 1 if ($set_list_debug); ${$ref_hash}{'show_list_dbg2'} = 1 if ($set_list_debug2); ${$ref_hash}{'warn_list_no_code'} = 1 if ($set_list_debug2); ${$ref_hash}{'show_set_dbg'} = 1 if ($set_set_debug); ${$ref_hash}{'per_line_dbg'} = 1 if ($set_per_line_debug); if ($load_cmake_inst) { test_load_installed_cmake($ref_hash); } if ($test_curr_file) { foreach my $f (@in_files) { $input_file = '' if ($f eq $input_file); process_test_file($f,$ref_hash); do_cmake_subdirectories($ref_hash); } process_test_file($input_file,$ref_hash) if (length($input_file)); do_cmake_subdirectories($ref_hash); } if ($test_cmake_line1 || $test_cmake_line2 || $test_cmake_line3 || $test_cmake_line4) { test_lines($ref_hash); } list_macro_items($ref_hash) if ($show_macro_items); list_function_items($ref_hash) if ($show_function_items); list_set_items($ref_hash) if ($show_set_items); list_list_items($ref_hash) if ($show_list_items); list_directives($ref_hash) if ($write_directive_list); pgm_exit(0,""); ######################################## sub give_help { prt("$pgmname: version $VERS\n"); prt("Usage: $pgmname [options] in-file\n"); prt("Options:\n"); prt(" --help (-h or -?) = This help, and exit 0.\n"); prt(" --verb[n] (-v) = Bump [or set] verbosity. def=$verbosity\n"); prt(" --load (-l) = Load LOG at end. ($outfile)\n"); prt(" --out (-o) = Write output to this file.\n"); } sub need_arg { my ($arg,@av) = @_; pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: [$arg] must have a following argument!\n") if (!@av); } sub parse_args { my (@av) = @_; my ($arg,$sarg); while (@av) { $arg = $av[0]; if ($arg =~ /^-/) { $sarg = substr($arg,1); $sarg = substr($sarg,1) while ($sarg =~ /^-/); if (($sarg =~ /^h/i)||($sarg eq '?')) { give_help(); pgm_exit(0,"Help exit(0)"); } elsif ($sarg =~ /^v/) { if ($sarg =~ /^v.*(\d+)$/) { $verbosity = $1; } else { while ($sarg =~ /^v/) { $verbosity++; $sarg = substr($sarg,1); } } prt("Verbosity = $verbosity\n") if (VERB1()); } elsif ($sarg =~ /^l/) { $load_log = 1; prt("Set to load log at end.\n") if (VERB1()); } elsif ($sarg =~ /^o/) { need_arg(@av); shift @av; $sarg = $av[0]; $out_xml = $sarg; prt("Set out file to [$out_xml].\n") if (VERB1()); } else { pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: Invalid argument [$arg]! Try -?\n"); } } else { push(@in_files,$arg); if ((! -f $arg) && (! -d $arg)) { pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: Unable to find in file or folder [$arg]! Check name, location...\n"); } prt("Added [$arg] to input files...\n") if (VERB1()); } shift @av; } if (!@in_files && !$load_cmake_inst && !length($input_file)) { pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: No input files or directories found in command!\n"); } } # ===================================================== sub cmake_if_parsing_NEARLY_OK($$$) { my ($act,$rh,$lev) = @_; my $rdh = ${$rh}{'CMAKE_DEFINES'}; my $rta = cmake_token_split($act); my $acnt = scalar @{$rta}; my %cmake_opers = ( 'AND' => 1, 'OR' => 2, 'EQUAL' => 3, 'LESS' => 4, 'GREATER' => 5, 'MATCHES' => 6, 'STREQUAL' => 7, 'STRLESS' => 8, 'STRGREATER' => 9 ); my $res = 0; my ($tok,$val,$tmp,$str1,$str2,$cnt,$i,$msg,$tmp1,$tmp2,$tmps1,$tmps2,$i2); $msg = ($lev ? 'sub if' : "\nPARSE IF"); $msg .= " ( $act ) split $acnt array"; prt("$msg\n"); my @braces = (); my @resarr = (); my $oper = ''; my $isstr = 0; my @vals = (); my @svals = (); my @ops = (); my $fop = 0; $str1 = ''; $str2 = ''; $cnt = 0; my $nact = ''; my $hadq = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $acnt; $i++) { $i2 = $i + 1; $tmp = ${$rta}[$i]; $tok = strip_quotes($tmp); $hadq = ($tmp eq $tok) ? 