to HTML.

index -|- end

Generated: Tue Feb 2 17:55:02 2010 from 2008/05/27 41.4 KB.

# AIM: To read the INPUT directory, and generate a HTML file - a zip index -
# to allow down load of all the ZIPS files found there ...
# 21/04/2008 - Add a $very_simple flag to do JUST the zip list, w/o javascript
# 08/01/2008 - Put the information javascript into an external file
# 19/08/2007 - Make more general than 'my' source zips, with $add_desc, $msvc_list, and 
# add $add_mo_2 to do onmouseover on (reversed) alphabetic list.
# 09/06/2007 - update: either remote (depreciated) or local linking
# Also generates a javascript for showing all the files in the zip
# Description may have to be added for NEW items, but existing items,
# the description will come from zipdesc.txt ...
# and a zipexclude.txt for excluded files ...
# 20070127 - Add generation of a 'remote' index, similar to the 'local' index,
# except all the links refer back to site ... enable $writefil2,
# and set $def_html2 and $remlink (depreciated)
# and fixed get_nn() ...
# *************************************************************************************
# NOTE WELL: the sub get_zip_text($zipfile) uses MY PERSONAL zip8.bat to get CONTENTS
# NOTE WELL: This is MY zip listing BAT file, using the WINZIP
# *************************************************************************************
# geoff mclane - - 27 January, 2007
use strict;
use Digest::MD5  qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);
use File::stat; # to get the file date and size
use File::Basename;
require '' or die "ERROR: Can NOT load ...\n";
# log file stuff
my ($LF);
my $pgmname = $0;
if ($pgmname =~ /\w{1}:\\.*/) {
   my @tmpsp = split(/\\/,$pgmname);
   $pgmname = $tmpsp[-1];
my $outfile = "temp.$pgmname.txt";
my $htm_folder = 'C:\HOMEPAGE\GA\unix';
my $my_folder = $htm_folder.'\zips';
my $rel_folder = 'zips/';   # if any relative folder to add
#my $htm_folder = 'C:\HOMEPAGE\GA\fg';
#my $my_folder = $htm_folder.'\zips';
#my $my_folder = $htm_folder.'\zips\atlas01';
#my $my_folder = $htm_folder.'\zips\srcs';
#my $htm_folder = 'C:\HOMEPAGE\GA\ms';
#my $htm_folder = 'C:\HOMEPAGE\GA\tidy';
#my $my_folder = $htm_folder.'\zips';
##my $my_folder = 'C:\HOMEPAGE\GA\ms\zips';
##my $my_folder = 'C:\HOMEPAGE\Max5\zips';
##my $my_folder = 'C:\HOMEPAGE\P26\fg';
##my $rel_folder = 'zips/';   # if any relative folder to add
# features
my $very_simple = 1;   # just the actual zip list, no mouseover, no javascript
my $excl_vcslns = 0;   # exclude all vc[n]xxx[nn].zip
my $add_desc = 0;   # add a DESCRIPTION column, taking text from following
my $descfile = 'zipdesc.txt';
my $msvc_list = 0;   # add MSVC explanation, and split file name
my $add_mo_2 = 1;   # add onMouseOver javascript to ALPHABETIC list
my $no_pre = 1;      # do NOT use PRE - align with  , and use Courier New ...
my $add_ref = 1;   # Search HTM files in $htm_folder, for references to this ZIP
my $remlink = '';
#my $remlink = '';
my $writefil2 = 0;   # set to write the 2nd file (depreciated)
my $addconttbl = 1;   # add a contents table ...
my $tryfulltxt = 1;   # add full ZIP text - this works well, especially with $no_pre above
my $extjsfile = 1;   # 08/01/2008 - write to EXTERNAL js file - ziplist??.js
my $use_full_zl = 0; # 0 = just the file name
my $def_html1 = 'tempind01.htm';
my $def_html2 = 'tempind02.htm';
my $firstzlf  = 'tempziplst01.js';
my $bm_do = "dateordertbl";
my $bm_ct = "contenttbl";
my $bm_ab = "alphabetic";
my $bm_dateorder = "<a name=\"$bm_do\"\n  id=\"$bm_do\"></a>\n";
my $bm_content = "<a name=\"$bm_ct\"\n  id=\"$bm_ct\"></a>\n";
my $bm_alphabetic = "<a name=\"$bm_ab\"\n  id=\"$bm_ab\"></a>\n";
my $max_cell_cont = (90 * 12);
my $m_doctype = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"'."\n".
##prt( "$pgmname ... Hello, World ...\n" );
my $dbg0 = 0;   # load log file
my $verbose = 0;
my $verb2 = 0;
my $verb3 = 0;
my $dbg1 = 0;   # show getting DESCRIPTIONS
my $dbg2 = 0;   # show ZIP contents ...
my $dbg3 = 1;   # load HTM file ...
my $dbg4 = 0;   # show the exclude checking ...
my $dbg5 = 0;   # show description list ...
my $dbg6 = 0;   # show more on decription ...
my $dbg7 = 0;   # show description found ...
my $dbg8 = 0;   # show zip content text ...
my $dbg9 = 0;   # show zip content text being processed ...
my $dbg10 = 0;   # show line split count ...
my $dbg11 = 0;   # show function line added ...
my $dbg12 = 0;   # show discard ZL from function ...
my $dbg13 = 0;   # load 2nd (remote) HTM file ...
