#!/usr/bin/perl -w # NAME: tidyxmlcfg.pl # AIM: Examine the xml config file, and write the replacement CPP code # In other words it uses the tidy xml config output to get all the options # available, type, default, and generate the Qt code for the tab dialogs. # 16/09/2015 - An attempt to remove the debug_on flag... use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; # split path ($name,$dir,$ext) = fileparse($file [, qr/\.[^.]*/] ) use Cwd; my $os = $^O; my $perl_dir = '/home/geoff/bin'; my $PATH_SEP = '/'; my $temp_dir = '/tmp'; if ($os =~ /win/i) { $perl_dir = 'C:\GTools\perl'; $temp_dir = $perl_dir; $PATH_SEP = "\\"; } unshift(@INC, $perl_dir); require 'lib_utils.pl' or die "Unable to load 'lib_utils.pl' Check paths in \@INC...\n"; # log file stuff our ($LF); my $pgmname = $0; if ($pgmname =~ /(\\|\/)/) { my @tmpsp = split(/(\\|\/)/,$pgmname); $pgmname = $tmpsp[-1]; } my $outfile = $temp_dir.$PATH_SEP."temp.$pgmname.txt"; open_log($outfile); # user variables my $VERS = "0.0.6 2015-09-16"; ##my $VERS = "0.0.5 2015-01-09"; my $load_log = 0; my $in_file = ''; my $in_file2 = ''; my $in_file3 = ''; my $verbosity = 0; my $out_file = ''; my $show_name_list = 0; my $add_line_numbers = 0; my $write_tmp_file = 0; my $tmp_out2 = $temp_dir.$PATH_SEP."temptg.h"; my $tmp_out3 = $temp_dir.$PATH_SEP."temptg.cpp"; # ### DEBUG ### my $debug_on = 1; my $def_file = 'F:\Projects\tidy-gui2\data\tidycfg.xml'; my $def_file2 = 'F:\Projects\tidy-gui2\src\tg-dialog.h'; my $def_file3 = 'F:\Projects\tidy-gui2\src\tg-dialog.cpp'; ##my $def_file1 = 'C:\Projects\qt\qt-gui\src\tidy-gui\data\tidycfg.xml'; ##my $def_file2 = 'C:\Projects\qt\qt-gui\src\tidy-gui\tg-dialog.h'; ##my $def_file3 = 'C:\Projects\qt\qt-gui\src\tidy-gui\tg-dialog.cpp'; ### program variables my @warnings = (); my $cwd = cwd(); sub VERB1() { return $verbosity >= 1; } sub VERB2() { return $verbosity >= 2; } sub VERB5() { return $verbosity >= 5; } sub VERB9() { return $verbosity >= 9; } sub show_warnings($) { my ($val) = @_; if (@warnings) { prt( "\nGot ".scalar @warnings." WARNINGS...\n" ); foreach my $itm (@warnings) { prt("$itm\n"); } prt("\n"); } else { prt( "\nNo warnings issued.\n\n" ) if (VERB9()); } } sub pgm_exit($$) { my ($val,$msg) = @_; if (length($msg)) { $msg .= "\n" if (!($msg =~ /\n$/)); prt($msg); } show_warnings($val); close_log($outfile,$load_log); exit($val); } sub prtw($) { my ($tx) = shift; $tx =~ s/\n$//; prt("$tx\n"); push(@warnings,$tx); } my $cppstatic = "// static objects\n"; my @chkboxes = (); my @labels = (); my @editboxes = (); my @combos = (); my $addcode = "\n\n". "/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n". "// code to be added to body\n"; my $addhead = "// code to be added to header\n"; my $lasthead = ''; my %slothash = (); # 1. create tab class # class GeneralTab : public QWidget # { # Q_OBJECT # public: # GeneralTab(const QFileInfo &fileInfo, QWidget *parent = 0); #}; sub get_tab_class($) { my $name = shift; my $txt = <(sender()); if (w) { Bool b = (Bool)w->isChecked(); setConfigBool( label, b ); } } EOF return $txt; } # QCheckBox *$token = new QCheckBox(\"$label\")); # if (fileInfo.isReadable()) # readable->setChecked(true); sub get_bool_cb($$$$) { my ($label,$token,$class,$name) = @_; my $text = "$label (Boolean)"; $cppstatic .