0 : 1; $msg = "$cnt:$i2:$acnt: Token [$tmp] [$tok] "; if ($tok eq '(') { $tmps1 = ''; push(@braces,$i); $i++; for (; $i < $acnt; $i++) { $tmp = ${$rta}[$i]; $tok = strip_quotes($tmp); if ($tok eq ')') { pop @braces if (@braces); last if (!@braces); } elsif ($tok eq '(') { push(@braces,$i); } $tmps1 .= ' ' if (length($tmps1)); $tmps1 .= $tmp; } $val = cmake_if_parsing($tmps1,$rh,($lev+1)); $msg .= "parse [$tmps1] = [$val]"; $vals[$cnt] = $val; if ($val =~ /^\d+$/) { $svals[$cnt] = ($val == 0) ? "" : "$val"; } else { $svals[$cnt] = $val; } if (@ops && ($ops[-1] eq 'NOT')) { pop @ops; $val = ($val ? 0 : 1); $vals[$cnt] = $val; $msg .= "NOT = $val"; } $cnt++; } elsif ($tok =~ /\$\{(\w+)\}/) { # a macro token $tmp = $1; if (defined ${$rdh}{$tmp}) { $val = ${$rdh}{$tmp}; $msg .= "def [$tmp] = [$val] "; $vals[$cnt] = ${$rdh}{$tmp}; $svals[$cnt] = "${$rdh}{$tmp}"; } elsif (cmake_macro_sub(\$tok,$rh)) { $msg .= "mac = [$tok]"; $val = $tok; $vals[$cnt] = $tok; $svals[$cnt] = "$tok"; } else { $msg .= "nods set 0"; $val = 0; $vals[$cnt] = 0; $svals[$cnt] = ""; } if (@ops && ($ops[-1] eq 'NOT')) { pop @ops; $val = ($val ? 0 : 1); $vals[$cnt] = $val; $msg .= "NOT = $val"; } $cnt++; } elsif ($tok =~ /\$ENV\{(\w+)\}/) { # an enviroment token (or more) my $nta = cmake_token_split($tok); $val = ''; $tmp2 = scalar @{$nta}; foreach $tok (@{$nta}) { if ($tok =~ /\$ENV\{(\w+)\}/) { $tmp = $1; if (exists $ENV{$tmp}) { $tmp1 = $ENV{$tmp}; $msg .= "env [$tmp] = [$tmp1] "; } else { $tmp1 = ''; $msg .= "noenv [$tmp] so [$tmp1] "; } $tok =~ s/\$ENV\{$tmp\}/$tmp1/; if (length($tok)) { $val .= ' ' if (length($val)); $val .= $tok; } } else { $val .= ' ' if (length($val)); $val .= $tok; } } $msg .= "fin [$val] " if ($tmp2 > 1); $vals[$cnt] = $val; if ($val =~ /^\d+$/) { $svals[$cnt] = ($val == 0) ? "" : "$val"; } else { $svals[$cnt] = $val; } if (@ops && ($ops[-1] eq 'NOT')) { pop @ops; $val = ($val ? 0 : 1); $vals[$cnt] = $val; $msg .= "NOT = $val"; } $cnt++; # elsif (($txt =~ /^AND$/i)||($txt =~ /^OR$/i)||($txt =~ /^NOT$/i)||($txt =~ /^STREQUAL$/i)) { } elsif ($tok eq 'NOT') { if ($i == 0) { $msg .= "store 1st op $tok"; $fop = 1; # negates the result } else { $oper = $tok; push(@ops,$tok); $msg .= "push op $tok"; } } elsif (defined $cmake_opers{$tok}) { $oper = $tok; push(@ops,$tok); $msg .= "push op $tok"; $isstr = $cmake_opers{$tok}; } elsif ($tok =~ /^\d+$/) { $val = $tok; $vals[$cnt] = $val; $msg .= "digit $tok"; $svals[$cnt] = ($val == 0) ? "" : "$val"; if (@ops && ($ops[-1] eq 'NOT')) { pop @ops; $val = ($val ? 0 : 1); $vals[$cnt] = $val; $msg .= "NOT = $val"; } $cnt++; } elsif ($tok =~ /^\w+$/) { # also a macro? $tmp = "\${$tok}"; $tmp1 = $tmp; if (defined ${$rdh}{$tok}) { $val = ${$rdh}{$tok}; $msg .= "Def = [$val]"; } elsif (cmake_macro_sub(\$tmp,$rh)) { $val = $tmp; $msg .= "Mac [$tmp1] = $val"; } else { $val = $tok; $msg .= "NF [$tmp1] set $val"; } $vals[$cnt] = $val; if ($val =~ /^\d+$/) { $svals[$cnt] = ($val == 0) ? "" : "$val"; } else { $svals[$cnt] = $val; } if (@ops && ($ops[-1] eq 'NOT')) { pop @ops; $val = ($val ? 0 : 1); $vals[$cnt] = $val; $msg .= "NOT = $val"; } $cnt++; } else { # what is this if (length($tok)) { $msg .= 'asm str '; $vals[$cnt] = $tok; $svals[$cnt] = $tok; $cnt++; } else { $msg .= "UNK set 0"; $val = 0; $vals[$cnt] = 0; $svals[$cnt] = ''; if (@ops && ($ops[-1] eq 'NOT')) { pop @ops; $val = ($val ? 0 : 1); $vals[$cnt] = $val; $msg .= "NOT = $val"; } } $cnt++; } prt("$msg\n"); if ($cnt == 2) { $i++; last; } } $msg = "Result:$lev: "; if ($cnt > 1) { $tmp1 = $vals[0]; $tmp2 = $vals[1]; $tmps1 = $svals[0]; $tmps2 = $svals[1]; $msg .