# program variables
my @descrips = ();
my @desclist = ();   # list of descriptions added
my @lines = ();
my $line = '';
my $filename = '';
my $filesrc = '';
my $fileexe = '';
my $lncnt = 0;
my @warnings = ();
my $desc = '';
my @excluded = ();
###my @excluded = qw( );
my @dirs = ($my_folder); # folders to process
# program variables
my @dir_obj = (); # start with NONE
# add time, file, size, md5
my @dir_obj2 = ();   # accumulated list
my @dir_objs = ();   # sorted list
my $do_cnt = 0;
my $htm_fil = shift || $def_html1;
my $htm_fil2 = $def_html2;
my ($HF1, $HF2);
my $msg = '';
my @zip_list = ();
if ($add_desc) {
   $lncnt = scalar @descrips;
   if ($lncnt) {
      prt( "Got $lncnt descriptions ...\n" );
      # close_log($outfile,1);
      # exit(0);
   } else {
      prt( "FAILED to find any descriptions ...\n" );
      # close_log($outfile,1);
      # exit(1);
open $HF1, ">$htm_fil" or mydie( "Can NOT open HTML file $htm_fil!\n" );
if ($writefil2) {
   open $HF2, ">$htm_fil2" or mydie( "Can NOT open HTML file $htm_fil2!\n" );
while ( scalar @dirs ) {
   my @dirs2 = @dirs;
   @dirs = ();
   my $dir;
   foreach $dir (@dirs2) {
      ### prt( '.' ) if !$verb2;
      get_zip_list( $dir );
   ### prt( "\n" ) if !$verb2;
$do_cnt = scalar @dir_obj;
@dir_objs = sort mycmp_decend @dir_obj2;
if ($do_cnt) {
   prt( "Found $do_cnt zips ...\n" );
   post_processing();   # add item(s) to @dir_objs, which is a SORTED version of @dir_obj2 ...
   write_html($HF1, 0);   # with NO 'remote' link
   prt( "Written $htm_fil ...\n" );
   if ($writefil2) {
      @desclist = ();
      write_html($HF2, 1);   # with REMOTE link
      prt( "Written $htm_fil2 ...\n" );
} else {
   prt( "WARNING: No zips found ...\n" );
# clean up
close ($HF1);
system $htm_fil if ($dbg3);
if ($writefil2) {
   close ($HF2);
   system $htm_fil2 if ($dbg13);
$lncnt = scalar @warnings;
if ($lncnt) {
   prt( "NOTE: Got following $lncnt warnings ...\n" );
   foreach $line (@warnings) {
show_descriptions() if ($dbg5);
# end of program
### only subs below
# seek ar particular file name in @dir_objs,
# and return its mouse over text, if any.
sub get_mo_from_dir_objs {
   my ($fn) = shift;
   for (my $j = 0; $j < $do_cnt; $j++) {
      my $zln = subactdir( $dir_objs[$j][1] );
      if ($zln eq $fn) {
         return $dir_objs[$j][7]; # return the OnMouseOver display function
   return '';
# seek through the LIST of file given, in $htm_folder
# finding this particular file name.
# Return string, with file names separted by /<br>/ if more than one.
sub find_refs {
   my ($f, $rf, @refs) = @_;
   my @lines = ();
   my ($rff, $line);
   my $infs = '';
   foreach $rff (@refs) {
      if (open(INF, "<$rff")) {
         @lines = <INF>;
         close INF;
         foreach $line (@lines) {
            if ($line =~ /$f/) {
               $infs .= '<br>' if (length($infs));
               $infs .= $rf.subhtmdir($rff);
   return $infs;
# give a string from the above sub, find_refs,
# split it on /<br>/ and build a HREF string
# using only the file name as text.
sub get_href_ref_string {
   my ($rs) = shift;
   my $rrs = '';
   my @arr = split(/<br>/, $rs);
   my $sz = scalar @arr;
   foreach my $r (@arr) {
      my ($rf, $rd) = fileparse($r);
      $rrs .= '<br>' if (length($rrs));
      $rrs .= "<a href=\"$r\">$rf</a>";
   return $rrs;
# we have all the ZIP files, but this adds some more
# information to the multidenmensional array, @dir_objs,
# which was built from @dir_obj2, the original array.
# Uses $htm_folder, if $add_ref is enabled,
# building a relative path from $my_folder, to the 
# possible reference files in $htm_folder ...
sub post_processing {
   my ($i, $ii, $mo, $zfn, $rf, $relf);
   prt( "Doing post processing on $do_cnt zip files ...\n" );
   # add mouse over display index
   my $rcnt = 0;
   my @ref_files = ();
   if ($add_ref && !$very_simple) {
      @ref_files = process_ref_dir($htm_folder);
      $rcnt = scalar @ref_files;
      if ($rcnt) {
      prt( "And will check $rcnt HTML file for references ...\n" );
   for ($i = 0; $i < $do_cnt; $i++) {
      $ii = $i + 1;
      $mo = "disp$ii";
      #                  0           1     2          3     4    5      5  7   8
      #push(@dir_obj2, [ $sb->mtime, $ffn, $sb->size, $md5, $zt, $desc, 0, "", "" ]);
      $dir_objs[$i][7] = $mo;   # set the OnMouseOver display function
      if ($add_ref && $rcnt && !$very_simple) {
         $zfn = subactdir( $dir_objs[$i][1] );
         $relf = get_relative_path( $htm_folder, $my_folder );
         $rf = find_refs($zfn, $relf, @ref_files);
         $dir_objs[$i][8] = $rf;   # set reference files
         ##prt( "Set reference for $zfn to $rf ...\n" );
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# To write a HTML file, listing all the ZIPS found,
# including lots of information about each.
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
sub write_html {
   # $h=handle $r=remote link or not
   my ($h, $r) = @_;
   my ($i, $ii, $jt, $dt, $sn, $sz, $m5, $d, $ln, $mo, $re);
   add_htm_head($h, 'Zip File Listing', $r); # out the HTML header parts
   print $h "$bm_dateorder"; # set anchor point
   # write the zip file table in DATE ORDER, adding
   # a description, if $add_desc enabled, and a desritpion file found
   # a reference, if $add_ref enabled, with the page(s) the zip is mentioend in.
   print $h "<table border=\"1\" align=\"center\" summary=\"List of zip downloads\">\n";
   ###print $h "<caption>List of ZIP downloads, in Date Order</caption>\n";
   # add table header lines
   print $h "\n   <tr>\n";
   print $h "    <th>\n    Date\n    </th>\n";
   print $h "    <th>\n    Zip\n    </th>\n";
   print $h "    <th>\n    Size\n    </th>\n";
   print $h "    <th>\n    Md5\n    </th>\n";
   print $h "    <th>\n    Description\n    </th>\n" if ($add_desc);
   print $h "    <th>\n    Reference\n    </th>\n" if ($add_ref && !$very_simple);
   print $h "   </tr>\n";