= "static QCheckBox *$token;\n"; push(@chkboxes, [$token,$label,'Boolean',$class]); $addcode .= get_bool_change($label,$token,$class,$name); my $txt = <setChecked(true); } connect($token,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(on_$token())); EOF return $txt; } sub get_autobool_change($$$$) { my ($label,$token,$class,$name) = @_; set_header_slots($token,$name); my $txt = <(sender()); if (w) { Bool b; Qt::CheckState cs = w->checkState(); if (cs == Qt::Checked) b = yes; else if (cs == Qt::Unchecked) b = no; else b = (Bool)2; setConfigABool( label, b ); } } EOF return $txt; } sub get_bool_cb3($$$$$) { my ($label,$token,$type,$class,$name) = @_; my $text = "$label (AutoBool)"; $cppstatic .= "static QCheckBox *$token;\n"; push(@chkboxes, [$token,$label,$type,$class]); $addcode .= get_autobool_change($label,$token,$class,$name); my $txt = <setTristate(true); i = getConfigABool(\"$label\"); if (i == 0) { $token->setChecked(false); // $token->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); // 0 } else if (i == 1) { $token->setChecked(true); // $token->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); // 2 } else { $token->setCheckState(Qt::PartiallyChecked); // 1 } connect($token,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(on_$token())); EOF return $txt; } # $addcode .= get_editint_change($label,$token,$type,$class,$name,$te); sub get_editint_change($$$$$$) { my ($label,$token,$type,$class,$name,$te) = @_; set_header_slots($te,$name); my $txt = <(sender()); if (w) { QString s = w->text(); int i = s.toInt(); setConfigInt( label, i ); } } EOF return $txt; } # $cpp .= get_edit_int($label,$token,$type,$class,$name); sub get_edit_int($$$$$) { my ($label,$token,$type,$class,$name) = @_; my $te = $token."Ed"; my $text = "$label (Integer)"; $cppstatic .= "static QLabel *$token;\n"; $cppstatic .= "static QLineEdit *$te;\n"; push(@labels, [$token,$label,$type,$class]); push(@editboxes, [$te,$label,$type,$class]); $addcode .= get_editint_change($label,$token,$type,$class,$name,$te); my $txt = "\n"; $txt .= " $token = new QLabel(\"$text\");\n"; $txt .= " i = getConfigInt(\"$label\");\n"; $txt .= " s = QString::number(i);\n"; $txt .= " $te = new QLineEdit(s);\n"; $txt .= " $te->setMaximumWidth(50);\n"; $txt .= " connect($te,SIGNAL(editingFinished()),this,SLOT(on_$te()));\n"; return $txt; } sub get_editstg_change($$$$$$) { my ($label,$token,$type,$class,$name,$te) = @_; set_header_slots($te,$name); my $txt = <(sender()); if (w) { QString s = w->text(); s = s.trimmed(); setConfigStg( label, s.toStdString().c_str() ); } } EOF return $txt; } sub get_edit_stg($$$$$) { my ($label,$token,$type,$class,$name) = @_; my $te = $token."Ed"; my $text = "$label (String)"; $cppstatic .= "static QLabel *$token;\n"; $cppstatic .= "static QLineEdit *$te;\n"; push(@labels, [$token,$label,$type,$class]); push(@editboxes, [$te,$label,$type,$class]); $addcode .