#!/perl -w # NAME: toclipboard.pl # AIM: Copy the command given to the clipboard. If no command, show clipboard use strict; use warnings; use Win32::Clipboard; ### use Clipboard; sub prt($) { print shift; } my $copyto = ''; my ($tmp); foreach $tmp (@ARGV) { $copyto .= ' ' if (length($copyto)); $copyto .= $tmp; } my $CLIP = Win32::Clipboard(); if (length($copyto)) { prt( "Copying [$copyto] to the clipboard...\n" ); $CLIP->Set($copyto); } else { prt("Getting the clipboard...\n"); my $cont = Win32::Clipboard::GetText(); if ($cont =~ /^Win32::Clibboard/) { prt( "Clipboard: is EMPTY!\n"); } else { prt( "Clipboard: [$cont]\n"); } } exit(0); # eof