= "2 values [$tmp1] [$tmp2] "; if (@ops) { $oper = pop @ops; if ($oper eq 'AND') { $res = ($tmp1 && $tmp2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "AND "; } elsif ($oper eq 'OR') { $res = ($tmp1 || $tmp2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "OR "; } elsif ($oper eq 'EQUAL') { $msg .= "$oper "; if (($tmp1 =~ /^\d+$/) && ($tmp2 =~ /^\d+$/)) { # both are digits, so $res = ($tmp1 == $tmp2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "= "; } else { $res = ($tmps1 eq $tmps2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "eq "; } } elsif ($oper eq 'LESS') { $msg .= "$oper "; if (($tmp1 =~ /^\d+$/) && ($tmp2 =~ /^\d+$/)) { # both are digits, so $res = ($tmp1 < $tmp2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "< "; } else { $res = ($tmps1 eq $tmps2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "lt "; } #$res = ($tmp1 < $tmp2) ? 1 : 0; #$msg .= "$oper "; } elsif ($oper eq 'GREATER') { $msg .= "$oper "; if (($tmp1 =~ /^\d+$/) && ($tmp2 =~ /^\d+$/)) { # both are digits, so $res = ($tmp1 > $tmp2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "> "; } else { $res = ($tmps1 eq $tmps2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "gt "; } ##$res = ($tmp1 > $tmp2) ? 1 : 0; ##$msg .= "$oper "; } elsif ($oper eq 'STREQUAL') { $res = ($tmps1 eq $tmps2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "STREQUAL "; } elsif ($oper eq 'MATCHES') { $msg .= "MATCHING $tmps1 with $tmps2 "; if ($tmp1 =~ /$tmp2/) { $res = 1; $msg .= "t2 in t1 "; #} elsif ($tmp2 =~ /$tmp1/) { # $res = 1; # $msg .= "1 is in 2 "; #} elsif ($tmp1 eq $tmp2) { # $res = 1; # $msg .= "simp 'eq' "; } else { $msg .= "NO MATCH "; } } } else { $msg .= "NO OPS - some problem "; $res = 0; } } else { $tmp1 = $vals[0]; $tmp2 = $svals[0]; $msg .= "Single [$tmp1] "; if ($tmp1 =~ /^\d+$/) { $res = $tmp1; } else { if (length($tmp2)) { $res = 1; } } } if ($i < $acnt) { $tmps1 = "$res"; $tmp1 = 0; for (; $i < $acnt; $i++) { $tmp = ${$rta}[$i]; $tmps1 .= " $tmp"; # add the token if (($tmp1 == 0) && (defined $cmake_opers{$tmp})) { $tmps1 .= " ("; # start brackets $tmp1 = 1; } } $tmps1 .= " )" if ($tmp1); $res = cmake_if_parsing($tmps1,$rh,($lev+1)); prt("sub parsed [$tmps1] with res [$res]\n"); } if ($fop) { $res = ($res ? 0 : 1); $msg .= "NOT" } prt("$msg return $res\n"); return $res; } sub cmake_if_parsing($$$); # if() # True if the constant is 1, ON, YES, TRUE, Y, or a non-zero number. False if the constant # is 0, OFF, NO, FALSE, N, IGNORE, "", or ends in the suffix '-NOTFOUND'. Named boolean constants # are case-insensitive. If the argument is not one of these constants, it is treated as a variable: my %cmake_boolean_constants = ( '1' => 1, 'ON' => 1, 'YES' => 1, 'TRUE' => 1, 'Y' => 1, # or a non-zero number are all TRUE(1). '0' => 0, 'OFF' => 0, 'NO' => 0, 'FALSE' => 0, 'N' => 0, 'IGNORE' => 0 ); # plus "", or ends in the suffix '-NOTFOUND' are all FALSE(0) my %cmake_operators = ( 'AND' => 1, 'OR' => 2, 'EQUAL' => 3, 'LESS' => 4, 'GREATER' => 5, 'MATCHES' => 6, 'STREQUAL' => 7, 'STRLESS' => 8, 'STRGREATER' => 9 ); # if( MATCHES regex) #True if the given string or variable's value matches the given regular expression. # if( LESS ) # if( GREATER ) # if( EQUAL ) #True if the given string or variable's value is a valid number and the inequality or equality is true. # if( STRLESS ) # if( STRGREATER ) # if( STREQUAL ) #True if the given string or variable's value is lexicographically less (or greater, or equal) #than the string or variable on the right. my %cmake_special_opers = ( 'COMMAND' => 20, # if(COMMAND command-name) True if the given name is a command, macro or function that can be invoked. 