= get_editstg_change($label,$token,$type,$class,$name,$te); my $txt = "\n"; $txt .= " $token = new QLabel(\"$text\");\n"; $txt .= " s = getConfigStg(\"$label\");\n"; $txt .= " $te = new QLineEdit(s);\n"; $txt .= " connect($te,SIGNAL(editingFinished()),this,SLOT(on_$te()));\n"; return $txt; } sub get_combo_change1($$$) { my ($name,$comb,$label) = @_; set_header_slots($comb,$name); my $txt = <(sender()); if (w) { int i = w->currentIndex(); QVariant qv = w->itemData(i); QString qs = qv.toString(); setConfigEnc( label, qs.toStdString().c_str() ); } } EOF return $txt; } sub get_combo_change2($$$) { my ($name,$comb,$label) = @_; set_header_slots($comb,$name); my $txt = <(sender()); if (w) { int i = w->currentIndex(); QVariant qv = w->itemData(i); QString qs = qv.toString(); setConfigEnum( label, qs.toStdString().c_str() ); } } EOF return $txt; } sub get_combo($$$$$$) { my ($label,$token,$exam,$typ,$class,$name) = @_; my @arr = split(",",$exam); my $cnt = scalar @arr; my $cb = $token."Comb"; my $lo = $token."Lay"; my $comb = "// TODO: handle $typ change\n"; my $conn = "// TODO: handle $typ connect\n"; if ($cnt == 0) { pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: combo failed $label, $token, $exam! *** FIX ME ***\n"); } my ($itm); $cppstatic .= "static QComboBox *$cb;\n"; push(@combos, [$cb,$label,$typ,$class]); my $txt = "\n"; $txt .= " QGroupBox *$token = new QGroupBox(\"$label\");\n"; $txt .= " $cb = new QComboBox();\n"; foreach $itm (@arr) { $itm = trim_all($itm); $txt .= " $cb->addItem(\"$itm\",\"$itm\");\n"; } if ($typ eq 'Encoding') { $txt .= " s = getConfigEnc(\"$label\");\n"; $comb = get_combo_change1($name,$cb,$label); $conn = " connect($cb, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(on_$cb()));\n"; } elsif ($typ eq 'enum') { $txt .= " s = getConfigEnum(\"$label\");\n"; $comb = get_combo_change2($name,$cb,$label); $conn = " connect($cb, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(on_$cb()));\n"; } elsif ($typ eq 'DocType') { $txt .= " s = getConfigPick(\"$label\");\n"; # may be the same??? $comb = get_combo_change2($name,$cb,$label); $conn = " connect($cb, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(on_$cb()));\n"; } else { pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: get_combo() called with unknonw type '$typ'! *** FIX ME ***\n"); } $txt .= " i = $cb->findData(s);\n"; $txt .= " if (i != -1) {\n"; $txt .= " $cb->setCurrentIndex(i);\n"; $txt .= " }\n"; $txt .= " QVBoxLayout *$lo = new QVBoxLayout;\n"; $txt .= " $lo->addWidget($cb);\n"; $txt .= " $lo->addStretch(1);\n"; $txt .= " $token->setLayout($lo);\n"; ###$txt .= " // this FAILED ???\n"; ###$txt .= " // connect($cb, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT($comb(\"$label\")));\n"; $txt .= $conn; $addcode .= $comb; return $txt; } sub get_tab_name($) { my $name = shift; $name = uc(substr($name,0,1)).substr($name,1)."Tab"; return $name; } sub get_lo_name($) { my $name = shift; $name = uc(substr($name,0,1)).substr($name,1)."Layout"; return $name; } sub get_strucs() { my $txt = <; close INF; my $lncnt = scalar @lines; prt("Processing $lncnt lines, from [$inf]...