   # output each ZIP, and its information to the table ...
   for ($i = 0; $i < $do_cnt; $i++) {
      # added time, file, size, md5
      $ii = $i + 1;
      $mo = $dir_objs[$i][7];   # get the OnMouseOver display function
      $re = $dir_objs[$i][8];   # get HTML reference file, IF ANY
      $dt = YYYYMMDD( $dir_objs[$i][0] );
      $ln = subactdir( $dir_objs[$i][1] );
      #$jt = "onMouseOver=\"disp$ii()\" onMouseOut=\"nodisp()\"";
      $jt = '';
      if (!$very_simple) {
         $jt = "onMouseOver=\"$mo()\" onMouseOut=\"nodisp()\"";
      #                  0           1     2          3     4    5      5  7   8
      #push(@dir_obj2, [ $sb->mtime, $ffn, $sb->size, $md5, $zt, $desc, 0, "", "" ]);
      if ($r) {
         $sn = $remlink . $ln;
      } else {
         $sn = $rel_folder.$ln;
      $sz = get_nn( $dir_objs[$i][2] );
      $m5 = $dir_objs[$i][3];
      $desc = $dir_objs[$i][5];
      if (in_desclist($desc)) {
         $desc = "see later version above";
      } else {
         push(@desclist, $desc);
      print $h "\n   <tr>\n";
      print $h "    <td align=\"left\">\n    $dt\n    </td>\n";
      print $h "    <td align=\"left\">\n    <a href=\"$sn\" $jt>\n    $ln\n    </a>\n    </td>\n";
      print $h "    <td align=\"right\">\n    $sz\n    </td>\n";
      print $h "    <td align=\"left\" nowrap>\n    <tt>\n    $m5\n    </tt>\n    </td>\n";
      print $h "    <td align=\"left\">\n    $desc\n    </td>\n" if ($add_desc);
      if ($add_ref && !$very_simple) {
         if (length($re)) {
            print $h "    <td>\n    ".get_href_ref_string($re)."\n    </td>\n";
         } else {
            print $h "    <td>\n    &nbsp; \n    </td>\n";
      print $h "   </tr>\n";
   print $h "  </table>\n";
   print $h "\n";
   if (!$very_simple) {
      add_index_link( $h, $r, 3 ); # excl alphabetic
      print $h "\n";
      # NOTE: post_processing  has to have been done to SET 
      # the mouseover $mo $dir_objs[nn][7]
      # and the reference $re $dir_objs[nn][8] if $add_ref enabled.
      print $h "<p align=\"center\">";
      print $h "$bm_alphabetic";
      print $h "Simple (reverse) alphabetic list<br>| \n";
      #foreach $d (sort @dir_obj) {
      foreach $d (reverse @dir_obj) {
         if ($r) {
            $sn = $remlink . $d;
         } else {
            $sn = $rel_folder . $d;
         $mo = get_mo_from_dir_objs($d);
         $jt = '';
         if ($add_mo_2 && length($mo)) {
            $jt = "onMouseOver=\"$mo()\" onMouseOut=\"nodisp()\"";
         $msg = "<a $jt href=\"$sn\">$d</a>";
         print $h "$msg | \n";
      print $h "</p>\n";
      print $h "\n";
      print $h "<p class=\"ctr\"><font color=\"red\"><b>RUN EXECUTABLES AT YOUR OWN RISK!</b></font></p>\n";
      # add a second CONTENTS table, listing each ZIPS contents
      add_htm_table2($h, $msg, $r);
   # boink out the HTML tail stuff
   $msg = '<!-- ';
   $msg .= YYYYMMDD(time());
   if ($r) {
      $msg .= ' ';
   } else {
      $msg .= ' ';
   $msg .= '- generated by ';
   $msg .= "$pgmname -->";
   add_htm_tail($h, $msg, $r);
# navigation jump within document
# usually the closest item is omitted, due to
# the number passed. Called from add_index_link()
sub get_index_text {
   my ($num) = shift;
   my $it = '';
   $it .= "[<a href=\"#top\">top</a>] " if ($num != 1);
   if (!$very_simple) {
      $it .= "[<a href=\"#".$bm_do."\">Ordered</a>] " if ($num != 2);
      $it .= "[<a href=\"#".$bm_ab."\">Alphabetic</a>] " if ($num != 3);
      $it .= "[<a href=\"#".$bm_ct."\">Content</a>] " if ($num != 4);
   $it .= "[<a href=\"#end\">end</a>] " if ($num != 5);
   $it .= "[<a href=\"../index.htm\">index</a>]";
   return $it;
# add a mainly within document jump line
sub add_index_link {
   my ($fh, $r, $num) = @_;
   if ($r) {
   print $fh <<EOF;
<p class="ctr">|- <a href="../home2.htm">home</a> -|
   } else {
      print $fh "\n  <p class=\"ctr\">|- ";
      print $fh get_index_text($num);
      print $fh " -|\n  </p>\n";
# bounce out the HEAD of the HTML document
sub add_htm_head {
   my ($fh, $tit, $r) = @_;
   print $fh "$m_doctype\n";
   print $fh <<EOF;
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Language"
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
      content="text/html; charset=us-ascii">
  <meta name="Author"
      content="Geoff Mclane">
  <meta name="description"
      content="download zip files">
  <meta name="keywords"
      content="geoff, mclane, geoff mclane, programmer, flightgear, flight, simulator, free, source, binaries, WIN32, EXE">
  <meta name="GENERATOR"
      content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0">
  <meta name="ProgId"
  <style type="text/css">
<!-- /* Style Definitions */
  body {
  margin: 0cm 1cm 1cm 1cm;
  text-align: justify;
  h1 {
  border-style: solid solid solid solid;
  padding:2px 2px 2px 2px;
  .ctr { text-align: center; }
  .cn { font-family : "Courier New"; } 
  .cnsmall { font-family : "Courier New"; font-size:70%; } { 
  margin : 0;
  border-style : none;
  padding : 0;
  width : 20%;
  text-align : center;
  } { 
  margin : 0;
  border-style : none;
  padding : 0;
  text-align : center;
  tt { font-size : x-small }
   if (!$very_simple) {
   print $fh <<EOF;
   if (!$very_simple) {
      print $fh '    <div id="toolDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hide;z-index:1;"></div>';
   printf $fh <<EOF;
   <h1><a name="top"
   add_index_link($fh, $r, 1);   # excluding 'top'
   print $fh <<EOF;
<p>Click on the following links to download the ZIP file. If this fails, try a right button click,
and in the context menu, left click 'Save Target As...' ...</p>
   if ($msvc_list) {
      print $fh <<EOF;
<p>These ZIP files contain either MSVC
(6,7 and/or 8) source files, or a WIN32 runtime executable. Generally, a name like
will be the source, and will be the WIN32 runtime executable.