'POLICY' => 21, # if(POLICY policy-id) True if the given name is an existing policy (of the form CMP). 'TARGET' => 22, # if(TARGET target-name) True if the given name is an existing target, built or imported. 'EXIST' => 23, # if(EXISTS file-name) or if(EXISTS directory-name) True if the named file or directory exists. Behavior is well-defined only for full paths. 'IS_NEWER_THAN' => 24, # if(file1 IS_NEWER_THAN file2) True if file1 is newer than file2 or if one of the two files doesn't exist. 'IS_DIRECTORY' => 25, # if(IS_DIRECTORY directory-name) True if the given name is a directory. (only for full paths). 'IS_SYMLINK' => 26, # if(IS_SYMLINK file-name) True if the given name is a symbolic link. 'IS_ABSOLUTE' => 27, # if(IS_ABSOLUTE path) True if the given path is an absolute path. 'VERSION_LESS' => 30, # if( VERSION_LESS ) 'VERSION_EQUAL' => 31, # if( VERSION_EQUAL ) 'VERSION_GREATER' => 32); # if( VERSION_GREATER ) #Component-wise integer version number comparison (version format is major[.minor[.patch[.tweak]]]). # IF("${CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION}" VERSION_LESS "") (=3) [C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\Platform\CYGWIN.cmake]1 # IF("${CMake_VERSION_TWEAK}" VERSION_LESS 20000000) (=3) [C:\FGCVS\cmake\CMakeLists.txt]426 # IF("${Ruby_FIND_VERSION_SHORT_NODOT}" VERSION_LESS "19") (=3) [C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\FindRuby.cmake]56 # IF("${_CURRENT_OSX_VERSION}" VERSION_LESS "10.5") (=3) [C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\Platform\Darwin.cmake]190 sub local_cmake_version_comp($$$$) { my ($oper,$ver1,$ver2,$rh) = @_; return 1 if ($ver1 eq $ver2); return 0; } sub cmake_if_parsing_VERY_GOOD($$$) { my ($act,$rh,$lev) = @_; my $rdh = ${$rh}{'CMAKE_DEFINES'}; my $rta = cmake_token_split($act); my $acnt = scalar @{$rta}; my $rcmso = \%cmake_special_opers; my $rcmop = \%cmake_operators; my $rcmbool = \%cmake_boolean_constants; my ($tok,$val,$tmp,$str1,$str2,$cnt,$i,$msg,$tmp1,$tmp2,$tmps1,$tmps2,$i2,$rop,$fval,$rtok,$tcnt,$nta); $msg = ($lev ? 'sub if' : "\nPARSE IF"); $msg .= " [ $act ] split $acnt array"; prt("$msg\n"); ###my @braces = (); my @resarr = (); my $oper = ''; my $isstr = 0; my @vals = (); my @svals = (); my @opersm = (); my $fop = 0; $str1 = ''; $str2 = ''; $cnt = 0; my $nact = ''; my $hadq = 0; my $pcnt = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $acnt; $i++) { $i2 = $i + 1; $pcnt = $cnt; $rtok = ${$rta}[$i]; $tok = strip_quotes($rtok); $hadq = ($rtok eq $tok) ? 0 : 1; $msg = "$cnt:$i2:$acnt: Token [$rtok]$hadq "; if ($rtok eq '(') { $tmps1 = ''; $i++; my @br = (); push(@br,$i); for (; $i < $acnt; $i++) { $tmp = ${$rta}[$i]; ### $tmp = strip_quotes($tmp); if ($tmp eq ')') { pop @br if (@br); last if (!@br); } elsif ($tmp eq '(') { push(@br,$i); } $tmps1 .= ' ' if (length($tmps1)); $tmps1 .= $tmp; } $val = cmake_if_parsing($tmps1,$rh,($lev+1)); $msg .= "br.parsed [$tmps1] = [$val]"; if (@opersm && ($opersm[-1][0] eq 'NOT')) { pop @opersm; $val = ($val ? 0 : 1); $vals[$cnt] = $val; $msg .= "NOT = $val"; } $vals[$cnt] = $val; if ($val =~ /^\d+$/) { $svals[$cnt] = ($val == 0) ? "" : "$val"; } else { $svals[$cnt] = $val; } $cnt++; } elsif ($rtok eq 'NOT') { if ($i == 0) { $msg .= "store 1st op $rtok"; $fop = 1; # negates the result } else { $oper = $rtok; push(@opersm,[$rtok,0]); $msg .= "push op $rtok"; } } elsif (defined ${$rcmop}{$rtok}) { $isstr = ${$rcmop}{$rtok}; $oper = $rtok; push(@opersm,[$rtok,$isstr]); $msg .