\n"); my ($i,$line,$nline,$ra); my @nlines = (); for ($i = 0; $i < $lncnt; $i++) { $line = $lines[$i]; if ($line =~ /^\/\/\s+INSERT\s+HERE\s+/) { push(@nlines,$line); $i++; for (; $i < $lncnt; $i++) { $line = $lines[$i]; if ($line =~ /^\/\/\s+END\s+INSERT\s+/) { last; } } last; } push(@nlines,$line); } $nline = join("",@nlines); $nline .= $newcpp; ### $nline .= $line; for (; $i < $lncnt; $i++) { $line = $lines[$i]; $nline .= $line; } if ($write_tmp_file) { write2file($nline,$tmp_out3); prt("New contents of $inf\nwritten to $tmp_out3\n"); } else { rename_2_old_bak($inf); write2file($nline,$inf); prt("New contents of $inf written\n"); } } sub reset_in_file2() { my $inf = $in_file2; if (! open INF, "<$inf") { prtw("WARNING: Failed to open '$inf'\n"); return; } my @lines = ; close INF; my $lncnt = scalar @lines; prt("Processing $lncnt lines, from [$inf]...\n"); my ($i,$line,$class,$ra); my @nlines = (); $class = 'unknonw'; for ($i = 0; $i < $lncnt; $i++) { $line = $lines[$i]; chomp $line; if ($line =~ /^class\s+(\w+)\s+/) { $class = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /^public\s+slots:/) { if (defined $slothash{$class}) { $i++; for (; $i < $lncnt; $i++) { $line = $lines[$i]; chomp $line; last if ($line =~ /^\};/); } $ra = $slothash{$class}; foreach $line (@{$ra}) { $line = trim_tailing($line); push(@nlines,$line); } push(@nlines,""); push(@nlines,"};"); next; } } push(@nlines,$line); } $line = join("\n",@nlines); $line .= "\n"; if ($write_tmp_file) { write2file($line,$tmp_out2); prt("New contents of $inf\nwritten to $tmp_out2\n"); } else { rename_2_old_bak($inf); write2file($line,$inf); prt("New contents of $inf written\n"); } } # QLabel *fileNameLabel = new QLabel(tr("File Name:")); # QLineEdit *fileNameEdit = new QLineEdit(fileInfo.fileName()); sub gen_option_list($) { my ($ra) = @_; # \@options); my $len = scalar @{$ra}; my ($rh,$op,$val,$class,$type,$def,$name,$tt,$label,$token,$lon,$hcnt,$roa,$i,$exam,$curr,$nra); my @opts = qw( name type default example seealso description ); my %classes = (); $op = 'class'; foreach $rh (@{$ra}) { if (defined ${$rh}{$op}) { $val = ${$rh}{$op}; $classes{$val} = 1; } } my @arr = sort keys %classes; my $cnt = scalar @arr; prt("Have $len options, $cnt classes - ".join(" ",@arr)."\n"); my @checkboxes = (); my %labels = (); foreach $class (@arr) { prt("Option class '$class'\n"); if (! defined $labels{$class}) { $labels{$class} = []; } $nra = $labels{$class}; $name = get_tab_name($class); $lon = get_lo_name($class); #$chh .= get_tab_class($name); #$cpp .= get_imp_head($name); @checkboxes = (); # clear widget to add foreach $rh (@{$ra}) { $curr = ${$rh}{class}; $type = ${$rh}{type}; $def = ${$rh}{default}; $label = ${$rh}{name}; $tt = ${$rh}{description}; $exam = ${$rh}{example}; $token = $label; if ($curr ne $class) { # UGH - Want to switch some page classes if (($curr eq 'markup') && ($class eq 'encoding') && (($label eq 'doctype')||($label eq 'repeated-attributes')) ) { # add this markup to encoding page } elsif (($curr eq 'markup') && ($class eq 'misc') && (($label eq 'alt-text') || ($label eq 'css-prefix') || ($label =~ /^new-(.