   print $fh <<EOF;
<p>Take due care with
downloading and running executables from the web. Do, at least, check the MD5 digest after
downloading. Older items are exactly that, older versions ... Listing, in a table, are $do_cnt zips for
download, in DATE order ... 
   if (!$very_simple) {
      print $fh <<EOF;
If javascript is enabled, hovering the mouse over the link should show
the contents of the zip file ... 
   print $fh <<EOF;
No warranty is given or implied! Just some <font color=
"#FF0000"><b>PERSONAL</b></font> tools ... <font color="#FF0000"><b>USE AT OWN RISK</b></font>
   print $fh <<EOF;
<p align="center"><font color="red"><b>RUN EXECUTABLES AT YOUR OWN RISK!</b></font>
# convert a fixed font directory listing, using &nbsp; to
# keep the alignment.
sub get_nbsp_text {
   my ($zt) = shift;
   my $nzt = '';
   my $max = length($zt);
   my ($k, $ch, $pch, $nch, $k1, $nl);
   $pch = '';
   $nl = 0;
   for ($k = 0; $k < $max; $k++) {
      $ch = substr($zt,$k,1);
      $k1 = $k + 1;
      if ($ch eq "\n") {
         # new line
         if ( ($k1 < $max) && ($nl > 0) ) {
            $nzt .= "\n<br>";
         $nl = 0;
      } elsif ($ch eq ' ') {
         if ($k1 < $max) {
            $nch = substr($zt,$k1,1);
            if ($nch eq ' ') {
               # ok we have 2 or more spaces
               $k++;   # bump to this next
               $nzt .= '&nbsp;';   # add the 'space' skipped
               for ( ; $k < $max; $k++) {
                  $k1 = $k + 1;   # get to NEXT
                  $nch = '';
                  if ($k1 < $max) {
                     $nch = substr($zt,$k1,1);
                  if ($nch ne ' ') {
                  $nzt .= '&nbsp;';   # add the 'space' skipped
      $nzt .= $ch;
      $pch = $ch;
   return $nzt;
# finishing up - spit out the HTML tail
sub add_htm_tail {
   my ($fh, $msg, $r) = @_;
   add_index_link($fh, $r, 5); # except 'end'
   print $fh <<EOF;
  <p class="top">
   <a target="_self"
  <hr class="mini">
   <a name="end"
      id="end"></a> <a target="_blank"
   <img border="0"
        alt="checked by tidy" width="32" height="32"></a>&nbsp; <a href=""
   <img src="images/valid-html401.gif"
        alt="Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional" width="88" height="31"></a>
   if (!$very_simple) {
      print $fh <<EOF;
  <script type="text/javascript"
  <!-- // add final paragraph ...
  // -->
   printf $fh <<EOF;
# add the SECOND contents table, if $addconttbl is enabled.
sub add_htm_table2 {
   my ($fh, $msg, $r) = @_;
   my $zcnt = scalar @zip_list;
   if ($addconttbl && $zcnt) {
      add_index_link($fh, $r, 4); # excl content
      print $fh "$bm_content"; # = "<a name=\"$bm_ct\"\n  id=\"$bm_ct\"></a>\n";
      print $fh "\n";
      print $fh "<table border=\"1\" summary=\"List of zip downloads, with contents\">\n";
      print $fh "<caption><b>List of ZIP downloads, showing contents.</b></caption>\n";
      print $fh "<tr>\n";
      print $fh "<th>Download</th>\n";
      print $fh "<th>Contents</th>\n";
      print $fh "</tr>\n";
      prt( "Table of $zcnt zip files, with content ...\n" );
      for (my $i = 0; $i < $zcnt; $i++) {
         my $fil = $zip_list[$i][1];
         my $bas = $zip_list[$i][2];
         my $typ = $zip_list[$i][3];
         my $num = $zip_list[$i][4];
         my $ztx = $zip_list[$i][5];   # full zip -vb text, with \n ...
         print $fh "<tr>\n";
         print $fh "<td valign=\"top\"><a href=\"$rel_folder$fil\">$fil</a></td>\n";
         if ($tryfulltxt) {
            if (length($ztx) > $max_cell_cont) {
               $ztx .= "<font face=\"arial, helvetica\" size=\"-2\">page links: ".get_index_text(0)."</font>";
            } else {
               $ztx =~ s/\n$//;
            if ($no_pre) {
               print $fh '<td class="cnsmall">';
               $ztx = get_nbsp_text($ztx);
               print $fh $ztx;
            } else {
               print $fh "<td>";
               print $fh "<pre>";
               print $fh $ztx;
               print $fh "</pre>";
            print $fh "</td>\n";
         } else {
            my $zls = get_zip_file_list( $ztx, $fil ); # reduced to file list
            if (length($zls) > $max_cell_cont) {
               print $fh "<td>$zls - in page: |- ".get_index_text(0)." -|</td>\n";
            } else {
               print $fh "<td>$zls</td>\n";
         print $fh "</tr>\n";
         ###prt( "$fil ... [$bas][$typ][$num] ...\n" );
      print $fh "</table>\n";
      print $fh "\n";
   } else {
      # none to list, but want anchor anyway
      print $fh "$bm_content"; # = "<a name=\"$bm_ct\"\n  id=\"$bm_ct\"></a>\n";