= "push op $rtok"; } elsif (defined ${$rcmso}{$rtok}) { $isstr = ${$rcmop}{$rtok}; $oper = $rtok; push(@opersm,[$rtok,$isstr]); $msg .= "push spl op $rtok"; } elsif (defined ${$rcmbool}{$rtok}) { $val = ${$rcmbool}{$rtok}; $msg .= "bool val [$val] "; if (@opersm && ($opersm[-1][0] eq 'NOT')) { pop @opersm; $val = ($val ? 0 : 1); $msg .= "NOT = $val"; } $vals[$cnt] = $val; $svals[$cnt] = ($val == 0) ? "" : "$val"; $cnt++; } elsif (@opersm && ($opersm[-1][0] eq 'MATCHES')) { $vals[$cnt] = $tok; ###$svals[$cnt] = ($tok == 0) ? "" : "$tok"; $svals[$cnt] = "$tok"; $cnt++; } else { if ($cnt && !@opersm) { # hmmm next token, but no OPERATION YET - back up and accumulate $cnt--; $fval = $vals[$cnt]; } else { $fval = ''; # accumulate value } if ($rtok eq $tok) { $nta = cmake_token_split($rtok); } else { if (($tok =~ /\$\{\w+\}/) || ($tok =~ /\$ENV\{(\w+)\}/)) { $nta = cmake_token_split($tok); # use de-cloaked version } else { $nta = cmake_token_split($rtok); # use raw version } } $tmp2 = scalar @{$nta}; $tcnt = 0; foreach $rtok (@{$nta}) { $tcnt++; $tok = strip_quotes($rtok); if ($tok =~ /\$\{(\w+)\}/) { # a macro token $tmp = $1; $tmps2 = $tok; if (defined ${$rdh}{$tmp}) { $tmps2 = ${$rdh}{$tmp}; $tok =~ s/\$\{$tmp\}/$tmps2/; $val = $tok; $msg .= "$i2:$tcnt: def [$rtok] [$tmp] = [$tmps2] = [$val] "; } elsif (cmake_macro_sub(\$tmps2,$rh)) { $tok =~ s/\$\{$tmp\}/$tmps2/; $val = $tok; $msg .= "$i2:$tcnt: mac [$rtok] [$tmp] = [$tmps2] = [$val] "; } else { $msg .= "$i2:$tcnt: nods set 0"; $val = 0; } } elsif ($tok =~ /\$ENV\{(\w+)\}/) { # an enviroment token (or more) $tmp = $1; if (exists $ENV{$tmp}) { $tmps2 = $ENV{$tmp}; $tok =~ s/\$ENV\{$tmp\}/$tmps2/; $val = $tok; $msg .= "$i2:$tcnt: env [$rtok] [$tmp] = [$tmps2] = [$val] "; } else { $tmps2 = ''; $tok =~ s/\$ENV\{$tmp\}/$tmps2/; $val = $tok; $msg .= "$i2:$tcnt: no-env [$rtok] [$tmp] so [$val] "; } } elsif ($tok =~ /^\d+$/) { $val = $tok; $msg .= "$i2:$tcnt: digit $tok"; } elsif ($tok =~ /^\w+$/) { # also a macro? $tmp = "\${$tok}"; $tmp1 = $tmp; if (defined ${$rdh}{$tok}) { $val = ${$rdh}{$tok}; $msg .= "$i2:$tcnt: Def = [$val]"; } elsif (cmake_macro_sub(\$tmp,$rh)) { $val = $tmp; $msg .= "$i2:$tcnt: Mac [$tmp1] = $val"; } else { $val = $tok; $msg .= "$i2:$tcnt: NF [$tmp1] set $val"; } } else { # what is this if (length($tok)) { $msg .= "$i2:$tcnt: asm str "; $val = $tok; } else { $msg .= "$i2:$tcnt: UNK set 0"; $val = 0; } } # accumulate into final value, if anything to accumulate if (length($val)) { if ($val =~ /^\d+$/) { #if ($val > 0) { $fval .= ' ' if (length($fval)); $fval .= $val; #} } else { $fval .= ' ' if (length($fval)); $fval .= $val; } } } $msg .= "fin [$fval] " if ($tmp2 > 1); $vals[$cnt] = $fval; if ($fval =~ /^\d+$/) { $svals[$cnt] = ($fval == 0) ? "" : "$fval"; } else { $svals[$cnt] = $fval; } if (@opersm && ($opersm[-1][0] eq 'NOT')) { pop @opersm; $val = ($fval ? 0 : 1); $vals[$cnt] = $val; $msg .= "NOT = $val"; } $cnt++; } prt("$msg\n"); if ($cnt == 2) { $i++; last; } } $msg = "Result:$lev: "; my $res = 0; if ($cnt > 1) { $tmp1 = $vals[0]; $tmp2 = $vals[1]; $tmps1 = $svals[0]; $tmps2 = $svals[1]; $msg .= "2 values [$tmp1] [$tmp2] "; if (@opersm) { # $oper = pop @ops; $rop = pop @opersm; $oper = ${$rop}[0]; if (defined ${$rcmop}{$oper}) { # standard operators $isstr = ${$rcmop}{$tok}; # 'AND' => 1, 'OR' => 2, 'EQUAL' => 3, 'LESS' => 4, 'GREATER' => 5, 'MATCHES' => 6, # 'STREQUAL' => 7, 'STRLESS' => 8, 'STRGREATER' => 9 ); if ($oper eq 'AND') { $res = ($tmp1 && $tmp2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "AND "; } elsif ($oper eq 'OR') { $res = ($tmp1 || $tmp2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "OR "; } elsif ($oper eq 'EQUAL') { $msg .