+)-tags$/)) ) { # add this markup to misc page } else { next; } } else { # $class and $curr are the SAME # have moved two to another page if (($curr eq 'markup') && (($label eq 'doctype')||($label eq 'repeated-attributes')|| ($label eq 'alt-text') || ($label eq 'css-prefix') || ($label =~ /^new-(.+)-tags$/) ) ) { next; # these have been MOVED to 'encoding' or 'misc' # mainly due to 'markup' has too many options } elsif (($curr eq "misc")&&($label eq "output-file")) { next; # output file moved to General (Main) Tab } } push(@{$nra},$label); $token =~ s/\-/_/g; if ($type eq 'Boolean') { #$cpp .= get_bool_cb($label,$token,$class,$name); push(@checkboxes,[$token,$type,$label]); # save to add to layout } elsif ($type eq 'Integer') { #$cpp .= get_edit_int($label,$token,$type,$class,$name); push(@checkboxes,[$token,$type,$label]); # save to add to layout push(@checkboxes,[$token.'Ed',$type,$label]); # save to add to layout } elsif ($type eq 'AutoBool') { #$cpp .= get_bool_cb3($label,$token,$type,$class,$name); push(@checkboxes,[$token,$type,$label]); # save to add to layout } elsif ($type eq 'String') { #$cpp .= get_edit_stg($label,$token,$type,$class,$name); push(@checkboxes,[$token,$type,$label]); # save to add to layout push(@checkboxes,[$token.'Ed',$type,$label]); # save to add to layout } elsif ($type eq 'Tag names') { #$cpp .= get_edit_stg($label,$token,$type,$class,$name); push(@checkboxes,[$token,$type,$label]); # save to add to layout push(@checkboxes,[$token.'Ed',$type,$label]); # save to add to layout } elsif ($type eq 'Encoding') { #$cpp .= get_combo($label,$token,$exam,$type,$class,$name); push(@checkboxes,[$token,$type,$label]); # save to add to layout } elsif ($type eq 'enum') { #$cpp .= get_combo($label,$token,$exam,$type,$class,$name); push(@checkboxes,[$token,$type,$label]); # save to add to layout } elsif ($type eq 'DocType') { #$cpp .= get_combo($label,$token,$exam,$type,$class,$name); push(@checkboxes,[$token,$type,$label]); # save to add to layout } else { prt("\n"); prtw("WARNING: unhandled type $type! *** FIX ME ***\n"); foreach $op (@opts) { if (defined ${$rh}{$op}) { $val = ${$rh}{$op}; prt("$op: $val\n"); } } } } $cnt = scalar @checkboxes; if ($class eq 'markup') { $hcnt = int($cnt / 2); my $n1 = $lon."1"; my $n2 = $lon."2"; #$cpp .= "\n"; #$cpp .= " QVBoxLayout *$n1 = new QVBoxLayout;\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $hcnt; $i++) { $roa = $checkboxes[$i]; $token = ${$roa}[0]; $type = ${$roa}[1]; $label = ${$roa}[2]; #$cpp .= " $n1->addWidget($token);\n"; } #$cpp .= " $n1->addStretch(1);\n"; #$cpp .= "\n"; #$cpp .= " QVBoxLayout *$n2 = new QVBoxLayout;\n"; for (; $i < $cnt; $i++) { $roa = $checkboxes[$i]; $token = ${$roa}[0]; $type = ${$roa}[1]; $label = ${$roa}[2]; #$cpp .= " $n2->addWidget($token);\n"; } #$cpp .= " $n2->addStretch(1);\n"; #$cpp .= "\n"; #$cpp .= " QHBoxLayout *$lon = new QHBoxLayout;\n"; #$cpp .