# get a LIST of HTML files in the given folder.
# return the array, using FULL FILE NAMES.
sub process_ref_dir {
   my ($rd) = shift;
   my @hfiles = ();
   if (opendir(RDIR, $rd)) {
      my @files = readdir(RDIR);
      close RDIR;
      my $fcnt = scalar @files;
      if ($fcnt > 2) {
         foreach my $fn (@files) {
            if (($fn eq '.') || ($fn eq '..')) {
            if (( $fn =~ /\.htm$/i )||( $fn =~ /\.html$/i )) {
               my $ff = $rd."\\".$fn;
               push(@hfiles, $ff);
         if ( ! @hfiles ) {
            prt( "WARNING: Reference directory [$rd] containes NO HTM[L] FILES! (fcnt=$fcnt)\n" );
      } else {
         prt( "WARNING: Reference directory [$rd] containes NO FILES! (fcnt=$fcnt)\n" );
   } else {
      prt( "WARNING: Failed to open directory [$rd] ... $! ...\n" );
   return @hfiles;
# process a given directory, seeking ZIP files.
sub process_dir {
   my ($in_folder) = @_;
   prt( "Processing folder $in_folder ...\n" ) if $verb2;
   if( !( -d $in_folder ) ) {
      prt( "Folder $in_folder is NOT a directory! ... aborting ...\n" ) if $verbose;
      return 0;
   if (! opendir(DIRH, $in_folder) ) {
      prt( "ERROR: Can NOT open directory $in_folder ... aborting ...\n" ) if $verbose;
      return 0;
   my @files = readdir(DIRH);
   my $fcnt = scalar @files;
   if ((! @files) || ($fcnt < 3)) {
      prt( "No files found in folder $in_folder ...\n" ) if $verb2;
      return 0;
   my ($fn, $ffn);
   my $got_obj = 0;
   prt( "Found $fcnt items in folder ...\n" ) if $verb2;
   $got_obj = 0;
   foreach $fn (@files) {
      if ($in_folder eq '.') {
         $ffn = $fn;
      } else {
         $ffn = $in_folder . '\\' . $fn;
      if ( -d $ffn ) {
         if (($fn eq '.') || ($fn eq '..')) {
            # do nothing
         } else {
            # do nothing
            ###push(@dirs, $ffn);
            ###print "Sub-directory $ffn ...\n" if $verb2;
      } else {
         if (in_excluded($fn)) {
            prt( "EXCLUDED file [$fn] ...\n" ) if $verb2;
         } elsif ( $fn =~ /\.zip$/i ) {
            my $sb = stat($ffn);
            open(FILE, $ffn) or mydie( "Can't open '$ffn': $!" );
            my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new->addfile(*FILE)->hexdigest;
            my $dtt = YYYYMMDD($sb->mtime);
            my $sn = subactdir($ffn);
            my $zt = get_zip_txt($ffn);
            $desc = "";
            if ($add_desc) {
               $desc = get_description($fn);
               if (length($desc)) {
                  prt( "DESC[$desc]\n" ) if ($dbg7);
               } else {
                  $desc = 'ADD DESCRIPTION';
                  prt( "WARNING: NO DESCRIPTION for [$fn]!\n" );
                  push(@warnings, "WARNING: NO DESCRIPTION for [$fn]!\n" );
            prt( "ZIP File [$ffn][$sn] ... ".$sb->size." bytes ... [$md5] [$dtt]\n" ) if $verb2;
            prt( "Contents:\n$zt\n" ) if ($dbg2);
            push(@dir_obj, $sn);
            ##push(@dir_obj2, [0,         1,    2,         3,    4,   5,     6, 7,  8 ]);
            push(@dir_obj2, [ $sb->mtime, $ffn, $sb->size, $md5, $zt, $desc, 0, '', '']);
         } else {
            prt( "Dicarded file [$fn] ...\n" ) if $verb2;
   my $dcnt = scalar @dirs;
   if ($got_obj) {
      prt( "Found $got_obj zips in folder ...\n" ) if $verb2;
   } else {
      prt( "Found NO zipd in folder ...\n" ) if $verb2;
   if ($dcnt) {
      prt( "Found $dcnt directories to process ...\n" ) if $verb2;
# My particular time 'translation' - replaced date_string
   #  0    1    2     3     4    5     6     7     8
   my ($tm) = shift;
    my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($tm);
   $year += 1900;
   $mon += 1;
   my $ymd = "$year/";
   if ($mon < 10) {
      $ymd .= '0'.$mon.'/';
   } else {
      $ymd .= "$mon/";
   if ($mday < 10) {
      $ymd .= '0'.$mday;
   } else {
      $ymd .= "$mday";
   return $ymd;
# ENSURE '/' is used throughout string.
sub dos_2_unix($) {
   my ($du) = shift;
   $du =~ s/\\/\//g;
   return $du;
# sub root folder, $my_folder, from full name
sub subactdir($) {
   my ($d) = shift;
   my $rt = dos_2_unix($my_folder);
   $d = dos_2_unix($d);
   $d =~ s,^$rt,,;
   if (length($d)) {
      $d =~ s,^/,,;
   return $d;
# sub $htm_folder, from full name.
sub subhtmdir($) {
   my ($d) = shift;
   my $rt = dos_2_unix($htm_folder);
   $d = dos_2_unix($d);
   $d =~ s,^$rt,,;
   if (length($d)) {
      $d =~ s,^/,,;
   return $d;
# put least first
sub mycmp_ascend {
   if (${$a}[0] < ${$b}[0]) {
      prt( "-[".${$a}[0]."] < [".${$b}[0]."]\n" ) if $verb3;
      return -1;
   if (${$a}[0] > ${$b}[0]) {
      prt( "+[".${$a}[0]."] < [".${$b}[0]."]\n" ) if $verb3;
      return 1;
   prt( "=[".${$a}[0]."] < [".${$b}[0]."]\n" ) if $verb3;
   return 0;
sub mycmp_decend {
   if (${$a}[0] < ${$b}[0]) {
      prt( "+[".${$a}[0]."] < [".${$b}[0]."]\n" ) if $verb3;
      return 1;
   if (${$a}[0] > ${$b}[0]) {
      prt( "-[".${$a}[0]."] < [".${$b}[0]."]\n" ) if $verb3;
      return -1;
   prt( "=[".${$a}[0]."] < [".${$b}[0]."]\n" ) if $verb3;
   return 0;
# My particular 'nice number'
sub get_nn { # perl nice number nicenum add commas
   my ($n) = shift;
   if (length($n) > 3) {
      my $mod = length($n) % 3;
      my $ret = (($mod > 0) ? substr( $n, 0, $mod ) : '');
      my $mx = int( length($n) / 3 );
      for (my $i = 0; $i < $mx; $i++ ) {
         if (($mod == 0) && ($i == 0)) {
            $ret .= substr( $n, ($mod+(3*$i)), 3 );
         } else {
            $ret .= ',' . substr( $n, ($mod+(3*$i)), 3 );
      return $ret;
   return $n;