= "$oper "; if (($tmp1 =~ /^\d+$/) && ($tmp2 =~ /^\d+$/)) { # both are digits, so $res = ($tmp1 == $tmp2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "= "; } else { $res = ($tmps1 eq $tmps2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "eq "; } } elsif ($oper eq 'LESS') { $msg .= "$oper "; if (($tmp1 =~ /^\d+$/) && ($tmp2 =~ /^\d+$/)) { # both are digits, so $res = ($tmp1 < $tmp2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "< "; } else { $res = ($tmps1 eq $tmps2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "lt "; } } elsif ($oper eq 'GREATER') { $msg .= "$oper "; if (($tmp1 =~ /^\d+$/) && ($tmp2 =~ /^\d+$/)) { # both are digits, so $res = ($tmp1 > $tmp2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "> "; } else { $res = ($tmps1 eq $tmps2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "gt "; } } elsif ($oper eq 'MATCHES') { $msg .= "MATCHING $tmps1 =~ /$tmps2/ "; if ($tmp1 =~ /$tmp2/) { $res = 1; $msg .= "t2 in t1 "; } else { $msg .= "NO MATCH "; } } elsif ($oper eq 'STREQUAL') { $res = ($tmps1 eq $tmps2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "STREQUAL "; } elsif ($oper eq 'STRLESS') { $res = ($tmps1 lt $tmps2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "STRLESS "; } elsif ($oper eq 'STRGREATER') { $res = ($tmps1 gt $tmps2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "STRGREATER "; } else { prtw("IF Operation NOT CODED! [$oper]\n"); $msg .= "$oper NOT CODED! "; } } elsif (defined ${$rcmso}{$oper}) { if ($oper eq 'VERSION_EQUAL') { my $rvers = cmake_space_split($tmps1); # maybe more than one given my $rvcnt = scalar @{$rvers}; foreach $tmp (@{$rvers}) { if (local_cmake_version_comp($oper,$tmp,$tmps2,$rh)) { # got version equal $res = 1; $msg .= "fnd [$tmps2] in $rvcnt "; last; } } if (!$res) { $msg .= "NO fnd [$tmps2] in $rvcnt "; } } else { prtw("IF SPECIAL Operation NOT CODED! [$oper]\n"); $msg .= "SPL $oper NOT CODED! "; } } else { prtw("IF SPECIAL Operation NOT LISTED! [$oper]\n"); $msg .= "$oper NOT LISTED! "; } } else { $msg .= "NO OPS - some problem "; $res = 0; } } else { $tmp1 = $vals[0]; $tmp2 = $svals[0]; $msg .= "Single [$tmp1] "; if ($tmp1 =~ /^\d+$/) { $res = $tmp1; } else { if (length($tmp2)) { $res = 1; } } } if ($i < $acnt) { $tmps1 = "$res"; $tmp1 = 0; for (; $i < $acnt; $i++) { $tmp = ${$rta}[$i]; $tmps1 .= " $tmp"; # add the token if (($tmp1 == 0) && (defined ${$rcmop}{$tmp})) { $tmps1 .= " ("; # start brackets $tmp1 = 1; } } $tmps1 .= " )" if ($tmp1); $res = cmake_if_parsing($tmps1,$rh,($lev+1)); prt("sub parsed [$tmps1] with res [$res]\n"); } if ($fop) { $res = ($res ? 0 : 1); $msg .= "NOT" } prt("$msg return $res\n"); return $res; } sub cmake_if_parsing_QUITE_OK($$$) { my ($act,$rh,$lev) = @_; my $rdh = ${$rh}{'CMAKE_DEFINES'}; my $rta = cmake_token_split($act); my $acnt = scalar @{$rta}; my $rcmso = \%cmake_special_opers; my $rcmop = \%cmake_operators; my $rcmbool = \%cmake_boolean_constants; my ($tok,$val,$tmp,$str1,$str2,$cnt,$i,$msg,$tmp1,$tmp2,$tmps1,$tmps2,$i2,$rop); $msg = ($lev ? 'sub if' : "\nPARSE IF"); $msg .= " [ $act ] split $acnt array"; prt("$msg\n"); ###my @braces = (); my @resarr = (); my $oper = ''; my $isstr = 0; my @vals = (); my @svals = (); my @opersm = (); my $fop = 0; $str1 = ''; $str2 = ''; $cnt = 0; my $nact = ''; my $hadq = 0; my $pcnt = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $acnt; $i++) { $i2 = $i + 1; $pcnt = $cnt; $tmp = ${$rta}[$i]; $tok = strip_quotes($tmp); $hadq = ($tmp eq $tok) ? 