= " $lon->addLayout($n1);\n"; #$cpp .= " $lon->addLayout($n2);\n"; #$cpp .= " setLayout($lon);\n"; } else { #$cpp .= "\n"; #$cpp .= " QVBoxLayout *$lon = new QVBoxLayout;\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { $roa = $checkboxes[$i]; $token = ${$roa}[0]; $type = ${$roa}[1]; $label = ${$roa}[2]; #$cpp .= " $lon->addWidget($token);\n"; } #$cpp .= " $lon->addStretch(1);\n"; #$cpp .= " setLayout($lon);\n"; } #$cpp .= "}\n\n"; } @arr = keys %labels; # get the 'class' key $cnt = scalar @arr; prt("Show of $cnt class labels...\n"); foreach $class (@arr) { $nra = $labels{$class}; prt("class $class labs ".join(" ",@{$nra})."\n"); } # pgm_exit(1,"TEMP EXIT!\n"); } sub show_options($) { my ($ra) = @_; # \@options); gen_option_list($ra) if (VERB9()); my $len = scalar @{$ra}; my ($rh,$op,$val,$class,$type,$def,$name,$tt,$label,$token,$lon,$hcnt,$roa,$i,$exam,$curr); my @opts = qw( name type default example seealso description ); my %classes = (); $op = 'class'; foreach $rh (@{$ra}) { if (defined ${$rh}{$op}) { $val = ${$rh}{$op}; $classes{$val} = 1; } } my @arr = sort keys %classes; my $cnt = scalar @arr; prt("Have $len options, $cnt classes - ".join(" ",@arr)."\n"); my $cpp = ''; my $chh = ''; my @checkboxes = (); foreach $class (@arr) { prt("\nOption class '$class'\n"); $name = get_tab_name($class); $lon = get_lo_name($class); $chh .= get_tab_class($name); $cpp .= get_imp_head($name); @checkboxes = (); # clear widget to add foreach $rh (@{$ra}) { $curr = ${$rh}{class}; $type = ${$rh}{type}; $def = ${$rh}{default}; $label = ${$rh}{name}; $tt = ${$rh}{description}; $exam = ${$rh}{example}; $token = $label; if ($curr ne $class) { # UGH - Want to switch some page classes if (($curr eq 'markup') && ($class eq 'encoding') && (($label eq 'doctype')||($label eq 'repeated-attributes')) ) { # add this markup to encoding page } elsif (($curr eq 'markup') && ($class eq 'misc') && (($label eq 'alt-text') || ($label eq 'css-prefix') || ($label =~ /^new-(.+)-tags$/)) ) { # add this markup to misc page } else { next; } } else { # $class and $curr are the SAME # have moved two to another page if (($curr eq 'markup') && (($label eq 'doctype')||($label eq 'repeated-attributes')|| ($label eq 'alt-text') || ($label eq 'css-prefix') || ($label =~ /^new-(.+)-tags$/) ) ) { next; # these have been MOVED to 'encoding' or 'misc' # mainly due to 'markup' has too many options } elsif (($curr eq "misc")&&($label eq "output-file")) { next; # output file moved to General (Main) Tab } } $token =~ s/\-/_/g; if ($type eq 'Boolean') { $cpp .= get_bool_cb($label,$token,$class,$name); push(@checkboxes,[$token,$type,$label]); # save to add to layout } elsif ($type eq 'Integer') { $cpp .= get_edit_int($label,$token,$type,$class,$name); push(@checkboxes,[$token,$type,$label]); # save to add to layout push(@checkboxes,[$token.'Ed',$type,$label]); # save to add to layout } elsif ($type eq 'AutoBool') { $cpp .= get_bool_cb3($label,$token,$type,$class,$name); push(@checkboxes,[$token,$type,$label]); # save to add to layout } elsif ($type eq 'String') { $cpp .