# NOTE WELL: This is highly specialised, and will NOT
# run unless you have a batch file, zip8.bat in the
# PATH ...
sub get_zip_txt($) {
   my ($f) = shift;
   my $rd = "tempzips.txt";
   if ( -f $rd) {
      #prt("Removing [$rd] ...\n");
      unlink $rd;
   # use MY zip8.bat to get CONTENTS
   # NOTE WELL: This is MY zip listing BAT file, using the WINZIP
   # command line interface. THIS MUST BE ADJUSTED TO GET RESULTS!!!
   my @zargs = ('zip8','-vb',$f, '>', $rd);
   my $result = system(@zargs);
   open ZIN, "<$rd" or die "Unable to open $rd ...\n";
   my @arr = <ZIN>;
   close ZIN;
   my $inblk = 0;
   my $rmsg = '';
   ##print "Got ".scalar @arr." lines ...\n";
   foreach my $ln (@arr) {
      chomp $ln;
      $ln =~ s/\r$//;
      ###print "$ln\n";
      if ($ln =~ /-----\s+----/) {
         if ($inblk) {
            $inblk = 0;
         } else {
            $inblk = 1;
      } elsif ($inblk) {
         $rmsg .= "$ln\n";
   prt( "For file [$f], got zip text -\n" ) if ($dbg8);
   prt( $rmsg ) if ($dbg8);
   return $rmsg;
sub next_js_file {
   my $nf = $firstzlf;      # like 'tempziplst01.js';
   while (check_filename($nf)) {
      $nf = next_filename_num($nf);
   return $nf;
sub in_added {
   my ($fil, @add) = @_;
   foreach my $fl (@add) {
      if ($fil eq $fl) {
         return 1;
   return 0;
# ======================================================
# the services are in tooltip.js, obtainable from say
# it provides a TOOLTIP popup, when the mouse
# is hovered over a ZIP file.
# This function generates the list of functions needed
# for the $do_cnt items in @dir_objs array.
# there is a NUMBERED function 'dispnn' for each entry.
# ======================================================
sub add_js_script($) {
   my ($fh) = shift;
   my ($jsfile, $JSF, $sfh);
   $sfh = $fh;
   print $fh <<EOF;
<script language="javascript"
   if ($extjsfile) {
      $jsfile = next_js_file();
      open $JSF, ">$jsfile" or mydie( "ERROR: Can NOT create $jsfile! ... $! ...\n" );
      print $fh <<EOF;
<script language="javascript"
      print $JSF "/* $jsfile - generated by $pgmname, on ";
      print $JSF scalar localtime(time());
      print $JSF " */\n\n";
      $fh = $JSF;
   } else {
      print $fh <<EOF;
<script type="text/javascript"
<!-- // begin
   for (my $i = 0; $i < $do_cnt; $i++) {
      # added time, file, size, md5, zip contents
      #                   0,          1,    2,         3,    4,   5,     6  7,    8
      # push(@dir_obj2, [ $sb->mtime, $ffn, $sb->size, $md5, $zt, $desc, 0, DISP, REF ]);
      my $ii = $i + 1;
      my $zt = $dir_objs[$i][4];
      my $sn = subactdir( $dir_objs[$i][1] );
      my $func = "function disp$ii() {\n";
      my @zarr = split(/\n/,$zt); # split per line of unzip -vb text ...
      my $zcnt = scalar @zarr;
      my $cl = '';
      my $mxlen = 0;
      my $len = 0;
      my $cnt = 0;
      my $fline = '';
      my $ffn = '';
      my @added = ();
      $func .= " var msg = 'File $sn contains:<br>';\n";
      prt( "Adding zip text\n$zt lines=$zcnt ...\n" ) if ($dbg9);
      if ($use_full_zl) {
         foreach $cl (@zarr) {
            $cnt++; # bump the count
            $cl =~ s/\\/\//g; # subtitute DOS '\' for web/unix '/' globally
            # eg  msg += '    5168    1312  75%  30/01/2005  12:10  Atlas/Map/Map.vcproj<br>';
            $fline = " msg += '";
            $fline .= $cl;
            if ($cnt < $zcnt) {
               $fline .= "<br>";
            $fline .= "';\n";
            $func .= $fline;
            if ($dbg11) {
               prt( "Added $fline" );
               if (substr($fline, length($fline)-1) ne "\n") {
            $len = length($cl);
            if ($len > $mxlen) {
               $mxlen = $len; # get max length
      } else {   # not FULL zip list, so suppress repeats, and nulls
         foreach $cl (@zarr) {
            $cnt++; # bump the count
            $cl =~ s/\\/\//g; # subtitute DOS '\' for web/unix '/' globally
            # eg  msg += '    5168    1312  75%  30/01/2005  12:10  Atlas/Map/Map.vcproj<br>';
            my @zlarr = split(/ /,trim_all($cl));
            my $sc = scalar @zlarr;
            prt( "Space split count = $sc for [".trim_all($cl)."] ...\n" ) if ($dbg10);
            if ($sc < 6) {
               mydie( "\nSPLIT IS LESS THAN 6!\n" );
            my $fn = $zlarr[5];