0 : 1; $msg = "$cnt:$i2:$acnt: Token [$tmp]$hadq "; if ($tok eq '(') { $tmps1 = ''; $i++; my @br = (); push(@br,$i); for (; $i < $acnt; $i++) { $tmp = ${$rta}[$i]; ### $tmp = strip_quotes($tmp); if ($tmp eq ')') { pop @br if (@br); last if (!@br); } elsif ($tmp eq '(') { push(@br,$i); } $tmps1 .= ' ' if (length($tmps1)); $tmps1 .= $tmp; } $val = cmake_if_parsing($tmps1,$rh,($lev+1)); $msg .= "br.parsed [$tmps1] = [$val]"; if (@opersm && ($opersm[-1][0] eq 'NOT')) { pop @opersm; $val = ($val ? 0 : 1); $vals[$cnt] = $val; $msg .= "NOT = $val"; } $vals[$cnt] = $val; if ($val =~ /^\d+$/) { $svals[$cnt] = ($val == 0) ? "" : "$val"; } else { $svals[$cnt] = $val; } $cnt++; } elsif ($tok eq 'NOT') { if ($i == 0) { $msg .= "store 1st op $tok"; $fop = 1; # negates the result } else { $oper = $tok; push(@opersm,[$tok,0]); $msg .= "push op $tok"; } } elsif (defined ${$rcmop}{$tok}) { $isstr = ${$rcmop}{$tok}; $oper = $tok; push(@opersm,[$tok,$isstr]); $msg .= "push op $tok"; } elsif (defined ${$rcmso}{$tok}) { $isstr = ${$rcmop}{$tok}; $oper = $tok; push(@opersm,[$tok,$isstr]); $msg .= "push spl op $tok"; } elsif (defined ${$rcmbool}{$tok}) { $val = ${$rcmbool}{$tok}; $msg .= "bool val [$val] "; if (@opersm && ($opersm[-1][0] eq 'NOT')) { pop @opersm; $val = ($val ? 0 : 1); $msg .= "NOT = $val"; } $vals[$cnt] = $val; $svals[$cnt] = ($val == 0) ? "" : "$val"; $cnt++; } else { if ($tok =~ /\$\{(\w+)\}/) { # a macro token $tmp = $1; if (defined ${$rdh}{$tmp}) { $val = ${$rdh}{$tmp}; $msg .= "def [$tmp] = [$val] "; $vals[$cnt] = ${$rdh}{$tmp}; $svals[$cnt] = "${$rdh}{$tmp}"; } elsif (cmake_macro_sub(\$tok,$rh)) { $msg .= "mac = [$tok]"; $val = $tok; $vals[$cnt] = $tok; $svals[$cnt] = "$tok"; } else { $msg .= "nods set 0"; $val = 0; $vals[$cnt] = 0; $svals[$cnt] = ""; } if (@opersm && ($opersm[-1][0] eq 'NOT')) { pop @opersm; $val = ($val ? 0 : 1); $vals[$cnt] = $val; $msg .= "NOT = $val"; } $cnt++; } elsif ($tok =~ /\$ENV\{(\w+)\}/) { # an enviroment token (or more) my $nta = cmake_token_split($tok); $val = ''; $tmp2 = scalar @{$nta}; foreach $tok (@{$nta}) { if ($tok =~ /\$ENV\{(\w+)\}/) { $tmp = $1; if (exists $ENV{$tmp}) { $tmp1 = $ENV{$tmp}; $msg .= "env [$tmp] = [$tmp1] "; } else { $tmp1 = ''; $msg .= "noenv [$tmp] so [$tmp1] "; } $tok =~ s/\$ENV\{$tmp\}/$tmp1/; if (length($tok)) { $val .= ' ' if (length($val)); $val .= $tok; } } else { $val .= ' ' if (length($val)); $val .= $tok; } } $msg .= "fin [$val] " if ($tmp2 > 1); $vals[$cnt] = $val; if ($val =~ /^\d+$/) { $svals[$cnt] = ($val == 0) ? "" : "$val"; } else { $svals[$cnt] = $val; } if (@opersm && ($opersm[-1][0] eq 'NOT')) { pop @opersm; $val = ($val ? 0 : 1); $vals[$cnt] = $val; $msg .= "NOT = $val"; } $cnt++; } elsif ($tok =~ /^\d+$/) { $val = $tok; $vals[$cnt] = $val; $msg .= "digit $tok"; $svals[$cnt] = ($val == 0) ? "" : "$val"; if (@opersm && ($opersm[-1][0] eq 'NOT')) { pop @opersm; $val = ($val ? 0 : 1); $vals[$cnt] = $val; $msg .= "NOT = $val"; } $cnt++; } elsif ($tok =~ /^\w+$/) { # also a macro? $tmp = "\${$tok}"; $tmp1 = $tmp; if (defined ${$rdh}{$tok}) { $val = ${$rdh}{$tok}; $msg .= "Def = [$val]"; } elsif (cmake_macro_sub(\$tmp,$rh)) { $val = $tmp; $msg .= "Mac [$tmp1] = $val"; } else { $val = $tok; $msg .= "NF [$tmp1] set $val"; } $vals[$cnt] = $val; if ($val =~ /^\d+$/) { $svals[$cnt] = ($val == 0) ? "" : "$val"; } else { $svals[$cnt] = $val; } if (@opersm && ($opersm[-1][0] eq 'NOT')) { pop @opersm; $val = ($val ? 0 : 1); $vals[$cnt] = $val; $msg .= "NOT = $val"; } $cnt++; } else { # what is this if (length($tok)) { $msg .