= get_edit_stg($label,$token,$type,$class,$name); push(@checkboxes,[$token,$type,$label]); # save to add to layout push(@checkboxes,[$token.'Ed',$type,$label]); # save to add to layout } elsif ($type eq 'Tag names') { $cpp .= get_edit_stg($label,$token,$type,$class,$name); push(@checkboxes,[$token,$type,$label]); # save to add to layout push(@checkboxes,[$token.'Ed',$type,$label]); # save to add to layout } elsif ($type eq 'Encoding') { $cpp .= get_combo($label,$token,$exam,$type,$class,$name); push(@checkboxes,[$token,$type,$label]); # save to add to layout } elsif ($type eq 'enum') { $cpp .= get_combo($label,$token,$exam,$type,$class,$name); push(@checkboxes,[$token,$type,$label]); # save to add to layout } elsif ($type eq 'DocType') { $cpp .= get_combo($label,$token,$exam,$type,$class,$name); push(@checkboxes,[$token,$type,$label]); # save to add to layout } else { prt("\n"); foreach $op (@opts) { if (defined ${$rh}{$op}) { $val = ${$rh}{$op}; prt("$op: $val\n"); } } } } $cnt = scalar @checkboxes; if ($class eq 'markup') { $hcnt = int($cnt / 2); my $n1 = $lon."1"; my $n2 = $lon."2"; $cpp .= "\n"; $cpp .= " QVBoxLayout *$n1 = new QVBoxLayout;\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $hcnt; $i++) { $roa = $checkboxes[$i]; $token = ${$roa}[0]; $type = ${$roa}[1]; $label = ${$roa}[2]; $cpp .= " $n1->addWidget($token);\n"; } $cpp .= " $n1->addStretch(1);\n"; $cpp .= "\n"; $cpp .= " QVBoxLayout *$n2 = new QVBoxLayout;\n"; for (; $i < $cnt; $i++) { $roa = $checkboxes[$i]; $token = ${$roa}[0]; $type = ${$roa}[1]; $label = ${$roa}[2]; $cpp .= " $n2->addWidget($token);\n"; } $cpp .= " $n2->addStretch(1);\n"; $cpp .= "\n"; $cpp .= " QHBoxLayout *$lon = new QHBoxLayout;\n"; $cpp .= " $lon->addLayout($n1);\n"; $cpp .= " $lon->addLayout($n2);\n"; $cpp .= " setLayout($lon);\n"; } else { $cpp .= "\n"; $cpp .= " QVBoxLayout *$lon = new QVBoxLayout;\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { $roa = $checkboxes[$i]; $token = ${$roa}[0]; $type = ${$roa}[1]; $label = ${$roa}[2]; $cpp .= " $lon->addWidget($token);\n"; } $cpp .= " $lon->addStretch(1);\n"; $cpp .= " setLayout($lon);\n"; } $cpp .= "}\n\n"; } # how to add this the to header code #if (length($lasthead)) { # my $txt = "\n// end $lasthead class\n"; # $txt .= "};\n\n"; # $chh .= $txt; #} my $tm = time(); my $newcpp = "\n// Generated by $pgmname ".lu_get_YYYYMMDD_hhmmss_UTC($tm)." UTC, ".lu_get_hhmmss($tm)." local\n\n"; #prt($chh); prt($newcpp); prt($addhead); prt($addcode); $newcpp .= $addcode; prt(get_strucs()); $newcpp .= get_strucs(); prt($cppstatic); $newcpp .= $cppstatic; # ================== # CHKBXS my %h = (); foreach $roa (@chkboxes) { $type = ${$roa}[2]; $h{$type} = 1; } @arr = sort keys %h; $name = "\n"; $name .= "// CheckBox types: ".join(" ",@arr)."\n"; $name .= "static CHKBXS chkbxs[] = {\n"; foreach $roa (@chkboxes) { $token = ${$roa}[0]; $label = ${$roa}[1]; $type = ${$roa}[2]; $class = ${$roa}[3]; $name .= " { &$token, \"$label\", \"$type\", \"$class\" },\n"; } $name .= " // LAST ENTRY\n"; $name .