            if ($sc > 6) {
               # NOTE: This BREAKS if name contained double space, but it is just a representation ...
               for (my $j = 6; $j < $sc; $j++) {
                  $fn .= ' ';
                  $fn .= $zlarr[$j];   # put name back together
            ###$fline .= my_file_name( $zlarr[-1] );
            $ffn = my_file_name( $fn );
            if (length($ffn) && ($ffn ne '.') && !in_added($ffn, @added)) {
               push(@added, $ffn);
               $fline = " msg += '";
               $fline .= $ffn;
               $fline .= ', ' if ($cnt < $zcnt);
               $fline .= "';\n";
               $func .= $fline;
               if ($dbg11) {
                  prt( "Added $fline" ) if ($dbg11);
                  if (substr($fline, length($fline)-1) ne "\n") {
               $len = length($cl);
               if ($len > $mxlen) {
                  $mxlen = $len; # get max length
            } else {
               prt( "Discard ZL[$cl]...\n" ) if ($dbg12);
      $func .= " tt_width = tt_perchar * $mxlen;\n";
      $func .= " dispmsg(msg);\n";
      $func .= "}\n";
      print $fh $func;
   if ($extjsfile) {
      print $JSF "/* eof */\n";
      close $JSF;
   } else {
      print $fh <<EOF;
// end of script -->
sub my_file_title {
   my ($f) = shift;
   my @a = split(/\./, $f);
   my $cnt = scalar @a;
   if ($cnt > 1) {
      pop @a;
      return join( '.', @a);
   return $f;
sub show_descriptions {
   my $dc = scalar @descrips;
   prt( "Showing $dc descriptions ...\n" );
   for (my $j = 0; $j < $dc; $j++) {
      prt( "Name = $descrips[$j][0]\n");
      prt( "$descrips[$j][1]\n");
      prt( "$descrips[$j][2]\n");
sub get_description {
   #push(@descrips, [$filename, $filesrc, $fileexe] );
   my ($f) = shift;
   my $ll = length($f);
   my $dsc = '';
   my $fn = '';
   my $j = 0;
   $f =~ s/\.zip$//i;
   $ll = length($f);
   prt( "Seeking description for [$f] ...\n" ) if ($dbg6);
   my $pc = '';
   my $ise = 0;
   my $nch = '';
   for ($j = 0; $j < $ll; $j++) {
      my $ch = substr($f,$j,1);
      $nch = '';
      $nch = substr($f,$j+1,1) if (($j + 1) < $ll);
      if ($ch eq '-' ) {
         $pc = $ch;
      if ($ch =~ /\d/) {
         # is it a number PAIR
         if ((($j + 1) < $ll)&&($nch =~ /\d/)) {
            if (($ch eq '3')&&($nch eq '2')) {
               # except 32
            } else {
      $fn .= $ch;
      $pc = $ch;
   $ll = length($fn);
   prt( "Seeking description for [$fn] ($ll)...\n" ) if ($dbg6);
   if ($ll) {
      if ($pc =~ /e/i) {
         $fn = substr($fn,0,$ll);
         $ise = 1;
         prt( "Seeking description for [$fn] ($ll)...\n" ) if ($dbg6);
   if ($ll) {
      my $dc = scalar @descrips;
      for ($j = 0; $j < $dc; $j++) {
         my $d = $descrips[$j][0];
         if (($fn eq $d)||($fn =~ /$d/i)) {
            if ($ise) {
               $dsc = $descrips[$j][2];
            } else {
               $dsc = $descrips[$j][1];
   return $dsc;
sub in_excluded {
   my ($fn) = shift;
   foreach my $f (@excluded) {
      prt( "Checking [$f] with [$fn] ...\n" ) if ($dbg4);
      if ($f eq $fn) {
         prt( "Equal 1 excluded [$f] with [$fn] ...\n" ) if ($dbg4);
         return 1;
      if ($f =~ /^$fn$/i) {
         prt( "Equal 2 excluded [$f] with [$fn] ...\n" ) if ($dbg4);
         return 1;
   if ($excl_vcslns) {
      ###my @wildexclds = qw( vc?sln??.zip fgvc?rt??.zip );
      if ($fn =~ /vc\d{1}sln\d{2}.zip/i) {
         return 1;
      if ($fn =~ /fgvc\d{1}rt\d{2}.zip/i) {
         return 1;
   prt( "Not found  [$fn] ...\n" ) if ($dbg4);
   return 0;
sub in_desclist {
   my ($d) = shift;
   foreach my $dsc (@desclist) {
      if ($dsc eq $d) {
         return 1;
   return 0;
sub get_desc_txt {
   if( open DF, "<$descfile" ) {
      @lines = <DF>;
      close DF;
      $lncnt = scalar @lines;
      prt( "Openned $descfile, with $lncnt lines ...\n" );
      ###foreach $line (@lines) {
      for (my $i = 0; $i < $lncnt; $i++ ) {
         $line = $lines[$i];
         chomp $line;
         $line = trim_all($line);
         if (length($line) && (substr($line,0,1) ne '#')) {
            $filename = $line;
            prt( "Ln $i [$line] ...\n" ) if ($dbg1);
            $filesrc = '';
            $fileexe = '';
            for ( ; $i < $lncnt; $i++ ) {
               $line = $lines[$i];
               chomp $line;
               $line = trim_all($line);
               if (length($line) && (substr($line,0,1) ne '#')) {
                  prt( "Ln $i [$line] ...\n" ) if ($dbg1);
                  if ($line =~ /^Source:/i) {
                     prt( "Ln $i [$line] ... SOURCE\n" ) if ($dbg1);
                     $filesrc = $line;
                  } elsif ($line =~ /^Executable:/i) {
                     prt( "Ln $i [$line] ... EXECUTABLE\n" ) if ($dbg1);
                     $fileexe = $line;
                  } else {
                     prt( "WARNING: Line [$line] IGNORED!\n" );
                     push(@warnings, "WARNING: Line [$line] IGNORED!\n" );
               } else {
            if (length($filename) && (length($filesrc)||length($fileexe))) {
               prt( "push(\@descrips, [$filename, $filesrc, $fileexe] );...\n" ) if ($dbg1);
               push(@descrips, [$filename, $filesrc, $fileexe] );
            } else {
               prt( "WARNING: no push(\@descrips, [$filename, $filesrc, $fileexe] );!\n" );
               push(@warnings, "WARNING: no push(\@descrips, [$filename, $filesrc, $fileexe] );!\n" );
            $filename = '';
            $filesrc = '';
            $fileexe = '';
sub get_zip_list {
   my ($ind) = shift;
   if ( opendir( DIR, $ind ) ) {
      my @files = readdir(DIR);
      closedir DIR;
      foreach my $fil (@files) {
         if (($fil eq ".")||($fil eq "..")) {
         my $ff = $ind . "\\" . $fil;
         if ((-f $ff) && !in_excluded($fil)) {
            my ($nm,$dir,$ext) = fileparse( $fil, qr/\.[^.]*/ );
            if (lc($ext) eq '.zip') {
               my $bas = $nm;
               my $typ = '?';
               my $num = '00';
               if ($nm =~ /(\w+)([-e]{1})(\d{2})/) {
                  $bas = $1;
                  $typ = $2;
                  $num = $3;
                  ###prt( "Got $bas $typ $num ..\n" );
               } else {
                  if ($msvc_list) {
                     prt( "WARNING: [$fil] did not split normally ...\n" );
               my $zt = get_zip_txt($ff); # use MY unzip8.bat to get CONTENTS
               push(@zip_list, [$ff, $fil, $bas, $typ, $num, $zt]);
   } else {
      mydie( "ERROR: Unable to open $ind ... $! ...\n" );
sub get_zip_file_list {
   my ($zt, $fil) = @_;
   my @zarr = split(/\n/,$zt); # split per line of unzip -vb text ...