= 'asm str '; $vals[$cnt] = $tok; $svals[$cnt] = $tok; $cnt++; } else { $msg .= "UNK set 0"; $val = 0; $vals[$cnt] = 0; $svals[$cnt] = ''; if (@opersm && ($opersm[-1][0] eq 'NOT')) { pop @opersm; $val = ($val ? 0 : 1); $vals[$cnt] = $val; $msg .= "NOT = $val"; } } $cnt++; } } prt("$msg\n"); if ($cnt == 2) { $i++; last; } } $msg = "Result:$lev: "; my $res = 0; if ($cnt > 1) { $tmp1 = $vals[0]; $tmp2 = $vals[1]; $tmps1 = $svals[0]; $tmps2 = $svals[1]; $msg .= "2 values [$tmp1] [$tmp2] "; if (@opersm) { # $oper = pop @ops; $rop = pop @opersm; $oper = ${$rop}[0]; if (defined ${$rcmop}{$oper}) { # standard operators $isstr = ${$rcmop}{$tok}; # 'AND' => 1, 'OR' => 2, 'EQUAL' => 3, 'LESS' => 4, 'GREATER' => 5, 'MATCHES' => 6, # 'STREQUAL' => 7, 'STRLESS' => 8, 'STRGREATER' => 9 ); if ($oper eq 'AND') { $res = ($tmp1 && $tmp2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "AND "; } elsif ($oper eq 'OR') { $res = ($tmp1 || $tmp2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "OR "; } elsif ($oper eq 'EQUAL') { $msg .= "$oper "; if (($tmp1 =~ /^\d+$/) && ($tmp2 =~ /^\d+$/)) { # both are digits, so $res = ($tmp1 == $tmp2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "= "; } else { $res = ($tmps1 eq $tmps2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "eq "; } } elsif ($oper eq 'LESS') { $msg .= "$oper "; if (($tmp1 =~ /^\d+$/) && ($tmp2 =~ /^\d+$/)) { # both are digits, so $res = ($tmp1 < $tmp2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "< "; } else { $res = ($tmps1 eq $tmps2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "lt "; } #$res = ($tmp1 < $tmp2) ? 1 : 0; #$msg .= "$oper "; } elsif ($oper eq 'GREATER') { $msg .= "$oper "; if (($tmp1 =~ /^\d+$/) && ($tmp2 =~ /^\d+$/)) { # both are digits, so $res = ($tmp1 > $tmp2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "> "; } else { $res = ($tmps1 eq $tmps2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "gt "; } ##$res = ($tmp1 > $tmp2) ? 1 : 0; ##$msg .= "$oper "; } elsif ($oper eq 'MATCHES') { $msg .= "MATCHING $tmps1 with $tmps2 "; if ($tmp1 =~ /$tmp2/) { $res = 1; $msg .= "t2 in t1 "; #} elsif ($tmp2 =~ /$tmp1/) { # $res = 1; # $msg .= "1 is in 2 "; #} elsif ($tmp1 eq $tmp2) { # $res = 1; # $msg .= "simp 'eq' "; } else { $msg .= "NO MATCH "; } } elsif ($oper eq 'STREQUAL') { $res = ($tmps1 eq $tmps2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "STREQUAL "; } elsif ($oper eq 'STRLESS') { $res = ($tmps1 lt $tmps2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "STRLESS "; } elsif ($oper eq 'STRGREATER') { $res = ($tmps1 gt $tmps2) ? 1 : 0; $msg .= "STRGREATER "; } else { prtw("IF Operation NOT CODED! [$oper]\n"); $msg .= "$oper NOT CODED! "; } } elsif (defined ${$rcmso}{$oper}) { prtw("IF SPECIAL Operation NOT CODED! [$oper]\n"); $msg .= "SPL $oper NOT CODED! "; } else { prtw("IF SPECIAL Operation NOT LISTED! [$oper]\n"); $msg .= "$oper NOT LISTED! "; } } else { $msg .= "NO OPS - some problem "; $res = 0; } } else { $tmp1 = $vals[0]; $tmp2 = $svals[0]; $msg .= "Single [$tmp1] "; if ($tmp1 =~ /^\d+$/) { $res = $tmp1; } else { if (length($tmp2)) { $res = 1; } } } if ($i < $acnt) { $tmps1 = "$res"; $tmp1 = 0; for (; $i < $acnt; $i++) { $tmp = ${$rta}[$i]; $tmps1 .= " $tmp"; # add the token if (($tmp1 == 0) && (defined ${$rcmop}{$tmp})) { $tmps1 .= " ("; # start brackets $tmp1 = 1; } } $tmps1 .= " )" if ($tmp1); $res = cmake_if_parsing($tmps1,$rh,($lev+1)); prt("sub parsed [$tmps1] with res [$res]\n"); } if ($fop) { $res = ($res ? 0 : 1); $msg .= "NOT" } prt("$msg return $res\n"); return $res; } # eof - test00.pl