= " { 0, 0, 0, 0 }\n"; $name .= "};\n"; # LABEL %h = (); foreach $roa (@labels) { $type = ${$roa}[2]; $h{$type} = 1; } @arr = sort keys %h; $name .= "\n"; $name .= "// Label types: "; foreach $type (@arr) { $name .= "'$type' "; } $name .= "\n"; $name .= "static LABEL label[] = {\n"; foreach $roa (@labels) { $token = ${$roa}[0]; $label = ${$roa}[1]; $type = ${$roa}[2]; $class = ${$roa}[3]; $name .= " { &$token, \"$label\", \"$type\", \"$class\" },\n"; } $name .= " // LAST ENTRY\n"; $name .= " { 0, 0, 0, 0 }\n"; $name .= "};\n"; # LINED %h = (); foreach $roa (@editboxes) { $type = ${$roa}[2]; $h{$type} = 1; } @arr = sort keys %h; $name .= "\n"; $name .= "// LineEdit types: "; foreach $type (@arr) { $name .= "'$type' "; } $name .= "\n"; $name .= "static LINED lined[] = {\n"; foreach $roa (@editboxes) { $token = ${$roa}[0]; $label = ${$roa}[1]; $type = ${$roa}[2]; $class = ${$roa}[3]; $name .= " { &$token, \"$label\", \"$type\", \"$class\" },\n"; } $name .= " // LAST ENTRY\n"; $name .= " { 0, 0, 0, 0 }\n"; $name .= "};\n"; # COMBOS %h = (); foreach $roa (@combos) { $type = ${$roa}[2]; $h{$type} = 1; } @arr = sort keys %h; $name .= "\n"; $name .= "// ComboBox types: "; foreach $type (@arr) { $name .= "'$type' "; } $name .= "\n"; $name .= "static COMBOS combos[] = {\n"; foreach $roa (@combos) { $token = ${$roa}[0]; $label = ${$roa}[1]; $type = ${$roa}[2]; $class = ${$roa}[3]; $name .= " { &$token, \"$label\", \"$type\", \"$class\" },\n"; } $name .= " // LAST ENTRY\n"; $name .= " { 0, 0, 0, 0 }\n"; $name .= "};\n"; prt($name); $newcpp .= $name; prt($cpp); $newcpp .= $cpp; if (-f $in_file2) { reset_in_file2(); } if (-f $in_file3) { reset_in_file3($newcpp); } ### $load_log = 1; } sub process_in_file($) { my ($inf) = @_; if (! open INF, "<$inf") { pgm_exit(1,"ERROR: Unable to open file [$inf]\n"); } my @lines = ; close INF; my $lncnt = scalar @lines; prt("Processing $lncnt lines, from [$inf]...\n"); my ($line,$inc,$lnn,$len,$tag,$txt,$intag,$i,$ch,$cn,$i2,$inquot,$qc,$last); $lnn = 0; $tag = ''; $txt = ''; $intag = 0; $inquot = 0; my @tagstack = (); my $inconfig = 0; my $inopt = 0; my $inname = 0; my $intype = 0; my $indef = 0; my $inex = 0; my $indesc = 0; my $inseealso = 0; my $inem = 0; my $incode = 0; my $inanch = 0; my $href = ''; my %hash = (); # for each option my @options = (); # stack option hashes my @namelist = (); my $last_txt = ''; foreach $line (@lines) { chomp $line; $lnn++; $line = trim_all($line); $len = length($line); next if ($len == 0); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $i2 = $i + 1; $ch = substr($line,$i,1); if ($intag) { $tag .= $ch; if ($ch eq '>') { if (VERB5()) { prt("$lnn: ") if ($add_line_numbers); if (length($txt)) { if ($txt ne $last_txt) { prt($txt); } $last_txt = $txt; } prt($tag); ##prt("\n"); } if ($tag =~ /^<\/(\w+)>/) { $inc = $1; # closing tag prt("\n") if (VERB5()); if (@tagstack) { $last = pop @tagstack; if ($last ne $inc) { prtw("WARNING: $lnn: Closing tag '$tag' NOT not last '$last' on stack\n"); } else { if ($last eq 'config') { # $inconfig = 0; } elsif ($last eq 'option') { #