   my $zcnt = scalar @zarr;
   my $cl = '';
   my $ffn = '';
   my $nzt = '';
   my $cnt = 0;
   my @zlist = ();
   foreach $cl (@zarr) {
      # $cl =~ s/\\/\//g; # subtitute DOS '\' for web/unix '/' globally
      # eg  msg += '    5168    1312  75%  30/01/2005  12:10  Atlas/Map/Map.vcproj<br>';
      my @zlarr = split(/ /,trim_all($cl));
      my $sc = scalar @zlarr;
      prt( "Space split count = $sc for [".trim_all($cl)."] ...\n" ) if ($dbg10);
      if ($sc < 6) {
         mydie( "\nSPLIT IS LESS THAN 6!\n" );
      my $fn = $zlarr[5];
      if ($sc > 6) {
         # NOTE: This BREAKS if name contained double space, but it is just a representation ...
         for (my $j = 6; $j < $sc; $j++) {
            $fn .= ' ';
            $fn .= $zlarr[$j];   # put name back together
      $fn =~ s/\\/\//g;
      push(@zlist, $fn) if (length($fn));
   foreach $cl (@zlist) {
      $nzt .= ", " if length($nzt);
      $nzt .= $cl;
   $cnt = scalar @zlist;
   prt( "\nFor file $fil, got list: ($cnt) from ($zcnt) lines\n$nzt\n" ) if ($dbg10);
   return $nzt;
##my $rel = get_relative_path( $htm_folder, $my_folder ); added 20070820
# seems to work fine ... still under test!!!
sub get_relative_path {
   my ($target, $fromdir) = @_;
   my ($colonpos, $path, $posval, $diffpos, $from, $to);
   my ($tlen, $flen);
   my $retrel = "";
   $target = dos_2_unix($target);
   $fromdir = dos_2_unix($fromdir);
   # add '/' to target. if missing
   if (substr($target, length($target)-1, 1) ne '/') {
      $target .= '/';
   # remove drive, if present
    if ( ( $colonpos = index( $target, ":" ) ) != -1 ) {
      $target = substr( $target, $colonpos+1 );
   if ( ( $colonpos = index( $fromdir, ":" ) ) != -1 ) {
        $fromdir = substr( $fromdir, $colonpos+1 );
   $to = $target;
   $from = $fromdir;
   $path = "../";
   $posval = 0;
   $retrel = "";
#   // Step through the paths until a difference is found (ignore slash, backslash differences
#   // or the end of one is found
   while ( substr($from,$posval,1) && substr($to,$posval,1) ) {
      if ( substr($from,$posval,1) eq substr($to,$posval,1) ) {
      } else {
         last; # break;
   # // Save the position of the first difference
   $diffpos = $posval;
   # // Check if the directories are the same or
   # // the if target is in a subdirectory of the fromdir
   if ( ( !substr($from,$posval,1) ) &&
       ( substr($to,$posval,1) eq "/" || !substr($to,$posval,1) ) )
      # // Build relative path
      $retrel = substr( $target, $posval+1, length( $target ) );
   } else {
      # // find out how many "../"'s are necessary
      # // Step through the fromdir path, checking for slashes
      # // each slash encountered requires a "../"
      while ( substr($from,$posval,1) ) {
         # // Check for slash
         if ( substr($from,$posval,1) eq "/" ) { # || ( substr($from,$posval,1) eq "\\" ) ) {
            # // Found a slash, add a "../"
            $path .= "../";
      # // Search backwards to find where the first common directory
      # // as some letters in the first different directory names
      # // may have been the same
      while ( ( substr($to,$diffpos,1) ne "/" ) && substr($to,$diffpos,1) ) {
      # // Build relative path to return
      $retrel = $path . substr( $target, $diffpos+1, length( $target ) );
   ###prt( "Returning [$retrel] ...\n" );
   return $retrel;
sub next_filename_num {
   my ($ff) = shift;
   my $nfil = $ff;
   my ($nm, $dir, $ext) = fileparse( $ff, qr/\.[^.]*/ );
   my $nl = length($nm);
   my $num = '';
   my $bgn = '';
   for (my $i = 0; $i < $nl; $i++) {
      my $ch = substr($nm,$i,1);
      if ($ch =~ /\d/) {
         $num .= $ch;
      } else {
         $bgn .= $num;
         $bgn .= $ch;
         $num = '';
   if (length($num)) {
   } else {
      $num = '01';
   $nfil = $bgn.$num.$ext;
   return $nfil;
sub check_filename {
   my ($ff) = shift;
   if ( -f $ff ) {
      ###prt( "Found file [$ff] ...\n" );
      return 1;
   ###prt( "File [$ff] not found ...\n" );
   return 0;
sub my_file_name {
   my ($fil) = shift;
   my ($nam,$dir,$ext) = fileparse($fil, qr/\.[^.]*/ );
   $nam .= $ext if (length($ext));
   return $nam;
# eof -

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