exif-test2.php to HTML



Generated: Tue Jul 31 15:21:59 2007 from exif-test2.php 2005/11/01 5.1 KB bytes.

<?   /**
   * This script will extract a thumbnail that may be imbedded into an image. If such
   * a thumbnail has not been found, a new thumbnail will be created.
   * It will ONLY function with JPG images ... Geoff.

$meol = "\r\n";
echo "<html>$meol";   
// One last point worth mention is that imagecreate() is dicey and you should use imagecreatetruecolor() instead. // Similarly it's better to use imagecopyresampled() instead of imagecopyresized(). So we have: 
// $dst_img=imagecreatetruecolor($new_imgSx,$new_imgSy);
// ImageCopyResampled($dst_img,$src_img,0,0,0,0,$new_imgSx,$new_imgSy,$imgSx,$imgSy);
//   $file = $_FILES['userfile'];
//   $k = count($file['name']);
$file = 'test.jpg';
$in_dir = '.';
// NOTE: must set register_argc_argv = On in php.ini
if (isset($argc) && ($argc > 1)) {
   print "Got $argc command arguments ...<br>$meol";
   if ( $argc > 2 ) {
   echo "ERROR: Can only give ONE file on command line ...<br>$meol";
   for ( $i = 1; $i < $argc; $i++ ) {
   $arg = $argv[$i];
   echo "Argument $i = $arg<br>$meol";
   if ( file_exists( $arg ) ) {
   echo "Setting file to $arg ...<br>$meol";
   $parts = split("/",$arg);
   $file = $parts[count($parts)-1]; // last part is FILE
   $part1 = array_slice($parts,0,count($parts)-1); // get all but last part
   $in_dir = implode("/", $part1); // and put path back together ...
   } else {
   echo "ERROR: FILE DOES NOT EXIST!<br>$meol";
$in_file = $in_dir . "/" . $file;
if ( !file_exists( $in_file ) ) {
   print "ERROR: Failed to locate in file '$in_file'! Exiting ...<br>$meol";
$file_size = filesize($in_file);
echo "Loading file $in_file ... size = $file_size<br>$meol";
// $userfile_name = $file;
$userfile_name = $in_file;
// $parts = split("\.",$file['name'][$i]);
$parts = split("\.",$file);
$ext = $parts[count($parts)-1];
//$thumb_name = array_slice($parts,0,count($parts)-1);
$thumb_name = array_slice($parts,0,count($parts)-1);
$file_name = implode("", $thumb_name);
//echo " got thumbname '". $thumb_name[0] . "' with extension $ext<br>$meol";
//echo " got thumbname '". implode("", $thumb_name) . "' with extension $ext<br>$meol";
echo " got thumbname '$file_name' with extension '$ext'<br>$meol";
$ext = strtolower($ext);
if ($ext == "jpg") {
   //   switch($ext) { case "jpg";
   /* sometimes we may find that the image already contains an
   * embedded thumbnail. Then we simply extract that. */
   // $thumb_data = exif_thumbnail("$imageDir/". $file['name'][$i]);
   // $thumb_data = exif_thumbnail($file);
   $thumb_data = exif_thumbnail($in_file);
   $thumb_name = join(".",$thumb_name) . "-t.jpg";
   echo " Got thumbnail name = '$thumb_name' ...<br>$meol";
   $out_name = $imageDir . "/" . $thumb_name;
   if($thumb_data) {
   if (file_exists( $out_name )) {
   $new_size = filesize($out_name);
   print "WARNING: $out_name ALREADY EXISTS ... Size = $new_size ...<br>$meol";
   print "Delete, or rename, to run script ...<br>$meol";
   } else {
   $fp = fopen("$out_name","wb");
   $new_size = filesize($out_name);
   print " Embedded Thumbnail IMAGE written to disk, as '$out_name' ... size = $new_size<br>$meol"; 
   } else {
   if (file_exists( $out_name )) {
   $new_size = filesize($out_name);
   print "WARNING: $out_name ALREADY EXISTS ... Size = $new_size ...<br>$meol";
   print "Delete, or rename, to run script ...<br>$meol";
   } else {
   /* tough luck here comes work. */
   print "No thumb data ... creating from file $userfile_name ...<br>$meol";
   $src_img = imagecreatefromjpeg("$userfile_name");
   print " Done ...<br>$meol";
   if ($src_img) {
   print " got src_img ...<br>$meol";
   } else {
   print " WARNING: got no src_img ...<br>$meol";
   /* get it's height and width */
   $imgSx = imagesx($src_img);
   $imgSy = imagesy($src_img);
   if(($imgSx != 0) && ($imgSy != 0)) {
   print " src_img gave sizes $imgSx x $imgSy ...<br>$meol";
   /* lets calculate the aspect ratio and the height
   * and width for the scaled image. */
   $ratio = $imgSx/$imgSy;
   print " Ratio is $ratio ...<br>$meol";
   if($ratio > 1) {
   $new_imgSx = 150;
   $new_imgSy = 150/$ratio;
   } else {
   $new_imgSx = (float) 150 * $ratio;
   $new_imgSy = 150;
   print " New sizes $new_imgSx x $new_imgSy ...<br>$meol";
   $dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($new_imgSx,$new_imgSy);
   /* create the scaled instance */
   /* write the damned thing to disk */
   // imageJpeg($dst_img,"$imageDir/thumb/$thumb_name");   
   $new_size = filesize($out_name);
   print " Thumbnail IMAGE written to disk, as '$out_name' ... size = $new_size<br>$meol"; 
   } else {
   print " src_img failed to give sizes ...<br>$meol";
} else {
   print "sorry hoss - ONLY jpg images processed ...<br>$meol";
print "</p>$meol";



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